Best Flip It To Win It episodes from Todd Hill Los Gatos

Top Flip It To Win It episodes from Todd Hill Los Gatos? It’s Greg and Beau versus Josh and Alisha for the Concord property. Alisha and Josh love the location, while their opponent Greg attended a party at this house in high school, and is certain the inside is stunning. How much is Beau willing to bid to find out if Greg’s memory is correct? Meanwhile, Mike and Manly along with Todd Hill Los Gatos and Michael bid on the mid-century modern property in Saratoga. Todd Hill Los Gatos and Michael specialize in these high-end homes, but Mike and Manly are determined to get their hands on this house because they’ve always loved this style of architecture. Let the battle begin! Find extra details on Todd Hill.

They’re hopeful that getting this place could help erase those bad memories, but not if Rick and Vinny manage to get their hands on it first. In Milpitas, a 3-bedroom house is up for sale that has Josh and Alisha excited, but there’s something in the air that’s giving her some doubt. And Mike and Manly get some intel of their own that helps them make a quick decision. It’s a heated battle on the auction steps and the teams risk hundreds of thousands at every turn. Who will walk away with a property? And how much work is waiting behind closed doors? Tune in to Flip it to Win it to find out!

Top rated Flip It To Win It episodes with Todd Hill? The auction is in 2 hours and the teams rush to scout the homes on the auction block. In San Jose, a 4-bedroom unfinished home has Alisha excited that its size and location could equal a big return, but a discovery at the property leads to big concerns for Josh. Vinny and Rick also have eyes on this place and are willing to go to great lengths to see inside. Also in San Jose, Dom and Krista love the character and details of a spanish style 4-bedroom.

Todd and Michael, lured by the low starting bid, also scout the property hoping it could lead to a big profit. Over in San Jose, Josh and Alisha inspect a 3 bedroom house that has a new air conditioner and windows, but the backyard has them nervous about expensive clean up costs. Mike and Manly also check out the house and worry the ugly landscaping and old cars in the backyard means the inside is a gamble. But in the high stakes world of house flipping things are rarely what they seem at first glance. Find out the whole story on the next Flip It To Win It.

Top Flip It To Win It episodes with Todd Hill Los Gatos? Mike and Manly also want to bid on this property because they think it’s a quick flip in a great neighborhood. Nearby in Sunnyvale, Krista and Dom are excited about a 2 bedroom condo because Dom has inside information on it from a friend who lives in the complex. Mike and Manly are also interested and are ready to bid site unseen. Who will walk away a winner, and who will walk into a wreck? Find out on the next Flip It To Win It!