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Quality Christmas decorations online store? A few years later, a Viennese man Edwin Perzy developed the same idea when researching a way to improve operating room lights. A glass globe filled with water creates a magnifying lens by increasing refraction. To enhance the reflected light, Perzy put ground glass in the water. When it quickly sank, he tried semolina which floated slowly to the bottom of the globe. It did nothing to improve the light quality, but the snowfall inspired him to make his first snow globe: a reproduction of a Viennese shrine in a glass bulb with water, magnesium powder and rock. The snow domes were exquisitely and painstakingly produced and are still in production today where they make around 200,000 a year outside of Vienna. Read additional details at gifts for Christmas online store.

When it comes to breakfast, all of us have our own preferences, likes and dislikes when it comes to what’s on the plate. If you know exactly what they like, then this part should be easy enough! However, if you’re a bit stuck for ideas, there’s a few easy breakfast in bed ideas you simply can’t go wrong with: Toast, Eggs (Scrambled, Fried), Bacon, Sausages, Cereal. When it comes to serving up delicious breakfast drinks, you can be as adventurous as you like. It goes without saying that most people love a good strong cup of tea or coffee in the morning, however there are plenty more ideas you could try if you’re looking for an alternative.

Buying clothes for your children once the teenage years approach is a whole new challenge. Suddenly they have very strong opinions on what they will – and crucially won’t – wear, are hyper-conscious of what their friends think and won’t be seen dead in that unicorn t-shirt/dinosaur jumper they used to love. With so many brands still only offering teens bigger versions of clothes designed for young children, New Look is a godsend. Their 915 range bridges the gap between kiddie fashion and adult’s style brilliantly, with accurate sizes that work on growing bodies and youthful touches so clothes don’t seem overly grown-up. Their new autumn/winter seasons even features popular teen influencers Grace Conder and Amelie Hobson alongside 10-year-old Ava, who contacted New Look to explain she felt under-represented in stores and on social media. Clothes-wise, expect well-priced basics including cropped, pastel-coloured cardigans, ripped jeans, knit hoodies and sweatshirts and joggers your teen will live in all winter.

Jewelry as a gift always makes people happy. Everyone likes to receive a piece of jewelry that was chosen carefully by a loved one. Even though jewelry has always been a perfect gift, it still continues to surprise and move people. To express your love, your friendship, your tenderness, your recognition or any other sentiment, there isn’t anything better than a piece of jewelry. It leaves a lasting impression. Bonus points for presentation. Part of giving jewelry is setting the stage – and you can make the presentation just as special as the gift! This Christmas, give a ring in an ornament, tie it to mistletoe, or put it in the bottom of a stocking – and have your loved one open it last.

However, it was an Austrian man named Erwin Perzy who is widely considered to be its proper “inventor,” albeit accidentally. In 1900, while living outside Vienna, where he ran a medical instrument–supply business, Perzy was asked by a local surgeon to improve upon Thomas Edison’s then-new lightbulb, which the surgeon wanted made brighter for his operating room. Drawing upon a method used by shoemakers to make quasi-“spotlights,” Perzy placed a water-filled glass globe in front of a candle, which increased the light’s magnification, and sprinkled tiny bits of reflective glitter into the globe to help brighten it. But the glitter sank too quickly, so Perzy tried semolina flakes (commonly found in baby food) instead. They didn’t quite work, either, but the appearance of the small, white particles drifting around the globe reminded Perzy of snowfall—and he quickly filed the first official patent for a snow globe, or Schneekugel. By 1905, he was churning out dozens of handmade snow globes—often featuring small church figurines made from pewter—through his company, Firm Perzy. They became so popular among well-to-do Austrians that in 1908, Perzy was officially honored for his treasured item by Emperor Franz Joseph I. Discover more information on