10 games to play with your dog

The german shepherd? While a dog bed can’t technically be too big, just like how humans can’t technically have a bed that’s too big for them, you can pick one that has more room than you realize your dog actually needs. It’ll be up to you if you want your dog to have extra room or if you want to return it and get the next smaller size. If you’re not sure what size to order, you can start by measuring your dog from the tip of their nose to the base of their tail. That gives you a general idea of where to start and what to order.

Grooming is another essential aspect of dog parenthood. A healthy dog should be free from fleas and ticks, which is why you need to make sure your pup gets regular baths and grooming. Dogs with long fur and thick coats need frequent brushing and to always be checked for fleas, especially on warm weather. Should fleas appear, consult your vet for treatment solutions immediately. During cold weather, mats and ice balls can form beneath the paws so hair needs to be trimmed also. When carrying a puppy or a small dog, place one hand under the chest and support the hind legs or the rump with your other hand. Do the same when you have to lift a large dog.

In proportion to its jaws, a small dog’s teeth are often very large. Hence dental fragility which promotes, more than in large dogs, the formation of tartar. To protect it as much as possible, get your pooch used to “brushing” its teeth every day with a dental toy. Your little longhaired dog’s coat says a lot about: The care it receives at home. Poorly maintained, its coat will form knots, gradually become dull and lifeless. Groomed regularly, on the contrary, it will be supple and shiny. Its health. Hair that is brittle or falling outside of shedding periods, the appearance of dandruff or itchy skin should alert you. Reliable indicators of an ongoing pathology or a parasitic problem, they justify a visit to the veterinarian. Find even more details at the german shepherd.

Ears come in all kinds, because they can naturally take different shapes and sizes, especially if humans do not touch them. You can therefore observe short or long ears, straight or drooping ears, flexible or rather stiff. The amazing thing is that they are all mobile! Yes they move even when you don’t realize it. Its ears are therefore equipped with a minimum of 18 muscles per ear which allows it to control and move them in a more or less nuanced way. But the exact number of muscles will depend on the breed of your dog as some have around 100 muscles per ear. Which is why your dog can hear much better than you! Dogs with erect ears can hear better because their cone-shaped ears help focus sound waves. In all cases, dogs move their ears to facilitate hearing. Have you ever seen your dog “prick up” its ears when it heard a sudden sound? Have you ever seen your dog’s ears move like a periscope following the direction of sound without needing to move its head?

These are difficult times but being there for your pets will help to make the transition smoother for everyone. But it is also important to be flexible – the change to life in lockdown is tough for both pets and pet-parents. So if your dog or cat regresses in their training, or displays new undesirable behaviours, be patient and prepared to make adjustments. Seek guidance from a reputable trainer or counsellor if you feel that you need more help. But, above all else, enjoy this time. While the world feels so unfamiliar, our pets are a great source of joy; so it’s essential they feel safe too.

Your dog will only be active 20% of its day, which means it needs at least 12 to 14 hours of sleep a day. It is therefore essential for the dog’s health that it likes its sleeping place and that it seems comfortable to him! Which material to choose and which shape to choose? When we talk about dog beds, we can easily see that there are hundreds of different ones, because they are not all made of the same material! Your dog may therefore like several materials. In particular, you can find: plastic baskets and mats: plastic is durable and easy to maintain; leather baskets: leather is damaged quickly, but your dog can find some comfort in it; fleece and fabric rugs: these are often very pleasant for dogs, but can be difficult to clean because the hairs gets stuck in them. Discover more information at https://doggeekz.com/.