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SEO rules and white hat methods change every year so here are some SEO advices for best results in 2019. Google algorithm updates in 2018 revealed that Google is intensifying its focus on evaluating content quality and at the depth and breadth of a website’s content, said Eric Enge, general manager of Perficient Digital. “We tracked the SEO performance of a number of different sites,” Enge said. “The sites that provided exceptional depth in quality content coverage literally soared in rankings throughout the year. Sites that were weaker in their content depth suffered in comparison.” Enge said he expects to see the trend of Google rewarding sites that provide the best in-depth experiences continuing in 2019. “Google was continually tuning their algorithms in this area throughout the year, and I believe there is still a lot more tuning for them to do,” Enge added.

Everybody loves featured snippets—those handy text boxes that pop up when we search and provide quick answers to our questions without needing to click a link. They’re becoming a particularly important part of the UX as convenience becomes the norm and mobile and voice searches rise in prominence. Below is an example featured snippet…on featured snippets! But their role in good old-fashioned web SEO can’t be overstated—according to research from HubSpot, content with featured snippets doubled their click-through rates. While the exact process for selecting this snippets isn’t precisely known, HubSpot’s research identified a few trends. Every site has a few, and they’re not always a big deal. But when your site has hundreds, or thousands, it can be detrimental to your SEO. Zombie pages bloat your sitemap with numerous pages that Google deems low-quality, as they earn no traffic or engagement.

WordPress SEO tip : WordPress is so popular today because you can have a website up and running in the time it takes to down a hot mug of coffee. Thanks to WordPress themes and plugins, anybody (and I mean anybody) can build a professional website in no time. But that’s only true if you pick the perfect theme and plugins. In terms of WordPress SEO the themes and plugins you pick should be SEO-friendly from the get go. Obviously, you can start with any theme and any set of plugins, but SEO-ready ones give you the head-start you need to take Google by storm. What do you need to look out for when choosing your WordPress and plugins? Firstly, your choice should utilize clean and valid HTML. If the structure of your theme is all over the place, you are going to have problems not only with your WordPress SEO, but also with your design. Look for themes that utilize the canonical URL meta tag. A canonical URL meta what? This is just a fancy term for a certain type of meta tag that stores the top URL of your page. If it’s your homepage, the canonical URL meta tag will store your domain name. If it’s a post, the tag will store the URL of the post.

Practical tip: In 2019 it will be even more difficult to be visible in the top positions of the SERPs. For the optimization of your website, you need to be even more strategic about which goals you want to achieve and which are achievable. If you want to be top-ranked with your content in Featured Snippets, especially when it comes to knowledge questions, consider putting question & answer sequences on the page. Tables with structured information can also provide a listing above the organic results. Even if the competition for the top positions will become more fierce, with regard to featured snippets, “smaller” sites also have a good chance of high rankings if they provide well-structured answers that Google can use.

Google would rank the websites on many criteria. Website owners would not know the criteria clearly. This is where the service of a qualified website company can work wonders and Private blog network services is a company that has met the expectations of the clients and has done service to many clients spread across globally. We have ensured worth SEO services, guest post service, and link building service spanning too many clients spread across the globe. Read more details at My private network.