Flight booking tricks

Bangkok shopping pick : Pan Tip Plaza One-stop-shop for electronics: Its hundreds of shops make up a massive place for electronics of all kinds. From computer hardware and software to tech-related gadgets. You name it, Pantip Plaza has it. Best place to buy computers in Thailand: It is simply because many of large computer shops in this building have their main focus on wholesaling computer and its equipment from popular brands. So buyers have many options to choose from and can get things at competitive and wholesale prices.

If you think Siam Paragon is gargantuan, wait till you know about Central World right next to Siam Paragon. Overall, its area size is a whopping 830,000 square metres dedicated to the retail shops, restaurants and entertainment. This makes Central World the largest shopping mall in the country and one of the world’s biggest. With a size this big, one only ought to say that it has everything from luxury boutiques, the newest technology, gourmet restaurants, entertaiment and so much more. It also houses an ice-skating rink and an outdoor venue for big events such as Bangkok’s New Year countdown celebration. I actually stood here celebrating the New Year in 2014, what an experience! Read more travel advices about Paris, Bangkok or Los Angeles on Things to do in Paris.

No attraction is more likely to take visitors’ breathe away than the Grand Palace. Visitors kill two birds with one stone by visiting these historical grounds, as this is where the shimmering Wat Phra Kaew is also found. The white exterior walls keep the relics hidden from the public up until the moment they enter. Upon paying the B500 entrance fee, visitors will behold an abundance of traditional Thai architecture making up the majority of buildings found on the grounds, of which there are more than 100. Some areas were greatly inspired by the European renaissance era, which visitors may catch glimpses of as they explore the three main zones which make up the Grand Palace.

A short etymology on the name is that this mall stands where the British Embassy was located in the early days and therefore has given the shopping mall its name Central Embassy. But enough talk of history, let’s fast forward the mall’s present. Central Embassy emphasises its classy touch through a white and neat minimalist interior and futuristic design. It is actually dubbed as the most luxurious mall in Bangkok for its expansive designer boutiques, fine-dining restaurants offering world-class cuisine, high-end movie theatres and a planned 6-star hotel. Your luxury shopping feel starts as you enter and see the swanky displays of Gucci, Givency, Prada, Vivienne Westwood, Michael Kors and so much more.

A sumptuous palace that was once the home of France’s Kings, the Louvre is the most important of Paris’ top museums. Visitors enter the museum in the courtyard of the palace at the glass pyramid (designed by Ieoh Ming Pei in 1917). The Louvre Museum possesses more than 30,000 artworks (many considered masterpieces)-from antiquities to European paintings of the 15th to 19th centuries. It is impossible to see it all in one visit, but tourists can focus on a particular gallery, such as classical sculpture, Italian Renaissance art, or 17th-century French paintings, or take a self-guided tour to see the Louvre Museum’s highlights. The most famous piece is the Mona Lisa or La Gioconda (or La Joconde in French) painted by Leonardo da Vinci in 1503-1505. Other exceptional works are the ancient Venus de Milo sculpture, the monumental Victory of Samothrace of the Hellenistic period, the immense Wedding Feast at Cana painting by Veronese (1563), and Botticelli’s frescoes. Also a must-see is Liberty Leading the People (1831) by Eugene Delacroix, depicting the Parisian uprising of July 27th to 29th, 1830 known as “Trois Glorieuses” (“Three Glorious Days”).

History buffs in particular will want to devote at least half a sightseeing day to the national museum, if not more. Until the mid-1970s, this was Thailand’s only museum, which explains why its collection is so big. Fortunately, just about every exhibit is labeled in Thai and English and guided tours are also offered in English, so you won’t miss out on any of the country’s fascinating ancient and contemporary history. The old Wang Na Palace built by Rama I remains essentially as it was, and stands as a testament to Thai history. Visitors can see regalia, religious and ceremonial artifacts, ceramics, games, weaponry, musical instruments and the Viceroy’s throne, as well as an impressive collection of Buddha figures arranged according to period. Source: cheap hotels.

Paris shopping pick : Boulevard Saint Germain, Bon Marche & Rue du Bac: Running through the elegant 7th arrondissement, the heart of Saint-Germain-des-Pres and into the lively Latin Quarter, Boulevard Saint Germain is a street shoppers won’t want to miss in Paris. Starting at the Seine River in the 7th, this pretty street is lined with trees and beautiful Parisian buildings. It’s a great spot for home decor shops, fashion boutiques and gourmet food shops. As you reach the intersection with Rue du Bac and Boulevard Raspail, you’ll enter a fabulous shopping neighborhood. Follow Boulevard Raspail down to Rue de Rennes, and along the way you’ll find many interesting stores, including Genevieve Lethu for dishes, tablecloths and so on (95 Rue de Rennes). Plastiques (103 Rue de Rennes) is great for home gift ideas, including cool cheese trays, salad bowls out of clear plastic with Provencal flowers inside and so on.

To discover the legendary Paris cafes, the best place to start is the Boulevard Saint-Germain in the 6th arrondissement. This broad tree-lined boulevard is lined with designer fashion boutiques, prestigious cafes, and classic brasseries. The most celebrated cafes are the Cafe de Flore (172 Boulevard Saint-Germain), which was the meeting place of Jean Paul Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir, and the Cafe des Deux Magots (6 Place Saint-Germain-des-Pres), the haunt of James Joyce, Picasso, Hemingway, and other creative types. At both cafes, tourists are treated to a classic Parisian cafe experience, complete with waiters wearing bow ties (although the waiters have a reputation for their brusque service). The brasseries of Boulevard Montparnasse were also frequented by famous artists and writers. Le Dome in Montparnasse is a Paris institution (108 Boulevard du Montparnasse). In its glittering Art Deco dining room, the restaurant serves gourmet cuisine focused on seafood.

Paris restaurant pick : It’s been a while since an outstanding restaurant opened in the historic Latin Quarter, which is why Cambodian-born Tomy Gousset’s new place has been such a hit. Here, the chef — who spent time in the New York restaurant scene — preps a first-rate small-plates menu that will please both vegetarians and carnivores. Standout dishes include the savory pancake with guanciale; a breaded free-range pork cutlet with a fried egg, black rice, red cabbage, and curry sauce; and a black chocolate tart with puffed buckwheat and cappuccino ice cream. It’s an instant local favorite.