Best offshore hosting company

Quality and affordable offshore server firm: You can use Offshore Hosting for both personal websites and business websites. If you’re running a small business it’s always good to be able to save money on costs, especially when you don’t need high amounts of bandwidth or disk space like large corporations and companies do. If you’re a larger business and wish to save on costs though, then we suggest that you check out Offshore dedicated servers from Lyrahosting located in Netherlands, which provide the security and privacy of an Offshore Web Host with high powered hardware and speed for businesses that need it. See more details on 10gbps dedicated server.

Security threats for a website are all around us, whether it’s hacking attacks, phishing or DDoS attacks. Offshore web hosts will keep your website and your account secure at all times. They perform around-the-clock internal audits to ensure the security of your site, collect the minimum amount of data on clients, and encrypt data before they store it. Offshore web hosts protect their servers with a high-tech DDoS protection system and allow you to create an account anonymously. The anonymity that offshore hosting providers offer doesn’t only apply to data, which they keep safe from invasion and treat them as confidential. Offshore hosting providers also prevent identity theft by providing several levels of identity protection. Offshore hosting providers will also protect your website, and by that we mean the content you publish, from a ban that might come from some government, company or individual, who find it illegitimate, with or without probable cause.

Some offshore hosting solutions like even provide anonymous access to Control Panel. Thanks to their onion site, you can access your Control Panel with privacy orientated Tor browser. “The Onion Router,” is an entirely free, open-source privacy network that enables users to browse the web without leaving any digital footprint. All online traffic is encrypted and routed through different Tor relays. So it won’t be possible to reveal your identity based on your browsing activity.

The ancient saying “knowledge is power” has evolved into a more current and realistic form: “Data is money,” as the world moves further and farther into the digital era. There are troves of priceless, usable information concealed within the millions of bits of data surrounding your customer interactions and company processes that are just waiting to be found and used. However, unless you have access to the appropriate cloud-computing solution, sorting through that data to discover these kernels may be quite challenging. Up to 24% more people are likely to increase their cloud usage if it is prioritized. For a bird’s-eye perspective of your data, several cloud-based storage options provide integrated cloud analytics. You may quickly deploy tracking systems and create custom reports to examine information across your whole business when your data is stored in the cloud. You may develop action plans to achieve corporate goals and boost efficiency as a result of those findings.

What is Shared Hosting? Imagine shared hosting as living in an apartment where you have to share places such as the pool, backyard, or a parking lot. In this case, your site will share the same resources, such as CPU, disk space, and memory with other users who are on the same shared hosting server. Shared hosting is the cheapest option among all. Unfortunately, your site might have limited bandwidth and will get slow when there’s a lot of traffic crowding websites on the same server as you are. You can enjoy the pool when it is not crowded, yet you still have to anticipate when everyone goes in, and things get cramped — shared hosting is a lot like that.

This is usually the case with Offshore Web Hosts who claim to be “offshore” but in reality their servers may actually be located in the same country as you, which kind of defeats the purpose. This is why you should always enquire where an “Offshore” Hosting company is not only registered and located, but where their servers are located as well. The main reason why they do this is because it allows them to offer products and services that may not be available through other Hosting Providers which are based in your country.

When you opt for offshore vps hosting, Offshore Dedicated Server or Shared WebHosting at lyrahosting, you have the advantage of protection from DDoS attacks. We have an efficient filtration system that has the ability to detect DDoS attacks before they occur. Consequently, most attacks are prevented at the source. Our technology has made it possible to recognise and act upon patterns on the type of traffic the website receives. As a result, any possible DDoS attack is nipped at the source. LyraHosting is offering a Multi-Layer DDoS Prevention to protect you from L3, L4 and L7 attacks.

If you are going to host controversial content of any sort, there is a possibility you will run afoul of one or more country’s laws, regulations, or cultural norms. The risk of punishment in the form of jail time, fines, and lawsuits, isn’t your only worry. Authorities in dictatorial countries may seek to remove your content from the internet. By serving your content from a country with robust protection of freedom of speech, you are more likely to be able to avoid having your content forcibly taken down.

For web developers, WordPress brings them the ability to realize their dream website design by using its easy to understand the templating system. On top of that, apart from already providing all its users with thousands upon thousands of free, responsive website templates, WordPress ecosystem is flooded with extensions that bring you drag-and-drop website design capability. A few of the prominent names in the plug-in ecosystem that are coupled with drag-and-drop functionality are Elementor, HeroCSS, etc. With this platform, you can go crazy and make the templates look nothing like they originally did, which gives you lots of flexibility and is ideal for those of us wanting a little bit more freedom.

Offshore dedicated servers come with many benefits, some of which are: When you decide to use offshore dedicated servers, you can enjoy more affordable prices. The charge for this type of web hosting may vary from one country to another. However, the price is typically lower than what you would pay for a domestic server. Want to learn more about dedicated server pricing? Check out our detailed breakdown. Discover extra information at

What can you host with our Offshore Hosting Services? You can use our offshore hosting solutions for the following: If you wish to host your data outside of your own country; If you do not want your data or identity to be shared with third parties; If you are seeking freedom of speech; If you wish to host legal age adult content, gambling, movie websites, etc. We know just how important data privacy is in the modern world. Our secure servers come with built in security mechanisms to protect your data from malicious intent why choose lyra hosting Your site, your content. We offer total flexibility of content when it comes to offshore hosting. When you need lightning fast hosting with flexibility, we’ve got you covered.

Why are your servers located in Netherlands? Power costs less in Netherlands than any other European or American city and an offshore hosting service can pass on these savings to customers. LyraHosting is a Company established in the Hosting industry and expanding since 2017. With hundreds of servers, our focus is entirely in the quality and professionalism.

Technical glitches may occur at times despite our best efforts. Just in case a glitch appears and the information or data goes missing, you need not hit the panic button. With our high-end offshore SSD VPS, all your documents are safely archived and can be retrieved easily, if the need arises. Offshore vps is not only a reliable alternative to regular webhosting but also affordable. At LyraHosting we have the ability to customise your usage plan according to your needs. Thus, instead of blanket charges, you only pay for the services you use, making hosting economically viable for you.