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WeeklyReviewer is your go to online newspaper for trending daily news! Stay updated on the important news. News, politics, health, finances, all major topics are covered by the WeeklyReviewer online news outlet. Let’s see what is going on around the world lately…

Oil sheds gains, stocks dip as Fed comes into focus : Oil shed some of its gains on Tuesday as the United States raised the possibility of releasing crude reserves, while stocks inched lower as investors waited for this week’s Federal Reserve meeting. Oil slips as market assesses fallout from Saudi attack : Oil prices declined on Tuesday but the market was on tenterhooks over the threat of retaliation for attacks on Saudi Arabian crude oil facilities that halved the kingdom’s output and prompted a price spike not seen in decades. See more news at More Daily News.

Another good online newspaper that i like : Newsday: To retain their current subscriber base, Newsday had one answer—give them more. According to Patrick Tornabene, vice president of audience development and analytics, they first experimented with opt-in products for an additional fee, but after seeing a low uptake and low retention numbers, they switched to a no-fee approach. “The results have been dramatic,” said Kim Como, Newsday communications manager. The first free opt-in product was a niche publication of games and puzzles called “Brain Benders Monthly,” a collection of crosswords, Sudoku, Jumbles, and kids’ pages. Launched in May 2016, the churn probability dropped an average of 12 percentage points, according to Tornabene, and in the first year, the publication yielded $3.5 million in retention revenue.

The New York Times : This is the most influential newspaper in the U.S. in my view. Its editorial page and some of its news coverage take a left-leaning, progressive view of the world. But the NYT also hews to ethical standards of reporting and the classic elements of journalism in America. That’s what helps the NYT remain, arguably, the agenda-setting news organization in America. It is a leader in business, politics and culture coverage. The Wall Street Journal : The largest circulation newspaper in the U.S., the WSJ made its bones as a business newspaper and pioneered new types of feature writing in American journalism (for example, its quirky middle-column feature called the “Ahed” and longer form, in-depth reports called “leders”). As the company was purchased by Australian media mogul Rupert Murdoch in 2007, the WSJ pivoted to cover more general news in addition to business news. The WSJ is still brand X among daily business publications in the world. Its editorial page is a bastion of American free-market conservatism, using the motto, “free markets, free people.” With former Republican speechwriters and strategists such as Karl Rove, Peggy Noonan and Bill McGurn writing columns, the WSJ editorial page is often a must-read for Republicans in Washington. And left-leaning readers should not dismiss the WSJ edit page just because they may disagree with its positions. It has won several Pulitzer Prizes for editorials and columns that feature a clear thesis, backed up by thorough fact-based reporting and bold arguments. Read more news on Dive Deeper weekly news reviews.

Latest health headlines : Race, income may impact U.S. oral cancer screening rates: Only about 1 in 3 U.S. adults say a dentist has ever examined them for oral cancer – and most of those who remember getting such exams are non-Hispanic whites, a new study suggests. Factbox: U.S. lawsuits take aim at vaping: Several deaths and potentially hundreds of illnesses have been tied to e-cigarettes, which allow users to inhale nicotine vapor, often flavored, without smoking. Lawsuits have been filed against e-cigarette maker Juul and more are expected amid increasing scrutiny. The following is a summary of how the litigation is playing out across the United States.