Apps & software groups on What’sApp

Looking for What’sApp groups on topics that you enjoy discussing about ? There are a lot groups on What’sApp but discovering them is quite hard, especially since many of them are not very known. We will give a few advices on who are the most popular WhatsApp groups by topics and also introduce you to a website that will make discovering groups much easier. is a website that makes finding gift & greetings groups on WhatsApp very easy. Feeling lonely? Wanting to talk ? This website can help you connect to groups where you will be able to discuss about your favorite topic. Let’s see who are the most popular What’sApp groups, on multiple topics.

WhatsApp will make your business appear in your customer’s chat box, which is normally reserved for friends. Suddenly your customer can chat with you without leaving the app and can continue talking to his buddies while “on the line” with customer service. There is no more tedious waiting or constant jumping between tabs. We don’t tend to think about WhatsApp when we think about our business, but it’s actually a really powerful channel that can help you in a lot of areas. After reading this article, we are sure you have some new ideas. Try them out and let us know the results. We have started a forum called ‘khichhik’ where we are aiming to create a platform for innovative minds to share their smallest of the smallest idea,whatever it may be, which he/she believes can make a difference and help the world to be a better place. We are currently working on to make its blueprint but till then you can join below WhatsApp group to share your thoughts/suggestions.

What’sApp groups are not only good for talking, it can also help your business. And why not? In today’s omnichannel world of texts, chats, posts, and tweets, consumers increasingly want to interact with businesses the same way they connect with their family and friends. It turns out that messaging apps—like WhatsApp, LINE, and Facebook messenger—are taking the lead as the preferred communication channels in use today. In fact, as the world’s most popular messaging channel, WhatsApp owns the leadership position with users in over 180 countries, unleashing over 60 billion messages every day. That’s why progressive businesses worldwide are excited about the potential of the WhatsApp platform. The WhatsApp Business API allows developers to build new experiences that reach even more people in even more parts of the world and result in even more effective customer engagements.

Do use it to make a good habit or break a bad one: There is great power in creating habits and breaking habits when you’re surrounded by like minded people. And that’s what WhatsApp group can help you do. For instance if you are struggling to meditate on the Word of God daily, how about creating a group of people facing a similar struggle and then you can daily encourage one and another to break this cycle. To quote from the bestselling book The Power of Habit: “There’s something really powerful about groups and shared experiences. People might be skeptical about their ability to change if they’re by themselves, but a group will convince them to suspend disbelief.” Read additional info on Whatsapp Groups.