Freemason rings shopping store

Searching for freemason rings but you don’t know where to start. First we will discuss a little about freemason rings history and after that we will suggest you the perfect place to buy them. Ever since the first modern masonic lodge was founded in the 1700s, masons have worn aprons, jewels and rings to signify their commitment to the craft. While there is no definitive “first masonic ring”, it is well known that precious metals such as gold and silver have always been used in the manufacture of rings for freemasons. A masonic ring is typically worn by master masons. When a mason first begins his journey, there are three initial rankings within the organization. The three levels are entered apprentice, journeyman, and master. As a brother completes certain tasks and rituals, they will advance to the next level. The masonic ring is a symbol of where each member stands in their journey as a Freemason. While some masons choose to wear rings before they earn their 3rd degrees, we recommend that you wait until AFTER you have been raised to master mason. Wearing a mason ring is a great way to express your pride in belonging to such a heralded tradition.

The masonic ring is first made with no ornamentation on its face. The symbol that the wearer would like to display is then engraved upon it. This is usually the masonic “square and compass,” the universal symbols of freemasonry. The ring may also feature the letter G in the middle. G symbolizes the word GAOTU, an acronym for great architect of the universe. The ring will feature these symbols raised on the surface.

While Masons are known as a group of believers, they do not identify with any one religion. Religion and Politics are banned topics of conversation among Masons. However, the Masonic ring does have a religious connotation. The ends of the square point up as a symbol of man’s aspirations toward God. The points of the compass point down to represent heavenly qualities coming down from God to earth.

Masonic badges are the iconic emblems of Freemasonry that represent truth and knowledge. They stand for purity and represents something else that is invisible. The square and compasses represent the fraternity of Freemasonry with an abstract idea. The symbols reflect the beliefs and traditions of brotherhood and teach symbolic lessons. The badge of Mason is considered a tool and is said to be more honorable than Golden Fleece or Roman Eagle. The masonic badge symbolizes new life or regeneration. They reminds us that the humanity’s thoughts are alwasy observed by the God, the Great Architect of the Universe.

The fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons has members from every ethnic group and every continent in the world. Brotherhood is a primary teaching of Masonry–that each person must be judged as an individual, on his own merits, and that such factors as race, national origin, religious creed, social status, or wealth are incidental to the person’s character. Freemasonry was brought to North America in the 1700s, a time when racial attitudes were very different from today. As happened with many churches and social organizations, these attitudes caused Freemasonry for African-American men to develop independently. In 1776 a group of African-American Masons in Boston began meeting as a Lodge; they were formally chartered by England in 1784 as African Lodge #459. African Lodge and its descendants developed a separate Grand Lodge system, known as Prince Hall Masonry (after the first Master of African Lodge). Prince Hall Grand Lodges ascribe to the same beliefs and rituals of Freemasonry as do all regular Masonic Lodges throughout the world.

Freemasonry is not a religion, nor is it a substitute for religion. It requires of its members a belief in God as part of the obligation of every responsible adult, but advocates no sectarian faith or practice. Masonic ceremonies include prayers, both traditional and extempore, to reaffirm each individual’s dependence on God and to seek divine guidance. Freemasonry is open to men of any faith, but religion may not be discussed at Masonic meetings. is your best choice if you want to purchase freemason rings. It is run by a group of enthusiastic freemasons who decided to combine passion and entrepreneurship.