Eco friendly staws online store

Searching for reusable cotton make up pad to purchase online? We have some buyer advices for you and also several info about the eco friendly bamboo products.

No chemicals needed: Because bamboo is such a naturally prolific plant, it does not require the use of chemicals and fertilizers in order to cultivate it. Although panda bears have taken quite a liking to bamboo, bugs are generally not interested in this giant grass. A stand of bamboo does not require pesticides to keep destructive bugs away. This ensures that chemicals will not find their way into the soil and groundwater as a result of bamboo farming.

Zero waste travel toothbrush Eco friendly bristle toothbrush Natural Biodegradable Bamboo Toothbrushes. Revamp your dental hygiene routine. Over 50 million pounds of plastic toothbrushes end up in landfills in the US each year. So what’s the alternative? Switch to a bamboo toothbrush, which has a compostable handle. Floss also has its issues.Most plastic floss containers are rarely recyclable or recycled, plus many types of floss are coated with a substance to help it glide more easily through your teeth, but acts as a chemical contaminant. Caring for your toothbrush : Bamboo toothbrushes should be kept in a dry area and not in enclosed toothbrush containers or cups that collect water. With proper care, your bamboo toothbrush will last as long as a regular plastic toothbrush. Dentists recommend replacing your toothbrush at least once every 3 months or when their bristles have frayed. Disposal or re-purposing: The bristles of our brush are charcoal fiber. They can be easily removed from the brush handle when you are ready to retire your brush. The bamboo handle can be composted or reused — it is a pretty lovely piece of bamboo! Read more details at Bamboo Products Online.

There are more than 1000 documented uses of bamboo. Bamboo is able to reach maturity in about four years, contrasted to the emblematic 25 to 70 years for profitable tree species in the U.S. Though, most people are usually familiar with this striking and charming plant. UV Protection – Bamboo fiber fabrics have customary UV protection. There have been tests where companies have sent out 100% bamboo clothing to investigate laboratories for UV defense testing. The UPF label rate is 15. The fabric scored 18.3 on the UPF level with 94.15% UVA lump and 93.17% UVB lump.

Versatility. Bamboo can replace the use of wood for nearly every application. Paper, flooring, furniture, charcoal, building materials, and much more can be made from bamboo. What’s more, bamboo fibers are far stronger than wood fibers and much less likely to warp from changing atmospheric conditions. No fertilizer, pesticides, or herbicides needed. Unlike most cash crops, bamboo requires no agricultural chemicals to thrive. Unlike cotton, which is one of the most intensely sprayed crops in the world and rapidly depletes the nutrients in the soil, bamboo sequesters nitrogen and cultivation does not add chemicals to the environment.

Bamboo forests are valuable to the environment. They lower carbon levels, produce oxygen, control soil erosion, provide organic material, conserve biodiversity. Bamboo has for a long time been an integrated part of civilization. Because of it’s economic sustainability, bamboo has become an excellent resource. Bamboo being a multi functional, fast growing and a renewable plant was considered as an alternative to timber from the forest. Visit: