Reiki for dogs anxiety services in Denver

Looking for Reiki for dogs specialist in Colorado? Meet Gillian, a certified Canine Therapeutic Massage Therapist (CTMT) Advanced Canine Massage Therapist (ACMT) and a member of International Association of Animal Massage & Body Works (IAAMB). She is working with other practitioners and the animal’s veterinarians to achieve optimal physical, mental and emotional health and well-being.

Stimulating the muscles and tissues of the body increases circulation and this improved blood flow brings healing. Increased circulation allows more oxygen to reach the tissues and if there are any wounds, inside or outside of the body, this oxygen will promote faster, more comfortable healing. Massage has also been shown to improve range of motion and lower the heart rate. This also relieves muscle spasms and reduces toxic compounds like lactic acid, which cause pain and discomfort.

Animals don’t always tell us what we want to hear but they do tell us what we need to hear. As an experienced animal communicator, Gillian possesses a unique ability to talk with animals — hearing, seeing and understanding an animal’s thoughts and feelings, and can deeply tune in to what an animal is trying to express. While animal communication is not a substitute for traditional veterinary care, it can be used to enrich relationships and bonds between animals and their owners. It can be used as a form of distance or in-person healing and can be applied to many situations including health problems, general check-ins, improving pet-owner bonds, behavioral issues, aging, end-of-life decisions and much more. Read more details on Best Animal Communicator.

Will your dog like Reiki?…that is the question. Maybe you’ve seen Reiki on humans, where a healer’s hands hover over the person but don’t actually touch them. This might seem fascinating, but hands-hovering and hands-on Reiki are both acceptable forms. It may depend on the animal. You may have a new dog who is timid and fearful of touch, or you might be helping at a shelter with a new, skittish arrival: hands-hovering may be the best way to start. If it’s your dog, or one who obviously loves touch, the light hands-on application is welcome.

Reiki energy can be given to your dog in regularly scheduled intervals or as needed. Because it is a gentle and non-invasive energy modality, it can be used safely with any animal no matter the age, size or breed. Recently I provided Reiki for my client’s dog that was suffering from a chronic ear infection. The veterinarian prescribed some ear ointment that needed to be placed in both ears of their dog twice a day for two weeks. This can be a real challenge when a dog is not feeling well and doesn’t want you to touch it, let alone place a greasy ointment in its ears. I provided Reiki for their dog each day in order to support the dog’s physical healing as well as to provide a calming energy for their dog. This allowed their dog to stay calm during each of the twice-daily ointment treatments and their dog accepted them doing the treatments by lying still during these times.

Canine Massage Puts More “Pep” in Charlie’s Step: You’d never know that Charlie, an athletic spaniel/basset mix, is 12 years old. However, his owner noticed subtle signs of aging and wanted to help improve his muscle tone and make him feel good. “Charlie is a high energy, athletic dog, who does everything at 150 percent. Over the course of his canine massage treatment, I noticed him becoming more and more relaxed and calm, even falling asleep as Gillian worked her magic. Dog massage has also helped Charlie’s athleticism. At twelve years old, he still loves to run and fetch. I believe that these animal massage treatments have helped improve his muscle tone. There’s a lot more “pep in his step,” and he is able to catch the ball on a bounce more often. He just seems happier and I am absolutely thrilled with the outcome.” Source: