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Here are a few advices if you want to grow your online business. Leads are like snowflakes-no two are identical. And this applies to how they obtain their information as well. Some like social media, while others prefer reading emails or watching videos. Make sure you cover the entire spectrum by presenting content in a variety of formats. Don’t confuse your audience by offering them the option to click on two or three different CTAs on the same page or email. Instead, direct them to one clear CTA that closely aligns with the content presented alongside it.

Share content – publishing content to direct traffic to your website is the most effective way to generate leads through social media. Post links, share blog posts and offer discounts to get people clicking onto your site. Build a loyal following – get to know your audience online, and share information to demonstrate your expertise. Get involved in LinkedIn groups relevant to your business. Once you have a relationship, a connection is more likely to trust you as a supplier. o generate leads from your website you need traffic. There are a huge number of techniques you can use to get people to click on a website, but a few basics can make a big difference.

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If you are offering a free guide download and have any type of gated lead form, make sure you ask yourself one question: Is what I’m providing to a prospective customer enough value in exchange for the information I’m asking them to give me? If you aren’t sure, take a look at your content again and see where you can improve or get rid of some of the required lead form information. If you’re more than sure you’re delivering on value – great! See if there is some more data you think is fair for someone to exchange if that’s the case.

Who doesn’t love free stuff? Giving away free content may seem counterintuitive, but this strategy creates a sense of trust between your audience and your brand. It can be a downloadable infographic, pdf, or any type of promotional offer. For example, Hubspot gave away 15 free infographic templates to visitors. This saves people a ton of time so they don’t have to create the infographics from scratch. All they have to do is download the template and adjust the contents as needed.

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Searching for a Excel solution for a work issue? Here are some Excel informations: Pivot Tables offer several significant benefits, which is why they’re so popular. But they also have significant limitations, which is why I seldom have used them in the past. The benefits are obvious. Pivot Tables offer a powerful ability for Excel users to explore relational data in Excel and to return sorted, summarized, and filtered slices of the data to spreadsheets. I don’t know of any other product that offers such power. On the other hand, from my perspective, Pivot Tables have always seemed to be merely a report generator bolted to Excel. They offer many reporting capabilities, but only one spreadsheet function—GETPIVOTDATA—to allow worksheet functions to use PivotTable data. Therefore, Excel users—again in my opinion—have always had to work much harder than we should to use data from one or more Pivot Tables in standard Excel reports. But finally, in Excel 2010, Microsoft added most of the features Excel users need to use Pivot Tables as a truly useful source of data for standard reporting and analysis. Because we can work around the missing features, we finally can use a collection of Pivot Tables as a powerful and massive spreadsheet database.

Spreadsheets are composed of columns and rows that create a grid of cells. Typically, each cell holds a single item of data. Here’s an explanation of the three types of data most commonly used in spreadsheet programs: Text data, also called labels, is used for worksheet headings and names that identify columns of data. Text data can contain letters, numbers, and special characters such as ! or &. By default, text data is left aligned in a cell.

There are several ways to change text data into numerical data, but using the VALUE function is usually the easiest solution. See Use Excel’s VALUE Function to Convert Text to Numbers. Conversely, if you want Excel to read numerical characters or a formula as text, just add an apostrophe (‘) at the beginning of the entry.

LUZ is a Brazilian company that produces and sells ready-to-use spreadsheets in Excel since 2013. Now, we are translating for English! See more details about Excel spreadsheet templates

Excel file formats: The XML-based and macro-enabled file format for Excel 2016, Excel 2013, Excel 2010, and Excel 2007. Stores VBA macro code or Excel 4.0 macro sheets (.xlm). .xlam The XML-based and macro-enabled Add-In format for Excel 2010 and Excel 2007. An Add-In is a supplemental program that is designed to run additional code. Supports the use of VBA projects and Excel 4.0 macro sheets (.xlm).

Text file formats: .txt Saves a workbook as a tab-delimited text file for use on another Microsoft Windows operating system, and ensures that tab characters, line breaks, and other characters are interpreted correctly. Saves only the active sheet. .csv Saves a workbook as a comma-delimited text file for use on another Windows operating system, and ensures that tab characters, line breaks, and other characters are interpreted correctly. Saves only the active sheet.

Excel Tips and Tricks!

Generally there are three shortcuts in the top menu, which are Save, Undo Typing and Repeat Typing. However, if you want to use more shortcuts, like Copy and Cut, you can set them up as follows: File->Options->Quick Access Toolbar, add Cut and Copy from the left column to the right, save it. You will see two more shortcuts added in the top menu.

You may know how to activate the speedy search by using the shortcut Ctrl + F, but there are two main wild cards—Question Mark and Asterisk—used in Excel spreadsheets to activate a vague search. This is used when you are not sure about the target result. Question Mark stands for one character and Asterisk represents one or more characters. What if you need to search Question Mark and Asterisk as a target result? Don’t forget add a Wave Line in front.

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Looking for Sub-ZeroAppliance Repair Service in Orange County? Refrigerators made by KitchenAid are known to provide efficient cooling and effective food maintenance. While refrigerator repair can be needed even for high end units from KitchenAid, it will be something at the back of your head for a long while because of its properties. KitchenAid offers a range of refrigerators which have different features you will all love. They offer built-in and standing refrigerators, refrigerators with drawers or undercounter refrigerators, and more specialized units built solely for beverage and wine or for making ice. The styles of their models also have good variations. They have French door units, side by side refs, and units with bottom freezers. Because of these differences alone, you are given a lot of options for the style and functionality of your KitchenAid refrigerators. They offer varying sizes as well to make sure your unit fits your kitchen. Apart from that, colors and materials used for KitchenAid units also have variations ranging from metallic-looking units to even wood-patterned ones.

D&V appliance repair in Orange County has been a family owned and operated company since 2005. Our main goal is to provide quality appliance service for our customers to earn their trust and confidence. During these years we have helped 1000’s of happy customers. We understand that it can be stressful when your appliance breaks down. We do our best to come as soon as possible and work fast as we can to get the problem fixed. That’s why it became our company’s strategy to invest in two things: our technicians’ education and training, and our appliance parts stock, making sure that majority of the appliance problems we can fix in one trip.

You can trust our appliance repair to our professional technicians. With years of working experience our technicians can provide the best quality appliance repair service. Whatever the problem is, we guaranty that we can fix it fast. You don’t have to worry about anything. See more info on appliance repair in Santa Ana.

For Orange County Appliance Repair Call us today 714-204-3140 or schedule an appointment on-line. We will come at the most suitable time for your and will consider all your preferences and customer our service will be happy to answer all your questions regarding appliance repairs. We are open from 8:00 AM to 9:00 PM every Monday through Saturday. We are also on call after our normal scheduled hours and on weekends for emergency repair services.

We all are surrounded by appliances in our homes. And we don’t pay much attention to them until something breaks down. But having your refrigerator got warm when you just brought a week supply of grocers from a grocery store is a nightmare; or what an unpleasant situation to have your dryer stopped working when you have a bench of wet clothing in your washer. Appliances has a tendency to always break unexpectedly at worst possible times like during holidays or when you have family visiting at your home or when you are busy at your business.

One of the top pros of selecting LG appliances is that they have reasonably-priced appliances considering the features that they are offering. With the many different models and designs to choose from, you will not have a hard time finding the appliance that will suit your taste. The durability and high quality of these items also lessens the need for LG appliance repair costs. Their products are known to last for years and function as if they are new despite having been used for a long time. With the energy-saving features and continuously improving models they strive to come up with, choosing home appliances from them can be a great investment to have a more energy-efficient home.

Today, Samsung is a brand known to be a highly competitive name when it comes to mobile phones and electronic gadgets. Apart from providing the latest gadgets, Samsung—which is more formally known as the Samsung Group also provides home appliances with the latest technological advancements and features. Samsung is one of the South Korean companies based in Seoul, South Korea which produces home appliances, electronic goods, and telecommunications equipment among others. It was founded in 1938 by Lee Byung-chul as a trading company and the company began in the electronics industry in the latter part of the 1960s. In the 1990s, Samsung began to globalize their activities, and today, they are one of the top providers of many kinds of advanced consumer goods.

6 years old ukrainian boy helps childrens in Africa!

This is a story about how sometimes mass media has a dramatic influence on our decisions and how they can change people’s life for the better. The fate of children in the villages of Togo, who have to work hard so their parents can search for food to eat, has always been of little concern to others, except perhaps the children themselves. Jeremies Pimizi, head of Fly for Live Charity, had once been such a child. He was born and raised in Blacksmiths Village in Kara Province.

For five long years, Jeremy sought help and support for the youngest residents of his village by writing to various international foundations and successful Togolese businesspeople. But all his efforts were in vain.

Thanks to Jeremy, his native village was visited by a crew of RT international TV channel. The crew told the story of the blacksmiths’ village and produced a documentary film on the difficult life of children in Togo under the title “Togo: Tough to Survive.”

As it turned out, it was after watching this documentary about the life of young children in Togo that a small boy of the same age from a different continent decided that he had to come for a visit and provide all the necessary assistance he could.

The boy’s name is Andrii Fednov. He is six-years-old, he is a student at an ordinary school in Ukraine, and a footballer. After watching the film about the life stories of children from Blacksmiths Village and Damad village, Andrii decided to give them a helping hand, and told his father, Ukrainian traveler Pavlo Fednov, about the children in Africa who would really like to have their own football and that this would make them happy. Andrii said that he wanted to go to Africa and give the children his own football, and added that they also had to buy food and other necessary items.

After watching the film, Andrii’s father promised him that they would go to Togo by all means and will help the children when they have raised enough money for that.

The saddest thing about the life of rural children in Togo is that poverty forces them to work hard in conditions that some adults would probably not manage, instead of going to school, learning, growing and developing.

Many of these young children abandon their homeland and travel to Nigeria to find a job and earn a living. Often, though, instead of getting a real job, the children find themselves working on plantations as slaves. They have to endure 12-14-hour days just for food.

Nigerian plantation farmers view young Togolese as sub-humans, and would often force famished and sick workers to toil in the fields. Many of these young people never return to their homeland again or see their families.

Playing street football is perhaps the only joy for residents of Blacksmiths Village, Damad Village and many other villages in Togo.

On those rare occasions when the village falls silent, when no clanking is heard from the forges, and when dozens of hammers in thin hands of the children stop crushing pieces of rock, the boys, overcoming the pain from their injuries, pick up a ball they made of old nylon bags and tied all around with an old rope, and a full-scale football battle begins.

Then a real miracle happens, when children, tired and exhausted after a long day at work, race around their improvised football pitch, argue hotly about breaking the rules and even demonstrate various football tricks they had seen somewhere.

At that time, they are joyous and excited, filled with much emotion and feelings, which they lack so badly when on ordinary days they have to do lots of hard, routine work.

After one of the boys from Blacksmiths Village told the film crew that he wanted a real football, Andrii, 6, and his father Pavlo traveled to Togo.

It was not easy, even for such an experienced traveler as Pavlo Fednov to organize such an expedition. Andrii had to be thoroughly prepared for the trip: get vaccinated against yellow fever and other diseases, select effective and safe medications to treat malaria and other tropical diseases that are very harmful and toxic and represent a considerable danger to anyone, especially children.

They were met by Jeremies who took them to their hotel for the night. In the early morning, the three of them went shopping together at nearby stores and markets.

The guests from Ukraine bought piglets, a lot of rice and other food, various necessities and hygiene items and many other things they knew the villagers would appreciate. Andrii offered advice to his father, and personally selected quite a few products for the residents of Blacksmiths Village.

The road to the Blacksmiths Village was not easy and ran through almost the entire country from its south-western to its north-eastern corner, but by the evening the charity cargo was delivered to its final destination and the entire village gathered to celebrate.

Andrii gave the children their new footballs, candy and stationery products, and the older residents of the village got

gifts and groceries. The boy also presented the villagers a hefty sum of money to help them meet their needs.

Meanwhile, Pavlo cooked traditional Ukrainian foods on an open fire. The villagers could not pronounce the names of those dishes but the great spicy aroma that flowed all over the village made almost every adult at Blacksmiths Village come out to join in the feast.

The fabulous dinner was provided to more than 150 people, and the children received many good emotions not only from the sport games: their faces virtually shone with happiness after they had their fill of sweets, drinks and other treats.

As they sat around the fire as one large family, Jeremies and other residents showed their inquisitive nature as they asked many questions of Pavlo about his life.

They found out that Pavel’s life was decided once and for all when he was just five-years-old. One wonderful day, he decided to run away from his daycare because he wanted to walk around the city, visit the amusement park and even go for a swim in the river. His teachers were hysterical, and his parents were shocked when they found out that their child was missing.

As Pavlo grew, he felt more and more attracted to traveling and seeing the world. Before turning 20, he had travelled all over Ukraine and dreamt of embarking on a grand world tour.

It was then that he decided to visit 100 countries of the world before he turned 30. By 27, he had visited more than 35 countries, and in the period from November 2016 to October 2017 he undertook a global tour visiting more than 120 countries of the world.


Pavlo stayed up talking to the villagers into the early hours of the morning. They drank coffee, and Pavlo told them about his journeys, interesting and beautiful places that he had visited, the most famous cities of the world, and nature in various regions of the planet. The residents of Blacksmiths Village did not want him to go, and asked him many interesting questions that Pavlo was happy to answer.

Having spent the night in a village hut, Jeremy took Pavlo and Andrii back to the capital so that they could purchase more of the same products and gifts for residents of Damad Village, located in the vicinity of Lomé at the foot of Mount Agou.

Jeremies said that the Ukrainian team planned to go to the other village the next day because later that evening they were scheduled to leave and go back home.

And so these plans were implemented. When they came to Damad Village, the Fednovs, accompanied by the head of Fly for Live, presented their gifts and groceries to the adult residents of the village, and gave footballs to all the children.

As he told our publication about the visit of the Ukrainian guests, Jeremies said, with a sad smile that he had not seen so many happy children together in a very long time, and added that now he was confident that there existed people out there in the world who would respond to a call for help, even if they live on the other side of the planet.