Become a virtual assistant

Work from home projects, this is a very trendy topic in 2019. With the internet linking everyting a lot more jobs can be executed from home. People are becoming very interested in working from home, to save transport time and earning extra income from home.

Virtual Office VA connects clients with virtual assistants for real estate related work. Your duties as a VA include calling homeowners to collect information about their property and mortgage. Free training is provided, so you can learn exactly what you need to do to succeed. Virtual Office VA hires workers based in the United States. If you meet the residency qualification, you must also have a computer with high-speed Internet. Positions aren’t always available, but you can find current openings here. If your application is accepted, you’ll need to complete basic training before you begin working. Virtual Office VA lists the starting pay as $9 per hour. The company pays workers on a weekly basis via PayPal. You can work part-time or full-time between 25 to 40 hours per week, so your income before taxes starts between $225 to $360 per week.

Another virtual assistant service that provides at-home virtual assistant jobs is NS Virtual Services. NS Virtual Services, which is a Canadian company, supports businesses by providing virtual assistant services, ranging from general admin to transcription. So, if you’re interested in working as a virtual assistant, then you might consider contacting NS Virtual Services. There aren’t many details available about working as a virtual assistant with the company – but there’s an application form you can fill out. See more details at No scam virtual assistant tasks.

Formerly known as eaHelp, Belay Solutions was founded in 2010 to help businesses find virtual assistants. While Belay Solutions doesn’t charge any commission or membership fees, the application process is rather exclusive. You’ll need to have at least 5 years experience in either administration or project management. There’s also a series of interviews before the company accepts you. They then act as an agency, matching you to clients based on your skills and the client’s specific needs. You can expect to work anywhere from 10 to 40+ hours a week and earn between $13 and $19 an hour.

Manage your time effectively. You’ll notice that almost every company on my list mentions time management. It’s a very necessary skill for any virtual assistant. It can also boost your hourly income for task-based pay. There are free time management tools such as Toggl that help me in my work from home position.

With over 20 years of industry experience and a proven track record of providing excellent services, our goal is to change the freelance workspace one job at a time. By providing virtual assistant the right digital tools, flexibility and remote work opportunities around a variety of disciples, we believe that greater work experience can be achieved and with better work experience come great rewards too. Source:

Yoga information and mental health

Yoga courses advices, this appears like a hot topic in 2019. Stress is up, life is complicated, more problems clouds our mind and yoga seems the perfect answer.

What is Yoga? The word “yoga” essentially means, “that which brings you to reality”. Literally, it means “union.” Union means it brings you to the ultimate reality, where individual manifestations of life are surface bubbles in the process of creation. Right now, a coconut tree and a mango tree have popped up from the same earth. From the same earth, the human body and so many creatures have popped up. It is all the same earth. Yoga means to move towards an experiential reality where one knows the ultimate nature of the existence, the way it is made. Yoga refers to union not as an idea, a philosophy or as a concept that you imbibe. As an intellectual idea, if you vouch by the commonness of the universe, it may make you popular in a tea party, it may give you a certain social status, but it does not serve any other purpose. You will see, when things come down to even money – it does not even have to boil down to life and death – even for money, “This is me, that is you.” The boundary is clear; there is no question of you and me being one.

Shunya Mudra (Mudra of Emptiness): It is a Mudra of emptiness or heaven, which reduces the space element in the body. One hour of this Mudra, if done regularly, can reduce ear pain and watering of the eyes. It improves hearing, strengthens the bones, reduces heart diseases and throat problems. It heals thyroid diseases and fortifies the gums. It also opens the heart chakra and helps in meditation. All about Yoga Mudras with Their Benefits.

The Downward Dog yoga pose lengthens and decompresses the spine, stretches the hamstrings, strengthens your arms, flushes your brain with fresh oxygen and calms your mind. The Ganesha mudra is widely used and is named after the Hindu Ganesh. Ganesha is said to be a remover of obstacles. Similarly, this mudra is great for relieving yourself of all types of obstructions in your life; it can help you regain positivity and courage when dealing with hard times. By performing this mudra, you bring your attention and energy into the heart center, opening up your lungs and heart to the subject of your meditation. Aside from the mental and spiritual benefits on your heart chakra, the pulling motion is also beneficial to your cardiac muscles and good for tension in this area of the body.

Sukhasana (Easy Pose): Either stack your hands in your lap, palms up, or lay your hands on your knees, palms down. Lengthen your tail bone toward the floor, firm your shoulder blades against your back to you’re your upper torso, but don’t over arch your lower back and poke your lower front ribs forward. Sukhasana is a Sanskrit word where sukh means “pleasure” or “happiness”, and asana means “pose”. This pose helps to unlock your hips, to lengthen up your spine, and strengthen your back muscles. The process helps you get free from the minor sprains and releases tensions from the contractions in these body parts.

Types of Yoga: What are the four main types of yoga? Answer: karma, bhakti, jnana, and raja. Sivananda yoga was brought to the United States by Swami Vishnudevananda in 1957. This is a yoga system based on the five yogic principals: proper breathing, relaxation, diet, exercise, and positive thinking. These work together to make a healthy yogic lifestyle. The asana practice is usually twelve basic postures or variations of the Asanas, with Sun Salutations and Savasana. There is no music.

Kundalini yoga is one of those mysterious yoga practices that is as spiritual as it is physical. This form is physically demanding and mentally challenging and involves a lot of meditation, chanting, mudras and breathing exercises. The whole point if this style is to release the kundalini energy that is coiled in the lower spine. You have to do a lot of fast moving postures with periods of relaxation where you will be taught to pay attention to internal sensations and the flow of creative energy so that you can tap into your kundalini-shakti. This style is for those who are looking for more than a workout.

Improved flexibility is one of the first and most obvious benefits of yoga. During your first class, you probably won’t be able to touch your toes, never mind do a backbend. But if you stick with it, you’ll notice a gradual loosening, and eventually, seemingly impossible poses will become possible. You’ll also probably notice that aches and pains start to disappear. That’s no coincidence. Tight hips can strain the knee joint due to improper alignment of the thigh and shinbones. Tight hamstrings can lead to a flattening of the lumbar spine, which can cause back pain. And inflexibility in muscles and connective tissue, such as fascia and ligaments, can cause poor posture.

Yoga is for everyone: Most yoga studios and local gyms offer yoga classes that are open to all generations and fitness levels. It’s exciting to enter a room full of young teens, athletes, middle-aged moms, older gentlemen, and even fitness buffs and body builders. Everyone can feel accepted and included and, unlike other sports or classes that focus on niche clients, yoga tends to offer open arms. Whether you like to say “Om” or you can’t stand the word “yogi”; whether you are 92, 53, or even 12, yoga can help you.

Our Yoga School in Rishikesh offered this 200 Hours Yoga TTC in order to accomplish your dream of mastery in Hatha yoga and Ashtanga yoga. If your motive is to become dedicated, skilled and motivational Yoga teacher then this 200-hour yoga TTC is the proved platform for you to lay the foundation to become an inspiring Yoga teacher. Read extra info on Yoga Teacher Training India. With the energetic and special love of aspirants towards yoga, we founded this yoga school in Rishikesh that simply aims to offers you the best every time. Our yoga school is registered with Yoga Alliance and follows all the curriculum and decorum of it. Having a yoga school in Rishikesh is our biggest benefit as this city has yoga in its roots and so lure yoga aspirants from all over the world.

Support the 1st museum dedicated to the Art of Beer

Do you enjoy drinking beer so much that this makes you a huge beer fan wanting to have a beer themed phone case or a beer themed backpack? Did you ever imagined that there are online stores focused on Beer Artwork ? Craft Beer Art project is one (maybe one of the very few) of them, specialized in providing unique, custom artwork beer themed gifts and accessories.

What can you see on the Craft Beer Art project ? Some of the things there are so wild that probably you never tought they exist. Like blankets with custom design based on beer labels. In fact, everything for sale there is based on real, existing beer labels. Would you like to go to the beach with a beer themed beach towel ? They exist there! Do you like spending time doing puzzles? Why not doing a beer themed puzzle? You can also find beer themed stickers, pet beds, materials, posters and more.

In addition to selling beer themed crafted works of art they try to create the first museum dedicated to the preserving and celebrating the history and impact of art on the beer industry. You can help them to achieve this goal by signing their petition or contributing to their cause. Beer lovers and Art lovers can unite to help create something truly awesome!! Sign the petition here: Create an art of beer museum!

Let’s see what kind of beer labels are used while doing a short overview of the best beer brands in the world. Toppling Goliath Brewing Company’s Kentucky Brunch Brand Stout is creamy and satisfying, loaded with coffee and is one of the best-tasting beers to drink. From the breathtaking bouquet to the lip-licking maple aftertaste you’re going to fall hard for KBBS. If you can find it. Because if there’s one downside here, it’s not with the liquor, but with the fact it’s not widely distributed. If you have the opportunity though don’t waste a second snapping up this top-rated beer. You won’t be sorry. ABV 12%

Where do we hope to find the most beer fans ? Some cities are known as beer cities and here is one of them. Not to be outdone by bigger cities on the coasts, Grand Rapids calls itself “Beer City, USA” and makes good on the title. Founders Brewing may have put it on the map (aided by nearby Bell’s in Kalamazoo), but this western Michigan spot has taken the title and run with it, with more than 80 breweries in the area. Despite being housed in a former funeral home, Brewery Vivant is very much alive with flavorful farmhouse ales. Find their “Plein de Vie” wild-fermented ales, bourbon barrel-aged seasonal options, and year-round offerings like the Hop Field IPA with Michigan hops in this historic East Hills location. Over on the West Side and also repurposing an old community space — this time a firehouse — is the original location of rapidly expanding brewery, The Mitten. Baseball fans will appreciate the clever puns of many of the beer names, from the League of Their Own blonde ale to the raspberry and hibiscus sour Rose Canseco.


Recycle bin data recovery

Working with big amounts of information? You know the desperate moment when you realize that you need something that you deleted a long time ago. This is the subject of this article : Recycle bin data recovery. First lets start with some general data recovery advices, valid for all type of data devices, PC’s, Mac’s, phones.

Use cloud storage. For most regular users, cloud storage services represent the most reliable way how to protect themselves against data loss. Providers of these services are commonly located on the other side of the planet, and they use sophisticated backup systems at their storage facilities, resulting in multiple degrees of redundancy. Best of all, services such as Dropbox, Google Drive, and OneDrive have free plans with generous storage limits, which are more than enough for text documents.

Physical appearance can also be a tell-tale sign of hard drive failure. However, dust and other airborne pollutants can easily damage your drive’s surface given its incredible sensitivity, so avoid opening the drive and exposing the inside components to the outside elements. Carefully remove your computer’s hard drive and inspect it for obvious signs of damage such as bent pins and or broken pieces. It’s unlikely your hard drive suffered much in the way of physical damage while housed in your computer, but it warrants a look either way.

As far as the safety of the data is concerned, take assurance in the fact that the through a hard drive data recovery software, the data can well be recovered once the hard drive has been repaired and made to work again. As compared to a mechanical failure, a logical failure is as soothing as good news. That’s because logical failures mean something’s wrong at the software front.

When dealing with a software data loss, the first and most important thing to keep in mind is not to work with the drive in question. Every second that the drive is connected to a running system is a second that you lose your chances at recovery. Your operating system is reading and writing to your drive constantly, whether you’re actively doing something or not. Now that your system is seeing the deleted data as ‘free space’ it will happily overwrite this area—along with your chances of recovery.

If it’s not an internal connection issue, try extracting the whole hard drive from the external enclosure then connect it to your computer as a secondary drive, or better yet, via an IDE/SATA to USB adapter. Your external drive will then mount as usual. If you can see that all your files are intact and readable, then congratulations, disaster has been averted! If your drive is still being recognized by your computer and your problem is more of a software issue like accidental deletion, a reformatted partition or data corruption, the main thing you need to be aware of is that you should stop using that drive immediately! See, if you continue writing files to your external drive, the greater the chance that the space occupied by the “deleted” data will be overwritten, killing your chances of recovering them. Disconnect the external drive in the meantime while you download and install the data recovery software you will need.

Data recovery service is not a bad idea when you want to recover lost data. But this kind of solution is very expensive and time-consuming. Moreover, other people will see your recovered files and information. The best solution for recovering lost files from WD Elements portable hard drive is file recovery software. Powerful file recovery software can let you easily and safely recover lost WD Elements data on your own. With file recovery software, you can conveniently recover lost files from WD Elements portable hard drive by yourself. See extra info on Western Digital hard drive data recovery.