How to select profitable products to dropship on Amazon

How to pick converting products to dropship on Shopify? Here are a few tips and a recommendation to let a pro to the market research. nother dropshipping tip is to like your competitors on social media. Monitor their websites and social media pages regularly. By liking their page, you’ll start receiving their product and retargeting ads. Which products do they advertise? Does that product get a lot of engagement such as comments or shares? By monitoring and paying attention to your competition, you’ll know which products you should be selling on your store. When you pay attention to the types of posts your competitors add to their social media pages, you’ll know what type of content people within your niche really like — this helps make you a better marketer.

When you’re going high ticket with the best suppliers, you’ll have pricing policies that set a Minimum Advertised Price (MAP). That means you can’t discount below that price to beat competitors. But you can convince people to buy from you by offering more than your competitors. You have to ask yourself what your customer wants or needs that is inexpensive and that they’re going to buy anyways. These are usually smaller accessories like a phone case when you get a new phone. For example, if you’re selling paddle boards, you could include an ankle leash or board wax. That way, when they’re shopping for that board and are comparing between you and your competitor, they’ll see the same price. But with you, they’ll get something more.

In terms of what products to sell via dropshipping, you might easily be tempted to offer just about anything that can generate a good profit as long as there are suppliers around. But before you post photos of those large vases or paintings or those home theater systems that you couldn’t believe suppliers are selling at a really low cost, remember the risks involved in a dropshipping business. Logistics should be one of your top concerns when shipping an item, so it is better to consider light and durable products instead of heavy and fragile ones. It’s also wise, especially if you’re just starting out, to steer clear of products that require more than simple technical assistance to set up.

How to find the perfect products ? A few words about dropshipping market research. Targeting a specific niche with your dropshipping store can be a great way to help your dropshipping store grow and generate revenue. Take a look on Google Trends and do some research into the niches which have high potential – these could be good niches for your dropshipping products. You’ll have less competition if you’re running a niche dropshipping store, as you’ll be targeting a smaller audience. This means that your marketing efforts will be much cheaper, especially if you’re thinking of using Facebook advertising, or Google Adwords. It’ll also be easier to rank your store on search engines when you run a niche dropshipping store, which is good for your business’ long-term growth. Or you can let an expert to do the product market research for you while you focus on marketing or improving your website. Read more details at Drop ship on Amazon.