Trial diving Hurghada

1st we will discuss about best diving places in the world, benefits of diving in Hurghada and finishing with the presentation of Tauchkurs Hurghada , a diving school that is suited for everyone but especially the german speaking visitors.

For Divers of All Levels – Egypt. Egypt offers exceptional diving for both beginners and more experienced divers. So if your travel buddy has “been there, dived that,” s/he will have plenty to enjoy while you complete your training. If you’re concerned about seasickness, head to Dahab where you can dive right from shore and avoid getting on a boat.

This place may not be well known by travelers, but it’s a world famous dive destination and the best diving site in Brazil. In recent years Fernando de Noronha has definitely grown in popularity, which isn’t surprising. Here you will find lots of life among the blue waters that circle these islands. You’ll be able to swim with turtles, dolphins, and much more. There is even one of the best wreck sites in the world, the Corveta V 17. Not only is this one of the best dive sites in South America, it’s one of my favorites in the world. Plus, the islands are only allowed to host a limited number of visitors so you won’t be sharing this paradise with lots of other people!

Why Hurghada? For shark-lovers, southerly reefs like Brothers, Daedalus and Elphinstone offer the best chance for swimming with the elusive oceanic whitetip. These magnificent sharks have a reputation for unpredictable behavior, but with the guidance of a knowledgeable​ operator, it is possible to safely encounter them in their own environment. Other megafauna highlights include the dugongs of Abu Dabbab lagoon near Marsa Alam and the friendly spinner dolphins of Samadai Reef. Read more info on

For our german visitors:

Tauchkurs Hurghada (SSI) (Scuba Schools International) bezeichnet sich selbst als die zweitgrößte Tauchorganisation nach PADI. Sie wurde von leidenschaftlichen Tauchern 1970 gegründet, um jeden in den Genuss des Tauchens bringen zu können. Mittlerweile gibt es SSI Tauchcentren in über 110 Ländern auf der Erde. Seit 2014 gehört sie zum Sportartikelkonzern HEAD, zu dem auch der Tauchausrüster Mares gehört. Lesen zusatzlich details Tauchkurs Hurghada.

Bunte Unterwasserwelten faszinieren dich schon lange? Schon immer wenn du Tauchbilder im Fernsehen oder in Magazinen gesehen hast, denkst du: das möchte ich auch? Unsere Tauchschule in Hurghada (Tauchkurs Hurghada) und Tauchlehrer führen mit dir einen sicheren Schnuppertauchenkurs im flachen Wasser durch. Dabei erfährst du, wie es ist, durch einen Atemregler zu atmen, schwerelos zu schweben und die Welt aus einer ganz neuen Perspektive wahrzunehmen.