InventHelp patent services

How to patent an idea with InventHelp? InventHelp maintains a Data Bank of thousands of companies which have agreed to confidentially review our clients’ ideas. Companies joining our Data Bank are interested in looking for new inventions and represent many different types of industries. We call this the InventHelp Data Bank. Discover more info on How to get a patent with InventHelp. We will refer you to a licensed patent attorney. We refer clients to a licensed patent attorney, who may then offer legal opinions.

Interpretations of the statute by the courts have defined the limits of the field of subject matter that can be patented, thus it has been held that the laws of nature, physical phenomena, and abstract ideas are not patentable subject matter. A patent cannot be obtained upon a mere idea or suggestion. The patent is granted upon the new machine, manufacture, etc., as has been said, and not upon the idea or suggestion of the new machine. A complete description of the actual machine or other subject matter for which a patent is sought is required.

We believe in providing invention services for everyday inventors to help them prepare to submit their ideas to companies. With our prototype modeling services, invention websites, patent referral services, and more, it has never been easier to submit your idea to companies. Of course, we do not promise you will obtain profits from our efforts. Although there is no guarantee for success with your idea, our goal is to give inventors the tools and opportunities to do something with their idea. Discover more details on InventHelp patent services.

Why should I consider getting a patent? According to patent attorney Sean Kaufhold, a patent may be advisable in the following situations: The product is clearly a combination or modification of something already found in the marketplace or something that already has a patent.The inventor has determined the invention can be marketed or produced in such a way that it can be profitable and the costs of obtaining a patent do not outweigh the potential profit. The details of the invention have been worked out and it does not require much more time and experimentation. The invention is better suited for patent protection rather than trade secret protection.

Hiring an InventHelp patent attorney is a big investment for a tech company, and it should be built into the annual budget. The first tip to hire a patent attorney is to choose an attorney with an open-book billing policy. That way, you can get an up-front estimate of how much their services will cost. It is also important to ask about their experience in patent cases, as well as their success stories. To find out more about a lawyer, visit their website and social media pages and check their credentials. Read additional details on patent ideas.

Make sure that you understand the patent laws and processes. Inventhelp patent attorneys and patent agents are regulated by federal laws and must sign confidentiality agreements. If an attorney refuses to sign confidentiality agreements, they are generally viewed as unprofessional or unable to work with you. The last thing you need is a lawyer who charges outrageous fees. Make sure you get the best deal possible when you hire a patent attorney. Just remember, patent law is not a simple process, and it is important that you know everything you can about it before entrusting the details of your idea to a lawyer.

In August of 2011, the InventHelp DataBank® submitted a brochure of Barbara’s Perfect Pan to New York-based Chef’s Planet, a company that designs, manufactures, and markets a broad range of kitchen housewares products around the world. Founded in 2002, Chef’s Planet products are available for purchase at retailers such as William’s-Sonoma, Bed Bath & Beyond, Sur La Table, and hundreds of independent kitchenware stores. After receiving the brochure, the National Sales Manager from Chef’s Planet, John Cooper, contacted Intromark Incorporated, InventHelp’s sister licensing company, for more information about the invention. After a few conversations with Chef’s Planet, Intromark Licensing Executive Justine Mayowski, and the inventor, negotiations began to establish a license agreement for the Perfect Pan. After two months, Intromark negotiated a royalty and advance for Barbara. See extra information at Invent Help.