Engagement rings shopping by Gray & Sons

Diamond engagement rings online shopping best offers? Like a detective, you can pick up details about your fiance-to-be by keeping a close eye on her wardrobe, jewelry and other accessories. Don’t be afraid to keep notes and ideas in an organized place like a notebook or spreadsheet. While fashion evaluation isn’t a science, watch for these common patterns: She opts for simple fashion (i.e. jeans, leggings, solid-colored shirts). Her ring style is likely clean, minimal and without lots of ornamentation, like an Oval Solitaire Engagement ring. She’s always dressed in the latest fashion and stays up-to-date with current trends. Consider the most popular rings along with the rings celebrities are wearing.

If you’ve been drawn to aquamarine, then you must be a spirited, adventurous soul. You are youthful, brave, and you glitter with passion. The word “aquamarine” translates into “water of the sea.” Ancient cultures believed this gem was ruled by the moon, and sailors often wore it as a form of protection. In legends, aquamarine was a favorite treasure of mermaids, as it resembled hardened water. Because of its depth of color and reflective nature, it was often used by shamans to communicate with the other side. If you’ve been feeling bored lately, do not worry. Your energy and pizzazz have drawn something incredible to your life. Just wait.

Jewelry can suit any personality : When searching for certain items for someone, it can be difficult to determine whether or not it would suit his or her personality. Some gifts are right for some personalities, and are wrong for others. Jewelry can truly suit any personality, from a quiet and withdrawn type to an out-there, bubbly sort.

Choose your favorite engagement ring with a diamond in platinum or gold. Let this exclusive Gray and Sons service lead you to an extremely emotional moment. The engagement rings offered by Gray and Sons Jewelers are above all of stunning design, among which our clients have for many years found the perfect rings for their chosen ones. Diamond engagement rings, which shine with a beautiful glow, are especially charming. Every woman in the world loves them. The emerald and ruby engagement ring is also one of the most beautiful engagement rings but already less popular and chosen than a diamond ring. Find even more info on https://www.grayandsons.com/jewelry/luxury-estate-rings/engagement-rings.html.

The amazing color-changing stone alexandrite was discovered in 1830 in the Ural Mountains in Russia and named after Russian tsar Alexander II. A variety of chrysoberyl, the stone’s remarkable color-shifting capability makes it especially sought-after: In sunlight the stone looks blue-green, but under incandescent light it becomes red-purple. The degree of color change varies from stone to stone, with some only showing marginal change, but the most valuable are clear stones that demonstrate complete color change. Although some large examples of the stone have been found (the Smithsonian houses the world’s largest known cut sample of alexandrite at 65.08 carats), the majority are under one carat. This means that the value of a gem under a carat may only be $15,000, but a stone larger than one carat might fetch as much as $70,000 per carat.

Keith is the company’s primary international buyer and the visionary of Gray & Sons marketing. He is particularly proud of the team that he has helped train over the years to become specialists in this field. Having taken many seminars on personal & corporate effectiveness, Keith strives to keep his company on the cutting edge of this industry. He loves working, collaborating, doing restoration of watch bracelets/watch cases and doing what most jewelers/specialists would consider too difficult or impossible. Keith loves mechanical Swiss and USA made pocket and wristwatches. He likes the gears, the wheels, and under the hood experience working with his watch repair staff. Discover extra info at https://www.grayandsons.com/.