Web design Wiltshire

Looking for graphic design Swindon? We have a answer for you and also some comments on the web design industry trends for 2019 and beyond.

Paragraphs are no longer regulated to simple column distributions or wrapping geometric forms. Paragraphs of now and the future are bigger, full of hovers, emojis, images, style changes, Microinteractions, and strange distributions, where expression is king! The size has increased considerably and we’re not shy when it comes to combining fonts and decorative styles, Big Paragraphs are one of the key terms in trends.

There seems to be something particularly attractive about brutalism’s in-your-face aesthetic these days. Whether it’s as a natural pendulum swing away from the “clean” and “minimal” style that recently dominated the web — a rejection of the cutesy friendliness of a million brand’s voice and illustrations, a middle finger in the face of the so-called “homogeneous web,” or an act of resistance to the increasingly surreal blend of fact and fiction the web exposes us to daily — there’s no denying that brutalism has moved out of design’s subculture and into the fully branded spotlight.

Brutalism is described like this by the Nielsen Norman Group: “Brutalism in digital design is a style that intentionally attempts to look raw, haphazard, or unadorned. It echoes early 1990s-style websites (think Craigslist and the Drudge Report). Sometimes this aspect of brutalism is expressed as bare-bones, almost naked HTML site with blue links and monochromatic Monospace text.” And while few people would classify this design style as pretty, it does have a certain charm for some content types. And with a stark and bold style, it definitely makes an impact when you stumble on one of these designs.

We have helped many businesses over the years with their marketing plans and strategies… and we continue to work and help these businesses to this day. We love to work with exciting brands and businesses, we enjoy working with our customers and really getting to know them and understanding their business. We are passionate about good design, music, art and sweets!

Services and packages : SEO – we can help your website grow and climb up the rankings on Google; PPC – Making sure that your website is seen at the top of Google for your desired searches; Content marketing – create blog posts, eBooks, anything and everything to help your business grow and fill your website with great and interesting content; Social media – we can help your reach and following grow by managing your social media accounts effectively. See more on web design Trowbridge.