Graffiti removal & antit-graffiti coatings in Jacksonville with a professional company

Exterior painting contractor company in Jacksonville : Clear, Comprehensive Quotes: In our parallel blog post we talked about the danger of napkin quotes. Never accept a napkin or paper towel, even if it feels like a name-brand product. Your quote should be transparent and comprehensive, meaning that when you read it you fully understand what work will be done, what products will be used, and why specific steps/prep are recommended.

Don’t leave ’em hangin’. Always be honest with your customers. Tell them the truth – they will understand. If something comes up or you are going to be late, make sure you call. Communication is a must. You just can’t leave them wondering what’s going on. Strive for balance: Once I asked someone how to avoid getting too high when things were up and too low when things were down. He said if you want to have any sort of a balanced life, you have to know the difference between possible and probable. To be great at this business, you have to try to paint every single apartment complex that ever goes up for bid. To stay sane, you have to admit you’re not going to get them all. But that doesn’t stop me from trying.

Join 1000s of satisfied homeowners who have experienced the high level of customer service & efficient value we offer. Home painting services with a difference. The high-rated, award winning home painters in Jacksonville that treat your home, pets and belongings as you deserve! Call today to schedule your FREE quote 904.451.3169 Choose the top rated painting contractor with a proven track record, who produces quality results. A home painting service who will take care of your home and belongings. After all; you expect much more from a home painting service than just being able to paint walls. We strive to exceed your expectations. Discover even more details at Home painting services Jacksonville.

Charging too little. Many painting contractors feel pressure to lower their price in order to win the job. I used to compete with the under cutters myself. What I discovered is that homeowners usually DON’T pick the low bid. In fact, they are often scared by the low bid. People obviously want to pay as little money as possible, but they also don’t want a hack-job. Instead of trying to undercut my profits away, I got better at selling my value and quality. Sometimes I was TWICE as expensive as other bids they received and I still won the job because they trusted me and my quality. Respect your price (and yourself) and charge what’s fair. Charge something that delivers a quality job to the homeowner, but also leaves you something for your effort.

Pro Color Painting Contractors will evaluate your project, trouble shoot any problems, answer questions, recommend products & methods for your specific scope. Next, we provide a detailed, comprehensive quote for comparison with other painting contractors. Included will be a list of options concerning paint products & application methods. We have discount options for military & seniors, just ask. We support all who have served our country and those that paved the way. From interior painting to weather-proofing; our vast experience and knowledge will be passed on to you. Make the smart choice when choosing a Jacksonville painting service; choose the Painting Company who has provided superior painting services in Florida for over 28 years! Discover more info on