CBSE exam preparation

CBSE exam app? To perform well in board exams, each student must have some important study habits which could help them stand in the queue of top scorers. Creating a study plan and sticking to it, being punctual and disciplined, balancing the academic and personal life are some of the good qualities cum habits, which a student must adopt.

What are my weak points and how to make them strong? You should always keep this question in your mind while preparing for the board exams. Take out your answer sheets of pre-boards and class tests etc, and take a deep look into your answers, find your mistakes, make a list of those mistakes for each and every subject. Ask yourself, will I repeat these mistakes in board exams too? No, say a big no, and start debugging your mistakes, do hard work on your mistakes, scratch them to their depths, take it as a mission to convert those weak points of yours into the stronger ones. Is your handwriting filthy? try to make it better, if not 90 or 80% but at least 1%, but do work on it.

While giving the exam, always highlight the important points and keywords. Give at least a gap of two lines between your questions, and attend them section wise only. Make your paper neat and clean, it will leave a good impression on the examiner. Presentation is the key.

Candidates can create a profile, to pick a course , select icse paper, cbse subjects, jee sections and afterward begin giving mock tests. K Factor is the best application for test preparation for wbbse and neet moreover. It gives ai put together questions depending with respect to dok or profundity of information on the understudy consequently. Each test accompanies an evaluation for simple understanding of the degree of studies, understudy quality and shortcomings. But, can you measure your exact progress ? You have studied all subjects from Physical Science to Mathematics, from Geography to Chemistry to Languages. Maybe you have answered a lot many sample questions for JEE, ICSE or CBSE…. Read even more details on K factor App.

Do you know your student’s strength and weakness ? Are you ever in doubt that your students are lagging behind others or may not be able to score high in the final exam? Do you think your students need a better assessment tool for their regular class test to score more in final examinations? K Factor is the best application for test preparation for wbbse and neet too. It gives ai put together questions depending with respect to dok or profundity of information on the understudy naturally. Each test accompanies an appraisal for simple understanding of the degree of studies, candidate quality and shortcomings. This aides in cbse test preparation and JEE tests moreover.

Each test comes with an assessment for easy understanding of the level of studies, student strength and weaknesses. This helps in CBSE exam preparation and JEE exams also. Teachers can easily use this app to create a student batch and while the app sets questions, the teacher can monitor the progress of each student easily. K factor is a great educational support for schools also. Read extra information at