Get to know Nick Ayton and some of his cryptocurrency entrepreneur achievements

Nick Ayton or the ascent of a technology thought leader… Nick Ayton and the bitcoin generation: As a sixties child, I was aware of this loud revolution, the music, the fashion and the different way of thinking, and yes, I hated the Beatles’ and Elvis’ music and still do. But they played their part. It was The Time in the 20th Century to be alive, to be involved, to make your mark as the London scene demonstrated. Even the FBI and MI5 perceived this as an infection as something they had to deal with. A new liberalism, a new permissiveness was sweeping the western world as society broke with post-war years and the young started to shape the world we have today.

An all around the world well respected tech thought leader, Nick works with boards to help them overcome the pervasive nature of new technologies that include Quantum Computing, Artificial Intelligence, QuantumAI, Nano Materials, VR and Blockchain, as opportunities and threats for business operating model improvement, customers and the top line growth. Nick Ayton has spent more than 4 decades in technology, improving businesses and deploying the latest tech for competitive advantage. He has the knack of making the complex feel familiar and gets to the issue quickly. He gets you thinking and helps you take action, to have the right plans in place for what is to come. His most recent project 21 million , will launch an ICO 12th June 2017. 21 million aims to make a crypto-funded blockchain indy tv series about the Bitcoin Revolution, an asset backed Token and a new Media and Film Production business on Ethereum. He advises a range of clients and sits on advisory boards of several Blockchain start ups supporting the founders.

“Nick is one of the few people that can explain the complex so I can immediately grasp its importance.” Design & Build Propositions: We help Founders create and develop their propositions to disrupt industries and markets. Nick Ayton has published several White Papers discussing how Blockchain will disrupt Global Custody, Asset Management, Legal Services, Accounting & Audit, Banking and several other sectors. His book – how to design and implement Blockchain Operating Models will be available in the second half of 2017. Find even more details at Nick Ayton.

The latest company to begin accepting payment in crypto is American dealership Post Oak Motor Cars. The Rolls-Royce, Bentley and Bugatti dealership now accepts Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash from clients. Owned by billionaire Tilman Fertitta, the company offers customers this facility around the world. Astonishingly, some people are even willing to accept cryptocurrency for property, an asset class that has historically considered a good store of wealth and investment. In this particular section, there is big divide between what you can buy with cryptocurrency, from a modest home to an entire tropical island.

NickAyton about crypto app tokes : Blockchain doesn’t discriminate, treating all industries the same. But it is more destructive to some sectors more than others. Any sector that acts as a ‘middleman’ will be first to be disintermediated, a horrible expression I know, lets say ‘destroyed’ then. Any layer in any industry where the core services is checking, validating, settling and matching will be gone! I get great access to entrepreneurs building Blockchains for all industries – from new banking platforms, new forms of payment and remittance, for removing the friction in Insurance brokerage, dealing with the complexities of reinsurance, in music putting artists in control of payments and royalties, in government for land registry and voting, the disbursement of payments and Identity, capital markets for settlement and reconciliation, in healthcare for medical records and linking to devices, in legal services removing the need for lawyers and and and…

Pass PMI Project Management Professional (PMP) certification advices by

Get PMP certificate advices by Cbtproxy? During the exam, read the questions carefully. I know that this may sound obvious, but most of the information is there, so try to find keywords or concepts that could relate to one answer or another. Don’t get frustrated. If you do not know one question at the first read (this will happen), do not struggle too long and mark the question so that you can return to it later on. The most important thing is to be calm! Don´t always look for the right answer. If you are sure that one of the offered answers is not true, discard it. If you discard those answers that you are sure are not the right one, you can instead focus on those that really make a point.

If you decide to go for the mock test, make sure to review all your answers and look consult the PMBOK Guide for clarifications. Don’t make it about the number of mock exams you take, but rather about the knowledge you were able to gain, in the process. A PMP exam passer said you need to score more than 70 percent in your mock test, to get a good shot at passing the actual PMP exam. In the real world, you likely employ different strategies in managing your projects. Project management experience, however, will not be enough to answer the PMP exam well.

But when you opt CBTproxy, we make it our topmost priority that you don’t face any difficulties. If there must be difficulties, it will be on our shoulders. You don’t have to stress about memorizing hundreds of pages and still having the fear of not passing. The preparation of the certification itself is a big part of it. As the exam is difficult, you would like to line aside a while daily to master the PMBOK guide. But most people agree that’s not all. You need to read up several other guides, attend preparatory sessions (if you join any) and write PMP Sample Questions as part of your preparation. All these activities do take up considerable time. Find extra info on Pass PMP.

How many sample PMP exam questions did you practice before the exam? I have completed the sample exam questions provided in 35 hours online course. Then I enrolled for Exam Simulator which provided me access to 7 practice exams. I practiced each exam at least 2 times or more until I scored more than 85% in mock tests. How was the support you received throughout the PMP training? It is unquestionable that support provided by the Master of Project Academy for their PMP Training is exceeding my expectations. I have received a solution for my queries and problems within 24 hours. I really appreciate such support and guidance from an online training provider.

In an increasingly projectized world, PMI professional certification ensures that you’re ready to meet the demands of projects and employers across the globe. We ensure first time passing guarantee and liberate the candidate from taking the real exam multiple times. You have nothing to fear as we are here to help you. Learn To RealxxTM” is the philosophy we are influenced with, which rejuvenates us to script new success stories every day. Find even more info on

Types of Cryptocurrency wallets with crypto portfolio app

Crypto currency wallet tricks and crypto portfolio app? Online: wallets run on the cloud and are accessible from any computing device in any location. While they are more convenient to access, online wallets store your private keys online and are controlled by a third party which makes them more vulnerable to hacking attacks and theft. Mobile: wallets run on an app on your phone and are useful because they can be used anywhere including retail stores. Mobile wallets are usually much smaller and simpler than desktop wallets because of the limited space available on mobile.

The prices of most altcoins depend on the current market price of Bitcoin. It is vital to understand that Bitcoin is relative to fiat currencies and is quite volatile. The simpler version of this is that when the value of Bitcoin goes up, the value of altcoins goes down and vice versa. The market is normally foggy when the Bitcoin price is volatile and, as you would imagine, this prevents most traders from gaining a clear understanding of what goes on in the market. At this point, it is advisable to either have close targets for our trades or simply not trade at all.

You can store your cryptocurrencies in a secure wallet. Cryptocurrencies give you the option to store your money in two types of portfolios that can be easily transferred to your account. And the wallets have no charge to store your money. For most people, privacy is the highest priority. When it comes to cryptocurrencies, you can expect your transactions to be highly confidential. You can make your transactions and be anonymous.

Market Capitalization: One way to rank the relative size of a cryptocurrency. It’s calculated by multiplying the Price by the Circulating Supply. Circulating Supply: Best approximation of the number of coins that are circulating in the market and in the general public’s hands. Coins that are locked, reserved, or not able to be sold on the public market are coins that can’t affect the price and thus should not be allowed to affect the market capitalization. Therefore, Circulating Supply is used for determining the market capitalization. Discover more information on CoinTracker app.

Dad advice: Aim to buy low, sell high; try not to buy high, sell low. Look at the price trend, if we are at the highest point it has been in the past 24 hours (days, weeks, etc), that is inherently riskier than buying at a short term low. It can make sense to buy as the price starts to break out (to “buy into strength”), but buying after a breakout at a new high while filled with excitement is a little “irrationally exuberant.” This is to say, aim to “buy the dips” and often “the best time to buy is when there’s blood in the streets… even if it is your own.” Conversely, the worst time to buy is often (but not always) right after the price has shot up and everyone is manic. If you do buy high, and it ends up dropping shortly after, consider HODLing (to “HODL” is to Hold On for Dear Life as the price goes down).

FOMO is an abbreviation for the fear of missing out. This is one of the most notorious reasons as to why many traders fail in the art. From an outside point of view, it is never a good scene seeing people make massive profits within minutes from pumped-up coins. Honestly, I never like such situations any more than you do. But I’ll tell you one thing that’s for sure, Beware of that moment when the green candles seem to be screaming at you and telling to you to jump in. It is at this point that the whales I mentioned earlier will be smiling and watching you buy the coins they bought earlier at very low prices. Guess what normally follows? These coins usually end up in the hands of small traders and the next thing that happens is for the red candles to start popping up due to an oversupply and, voila, losses start trickling in.

Since the initial release September, 2017 CoinTracker iOS app, has gained significant user base. A recurring request from lot of our customers were on how to track buys and sells of cryptocurrency for tax purposes. We have released couple of features that could help you here in last few weeks. For taxing purposes, you have to track your cryptocurrency assets that were converted into non-cryptocurrency assets like cash or goods and services. Please make sure you do the following quick steps whenever you track your Bitcoin and altcoins with CoinTracker mobile app. Read extra info on

Technology consulting tips

Analytics insights? Executive leadership, does your sales team suffer from significant churn? It all comes down to human nature. (Good luck fighting that). It may take a bit of time and education, but in the end I think we can count on smart people to figure out how to act in their best interest. The question for leadership becomes this: is your company culture setup to ensure that your salespeople will believe that collaborating on a CRM platform is in their best interest? It is possible that your salespeople’s resistance to using the CRM system has nothing to do with the system, and everything to do with their plans (or general expectations) that they will be leaving your company in the fairly near future. When that happens, they know that if they have their own spreadsheets or outlook notes or big chief tablets, they can bring very valuable information along with them. If it all exists in the CRM, THEY CAN’T.

Like many CEO responsibilities, the key is to put the right team in place – whether permanent employees or outside partners. But how can a CEO without technical security expertise know whether their security team and program protect them in every way they should? How can a modern-day CEO sleep at night when considering information security? Our team of expert C-level consultants has consolidated this list of main components which should be included in an effective information security program. A summary list of this kind is, of course, no replacement for deep research nor any insurance that protections put in place will function as intended. But for CEOs wanting to get some sleep at night, it does at least provide fodder for a good conversation with your CIO and CISO…

Over 90% of companies with dedicated sales teams have licensed a CRM system, and yet far fewer of these companies believe their CRMs are strategic in their impact to the top and bottom lines. Quora got double-digits responses to the question “Why do salespeople hate CRM?” “Why do salespeople love CRM?” had not been posted as a question as of the time of this writing. Why is it so challenging to get sales teams to use CRM systems? Contrary to some other commentators on this topic, I don’t believe the problem of low CRM adoption is due mainly to the systems being overly complex, or salespeople having limited grasp of software generally. Don’t get me wrong; some CRMs are no doubt too complex, designed by techies without sufficient input from real sales teams, etc. There are over 300 different CRM systems in the market today, and no doubt some are poorly designed.

Every business should want to have an IT consultant! Business owners are always looking for new ways to improve customer satisfaction. Technology can help achieve this goal when implemented in the right way. Current technologies enable businesses to communicate with their customers easily and efficiently. The technologies also help employees to improve their productivity and efficiency. IT consultants can advise businesses on the best technologies to adapt to improve their efficiency. The most appropriate technology depends on the nature of business and number of users. Find additional info on how to use crm data.

An advice every CEO should know about cybersecurity: According to most cybersecurity surveys, over 60% of all data breaches originate from unauthorized access from one of your current or former employees, or third-party suppliers. It is vital that CEOs establish the appropriate cybersecurity “tone at the top” for their respective organization, regarding the importance of information security and how cybersecurity is everyone’s shared responsibility in a truly digital world. Establishing an organizational “culture of cybersecurity” has proven to be one of the best defenses against cyber adversaries. It is the people, not the technology, which can either be an organization’s greatest defense, or its weakest link against a cyber-attack.

We target our services at midsize companies. If you’re a company of this size (< $5B in annual sales), you will not likely see engagement with senior consultants or receive quality staff assigned from one of the Big 4 or Big 3. For each engagement we seek the best consultant match based on the client’s situational needs and the consultant’s industry and leadership expertise. If this approach intrigues you, please contact us to setup an initial conversation.