WeeklyReviewer discuss latest news

WeeklyReviewer is your go to online newspaper for trending daily news! Stay updated on the important news. News, politics, health, finances, all major topics are covered by the WeeklyReviewer online news outlet. Let’s see what is going on around the world lately…

Oil sheds gains, stocks dip as Fed comes into focus : Oil shed some of its gains on Tuesday as the United States raised the possibility of releasing crude reserves, while stocks inched lower as investors waited for this week’s Federal Reserve meeting. Oil slips as market assesses fallout from Saudi attack : Oil prices declined on Tuesday but the market was on tenterhooks over the threat of retaliation for attacks on Saudi Arabian crude oil facilities that halved the kingdom’s output and prompted a price spike not seen in decades. See more news at More Daily News.

Another good online newspaper that i like : Newsday: To retain their current subscriber base, Newsday had one answer—give them more. According to Patrick Tornabene, vice president of audience development and analytics, they first experimented with opt-in products for an additional fee, but after seeing a low uptake and low retention numbers, they switched to a no-fee approach. “The results have been dramatic,” said Kim Como, Newsday communications manager. The first free opt-in product was a niche publication of games and puzzles called “Brain Benders Monthly,” a collection of crosswords, Sudoku, Jumbles, and kids’ pages. Launched in May 2016, the churn probability dropped an average of 12 percentage points, according to Tornabene, and in the first year, the publication yielded $3.5 million in retention revenue.

The New York Times : This is the most influential newspaper in the U.S. in my view. Its editorial page and some of its news coverage take a left-leaning, progressive view of the world. But the NYT also hews to ethical standards of reporting and the classic elements of journalism in America. That’s what helps the NYT remain, arguably, the agenda-setting news organization in America. It is a leader in business, politics and culture coverage. The Wall Street Journal : The largest circulation newspaper in the U.S., the WSJ made its bones as a business newspaper and pioneered new types of feature writing in American journalism (for example, its quirky middle-column feature called the “Ahed” and longer form, in-depth reports called “leders”). As the company was purchased by Australian media mogul Rupert Murdoch in 2007, the WSJ pivoted to cover more general news in addition to business news. The WSJ is still brand X among daily business publications in the world. Its editorial page is a bastion of American free-market conservatism, using the motto, “free markets, free people.” With former Republican speechwriters and strategists such as Karl Rove, Peggy Noonan and Bill McGurn writing columns, the WSJ editorial page is often a must-read for Republicans in Washington. And left-leaning readers should not dismiss the WSJ edit page just because they may disagree with its positions. It has won several Pulitzer Prizes for editorials and columns that feature a clear thesis, backed up by thorough fact-based reporting and bold arguments. Read more news on Dive Deeper weekly news reviews.

Latest health headlines : Race, income may impact U.S. oral cancer screening rates: Only about 1 in 3 U.S. adults say a dentist has ever examined them for oral cancer – and most of those who remember getting such exams are non-Hispanic whites, a new study suggests. Factbox: U.S. lawsuits take aim at vaping: Several deaths and potentially hundreds of illnesses have been tied to e-cigarettes, which allow users to inhale nicotine vapor, often flavored, without smoking. Lawsuits have been filed against e-cigarette maker Juul and more are expected amid increasing scrutiny. The following is a summary of how the litigation is playing out across the United States.

Stranger meet up

Communication has a lot of benefits for your mental condition. Simple things can make a big difference: a genuine smile, an empathetic look, a cup of tea… small, human gestures than can mean so much in times of crisis. Be non-judgmental. Try to understand. Create time and space. Listen actively and show that you’re listening, using nods and encouraging gestures. Use open body language. These things come naturally to some, but need to be learned by others. Reflect on your own attitudes and behaviours and commit to making a difference by using the therapeutic value of communication when working with all clients, whether affected by mental health issues or not. Good communication works, full stop!

How to be interesting in online chatting ? Talking about the weather or the traffic is the classic example of this strategy, but there are other, less painfully cliched ways to use your environment as a conversational springboard. Software engineer Robert Rapplean suggests “commenting on something in your environment… their clothing or jewelry,” for example. It’s a technique that’s endorsed beyond Quora as well. On HBR recently, professional speaker (and therefore serial event attendee) Dorie Clark suggested a variation on this theme.

Connectivity to the Internet often means you’re always plugged in; the ability to get in touch with friends, family members and coworkers is present nearly any time of the day. If you have a thought, it’s easy to shoot off a quick email or post a message on Facebook. Gone are the days when you’d need to wait for a letter to arrive in the mail or wait for someone to call you back. Instant gratification means you communicate in hopes of quick results, reactions and answers, notes psychologist Michael Osit in his book, “Generation Text.”

Raise morale, connect people, have discussions with new persons, talking with strangers has several of benefits. Online chatting can be a great tool to stay in contact with friends or family who may live far away or overseas. While calling each other and talking for hours can be a rather costly expense, online chatting is free. People can chat for hours without worrying about the expenses a phone bill would bring. Online chatting can create, re-create or maintain relationships, despite being oceans apart.

Online chats are also a great marketing tool : Knowledge bases and help articles are excellent ways of providing support and helping customers solve problems. If you have many such documents or help articles online, though, customers or users may not be able to find or use them quickly. With live chat, agents are able to “push” links to help or training documents quickly via the chat window. Therefore, instead of walking users through troubleshooting and resolution procedures step by step, agents can instead link the visitor to the appropriate document or content directly. Online chat can be a cure against depression caused by failed relations. One mistake many make after a heartbreak is trying to suppress the emotions after a heartbreak. The emotions after a heartbreak can be so intense so it’s important you let it out. So go somewhere private and let it out. Cry, yell, scream, do what ever you feel would help you release those intense emotions. Don’t suppress them. Meeting new people will help you during your recovery from a heartbreak because it sort of helps rebuild your pride and confidence again. While you make new friends, it’s important you don’t jump into a relationship. It’s important you give yourself a break from relationships for at least three months.

Along with words and expectations, the attitude we bring to a confrontation is part of our communication style. One is accommodation, the willingness to bend and negotiate. When we adopt an accommodating style, we approach conflicts with a mind toward reconciliation. From that perspective, we’re willing to make sacrifices and negotiate trade-offs so that both partner’s needs are met. Typically, those who are accommodating treat their partner’s issues seriously, are more empathetic and try to understand their concerns, and more willing to admit when they’re at fault. They also approach conversations with an open mind. When we approach disagreements with an open mind, we’re not limited in our expectations as to the outcomes. We’re able to consider alternatives, and that includes our partner’s way of thinking, so we’re not as likely to launch into a counter-attack when our partner tells us they have a problem. tTalk to people today on Chat Rooms!

Build a Better world

The Erich von Werner Society thinks that the society is entering a new era. These changes are because of or are accelerated by factors, which in combination and interaction with each other will trigger a new era: Rise of new competitors in world markets (e.g. Asian countries).

Some of the world’s most threatening problems :

Malaria: Malaria is a major health risk in tropical, developing countries, such as Kenya and the Congo. Approximately 3.2 billion individuals are vulnerable to Malaria – this is half of the world’s population. Young children are the most susceptible, and about 445,000 people died from Malaria in 2016.

Although women make up approximately half of the population, there have historically been social barriers to economic and personal freedom for women. While much has been done to alleviate this, there is still quite a way to go, especially in the developing world. Women are disempowered from a young age, when they are held back from attending school for financial reasons or because of the perception that their education does not matter. Globally, women still earn less than men, and women with children tend to earn even less. This is a waste of potential and hampers progress on obstacles to global prosperity.

Understand and change: It will never be possible to change the world alone. An idea can be so great, but it needs people who believe in it. People who implement them. People who fight for a better world. Join us. Contact us. Let us make the world better together. More details at Understand and Change by Erich von Werner Society

In German : Die Erich-von-Werner-Gesellschaft geht davon aus, dass sie denkt, dass der Planet und die Menschen darauf eine neue Epoche betreten. Diese Anderungen sind auf Faktoren zuruckzufuhren oder werden durch Faktoren beschleunigt, die in Kombination und Interaktion miteinander eine neue Ara auslosen: Umgang mit technologischem Fortschritt (z. B. Digitalisierung, Biotechnologie, Optimierung von Menschen) : AH-Modell.

Es wird niemals moglich sein, die Welt alleine zu verandern. Eine Idee kann noch so grossartig sein, aber sie braucht Menschen, die an sie glauben. Menschen, die sie umsetzen. Menschen, die fur eine bessere Welt kampfen. Arbeiten wir zusammen. Kontaktieren Sie uns. Lassen Sie uns die Welt gemeinsam besser machen.