Estrazione dati offerto da Luca Perrone

Realizzazione video Luca Perrone? Docente in corsi di formazione e di specializzazione per il web marketing e per l’applicazione dei social media nel mondo del commercio e del turismo per realtà private, gruppi di commercio e per il FOR.TER Piemonte anche nell’ambito del progetto GAL Piemonte. Applicazioni dell’utilizzo dei social media e gestione delle stesse in alcune delle campagne elettorali per le comunali (dal 2016), regionali (dal 2017) e politiche (dal 2018). Collaborazioni esterne con agenzie di web marketing italiane ed estere. Attività per conto dell’AG e privati nel campo delle investigazioni sui Social Media.

L’informatica forense è una parte della scienza digitale forense correlata alle prove prese da computer o da altri dispositivi analizzati. Il suo compito è quello di esaminare i dispositivi utilizzando delle tecniche forense recuperare fatti riguardanti le informazioni raccolte. Si usa tale scienza nelle indagini riguardanti una vastità di crimini informatici, usabili in ambito di processo. Molti dispositivi per il recupero dati devono trovarsi in un laboratorio forense sia per mantenere legittime le prove, che per semplificare il lavoro agli analisti.

Consulenza Web Luca Perrone : gestione clienti privati, di aziende, di personaggi politici, pubblici e del mondo dello spettacolo (tra cui Beppe Barida, Zelig, Colorado, alcuni personaggi del Grande Fratello, Agenzie di comunicazione e agenti di Artisti, ecc.) e Aziende Private (IPS, Cassa di Risparmio di Asti, Dynamon nel settore sportivo e Dynko per i bambini, Banche minori, aziende nel settore food e no-food).

Il sito web è il tuo passe-partout per il mondo: Una chiave in grado di aprire ogni porta, una chiave che ti consente di entrare nella vita di milioni di persone. Ecco quello che un sito internet è in grado di offrirti: la possibilità di far conoscere chi sei e cosa sai fare in tutto il mondo. Immagina di doverti presentare in società: hai l’abito adatto, l’aspetto giusto? Conosci le giuste frasi da pronunciare per non sfigurare? Sai in che modo presentarti ad ognuno dei presenti? Noi sappiamo esattamente, grazie all’esperienza, quello di cui hai bisogno non solo per farti fare un’ottima impressione, ma anche per fare in modo che chi ti ha conosciuto desideri rivederti.

Che cos’è la web reputation? Con il termine web reputation ci riferiamo all’opinione, che si viene a creare in rete, rispetto a un brand o a un singolo ed è quindi la percezione che i clienti, gli stakeholder o in generale il mercato hanno dell’attività o di una persona. Viene quindi da sé l’importanza che questa riveste nel raggiungimento del successo aziendale, soprattutto perché è sempre più diffusa l’abitudine di controllare opinioni e recensioni online prima di decidere di finalizzare un acquisto.

E, se desideri sfruttare le complete potenzialità che il web offre, perché limitarsi a proporsi in maniera quasi “passiva” al mondo esterno, quando è possibile interagire attivamente con esso? A questo servono i social network, e per questo diamo grande importanza e attenzione nel creare e, se richiesto, anche nel gestire il tuo profilo social personale o quello della tua azienda. Per quanto invece concerne il software, ci occupiamo della vendita dei migliori gestionali Zucchetti e dei più noti pacchetti applicativi o sviluppiamo in proprio software personalizzati per qualunque esigenza, ambiente e piattaforma. Parallelamente effettuiamo l’attività di assistenza sistemistica e riparazione della componentistica presso la nostra sede. Scopri extra dettagli a Luca Perrone.

Jaan Kelder: Laenuleib ja laastutuli – ei need kaua kesta

Kelder arutleb: huvitav, kui kaua suudab rahatrükk maailmamajandust stimuleerida, ilma et vallanduks hüperinflatsioon ja selle järel traditsiooniline ühiskondlik kriis ehk poliitkorrektselt öeldes „kaasnevad sotsiaalsed pinged“?

Eesti valitsuse otsus eelarve tasakaal ELi suurte järel nii nominaalses kui strukturaalses arvestuses nurka visata on ühtepidi justkui mõistetav – kaua sa paja ühes ääres ikka rammusamat suppi üritad keeta kui ülejäänud osa juba lastakse lurriks minna. Aga teisipidi – kui nende miljarditega ei suudeta nüüd teha vajalikke taristu- ja nt. teadusinvesteeringuid, vaid lihtsalt jooksvate kulude katteks ära kulutatakse, on see ikka puhas lollus.

Aga lurriks asi läheb, sest ühtegi muud rohtu majanduskriisi vältimiseks, õigemini edasilükkamiseks, kui „kvantitatiivne lõdvendamine“ (Quantitave Easing) ehk sisuliselt lihtsalt rahatrükiga inflatsiooni tekitamine, ei ole suudetud leida.

Euroopa Stabiilsusmehhanismi ehk ESM-i eesmärgiks oli poliitilistel põhjustel eurotsooniga liituma saadud Kreeka ja teiste Lõuna-Euroopa riikide päästmine, jagades nende kohustused euroala riikide vahel garantiide võtmise teel proportsionaalselt kuni 40 aastaks laiali, aga koroonakriisi aegne stimulatsioonipakett ületab seda mahtu juba oluliselt. Sajad miljardid muudkui lendavad ja muid teid majanduse elushoidmiseks kui võlakoormuse kasv ei paista.

Kuhu see viib? Teadagi kuhu – kas hüperinflatsiooni või siis varade eriti ebavõrdse jaotumiseni ühiskonnas, tõenäoliselt aga nende mõlemani. Kus kokkuvõttes kaotavad usinad hoiustajad ja võidavad julged ja ka vähese vastutusvõimega laenajad. Seda nii piisava inflatsiooni kui ka (hetkel veel) hüpoteetilise rahandussüsteemi kokkukukkumise puhul, mille järel alustatakse, nagu ikka, puhtalt lehelt.

Asi peab ikka jama olema, kui juba isegi Warren Buffet ostab kulda, muutes oma kümnenditepikkuseid veendumisi. Väärismetallid ja bitcoin on saanud turvasadamaks neile, kes kõuekõmina järel ka reaalset üleujutust ootavad.

Mida me järeldame? Laenajate patud laotakse ikka hoiustajate kaela ning rumal võib tunduda see, kes enne seda laenu ei võta. Kogemused ja vanarahva tarkus on ununenud. Aga see ei tähenda, et ta end millalgi ise meelde ei tuleta.

Kes on Jaan Kelder?

Jaan Kelder on eraettevõtja, kes on rajanud ning haldanud nii suuremaid kui väiksemaid hooneid; reisisell, kel seljataga ligi 50 erinevat riiki kõigil mandreil; kaasalööja mitmes valdkonnas muusikast kogukonnaaktivismini.

Poliitiliselt on Kelder üsnagi tsentris, väikeste variatsioonidega – kui usaldada viimase Riigikogu valimiste eel tehtud valijakompasside määratlusi.Jaan Kelder on lisaks välja andnud mitmeid teemakohaseid publikatsioone. Võimalusel katsub Jaan Kelder Eestit ja selle inimesi aidata niikuidas oskab, on toetanud ka heategevust välismaal. Kelder peab keskkonnateemat ja sellest tulenevaid probleeme (sh. migratsiooni) oluliseks, aga loodab samas, et Eestil õnnestub vaatamata kõigele jääda siiski Eestiks. Meedias loodaks Jaan näha, et ajakirjanikel oleks rohkem meeles Juhan Peegli soovitus oma õpilastele: “Ajakirjanik sa võid olla, inimene sa pead olema.”

Saar shefa blog

When a businessman starts a business and he starts to have some success, he is faced with a difficult dilemma, whether to stay with a single branch or, to open another branch elsewhere, see how he succeeds and then open more branches elsewhere. Well this is a dilemma, since if it fails, then it can hurt the first branch and of course it can endanger the business, the house, financially. On the other hand, if it succeeds, then one needs to recruit manpower, one needs appropriate resources and of course one needs to know how to manage this procedure, not a simple thing, not a trivial thing.

This was the dilemma of Sahar Shefa and his brothers when they opened the first branch of Aroma Cafe. They could definitely stay with one branch and they could also open more branches around the country, so that many customers could be exposed to the aroma, get to know the products of the cafe and enjoy them. As we know, in the end this is what they did, opening branches of Aroma all over the country. Their decision was right, some will bet, their bet was successful.

Needless to say, in the field of restaurants and cafes, so naturally it is very common and right to set up chains, like that of Aroma, because of the need, because of the possibilities and because of the demand of the audience. See extra details at Saar shefa.

One of the best examples of this is Sahar Shefa, one of the founders of the Aroma chain and one of the founders of the Gomba chain. Sahar has been around the food world for over twenty years. It is a great success thanks to business, creativity and a good understanding of the field as well as the environment in which it operates. For example, the great success of the Aroma chain, which attracts thousands of customers every day, is the fact that the chain is spread very widely and is undoubtedly considered the best and most successful coffee shop chain in Israel.

Well, after all that, we could expect to find Crescent everywhere, in every possible media arena. But he prefers to transfer from his experience and knowledge in unique ways, in his own ways. He runs a special website where you can find various articles, both those that tell his story, the story of Aroma and the Gomba chain, as well as articles that can help anyone who enters or is in the food world and is looking for tools and information.

Saar shefa and the Bible: Everywhere, in everything and anything. Some people really carry the Bible with them as a guide, others carry books or lectures by leading businessmen, some carry a certain mentor who accompanies him everywhere and in every decision, and some choose one book or another as the Bible, the guide who can accompany him .

Many times we tend to think that if we want to succeed in life, then we must, study well in high school, do matriculation and go to university to do a degree. After all, this is the path that most people take, this is the path that leads to success in most areas. The thing is, it’s not always like that. Many times we find that successful people are the ones who have chosen a completely different path. Many times we find that their success stems from completely different places, sometimes completely random places, sometimes it’s about things and creative places, sometimes it’s a basic encounter with a certain person, sometimes a situation where they encounter something, and it leads them into a process that helps them succeed. Read additional details at The blog of saar shefa.

The rise of a community service free marketplace : Clap-Serv

Clap-Serv or the rise of a community service platform? What’s in it for Customers? Minimize your search for the right service provider! Don’t you ever wish for a platform where you can share your problem and someone rightly fit in to solve your requirement? Now no more you have to wait. the Clap-Serv app is designed in such a way that it will help you communicate directly to you kind of service provider.

With that said, for Clap-Serv, the most important part is your experience. Be brutal and share your experience with the provider on our review/rating system to help other community members. Why should you help us developing this community? Clap-Serv is committed to create digital experience for billions of individual professionals. In order to become successful freelancer or service provider, One has to go through many channels to acquire customers. One may end up burning a lot of cash with no luck. I am sure this is not just an individual’s problem, it is the story of most of freelancers and small providers in the world.

Clap-Serv challenge the conventional methods of moneymaking platforms which says they care for small service providers and freelancers but have ended up snatching jobs from their hand giving it to others who pay them heavily. We have designed our platform in such a way, that communicating the unique need of ours has become super easy. Clap-Serv has solved this problem of yours…no need to call vendors, yet they can understand perfectly what you need. No need to go through multiple calls to negotiate. No need to call people at home abd then deciding terms of business. Now just put down your service request, wait for proposals, compare, negotiate and Hire. Read additional information on

Unlimited savings guaranteed! Why do you think a normal food from a restaurant costs you more than a small DHABA or from roadside food vendors? Yes, you picked up it right…..its an additional cost of that seating arrangement, ads, branding, sales….etc. As soon as you accept a proposal, you can view providers phone number, you can directly call and setup your terms of agreement. If on the call you found its not for you, come back to your proposals and select another provider by cancelling the order.

Do you have any fixed cost for the Services? It depends on the Vendor you selected. If your provider is giving you the fixed cost and no chance of negotiation, choose another provider and negotiate. Can I book my service and pay through this app? No. Its just an app to develop a community where professionals can join hands with consumers. For final booking and payment, you will have to call or chat and then fix your service or payment discussion with the service provider.

The benefits of Clap-Serv are clear and precise. How will the world be different, if we get the chance to bring Clap-Serv to people around the world? We see Clap-Serv as a replacement for capitalist marketplace. We believe in true decentralization of Marketplace. A decentralized marketplace which will equip the user with endless information. Which help to make their decisions on buying services. A place where true competition will prosper. A place where community will learn how to help each other with their service need. Read even more information on community service platform app.