Video transfers firm

Commercial video production firm? Shoot with the sun at your back. If you’re recording people, they may complain about looking directly into the sunlight, but tell them that the shots you’ll get will be much better than if they were silhouetted against the sun. Time of day and weather should also influence your shooting. Some types of shooting will be better on an overcast day, while others will be enhanced by the “golden hour.” Sometimes you’ll have to reschedule your outdoor shoots to wait for just the right conditions.

And here is our daily trick for photographers: The quality of the final image is influenced by the type of lens used. For event photography in low light, I suggest only looking at lenses with a max f/stop of 2.8. Lower is even better. Using a lens that goes down to f/1.8, for example, is a great way to let enough light in and make the frame bright. The wider the aperture, the more light enters the camera and the shallower the depth of field. Shallow depth of field is a great stylistic choice. Having one subject in focus with the rest blending into a bokeh makes for a visually pleasing and simplified image. Luxury glass, prime, ART, and such higher end lenses are sharper and clearer than other lenses. They are also faster and more reliable. As a general rule, fixed millimetre lenses tend to be sharper than lenses with a range. The downside to fixed is that you have zoom with your feet if you want to adjust the composition.

How about those ancient Betamax or Betacam tapes? Lets go way back to 3/4 Umatic. All of those can be restored, saved and converted into digital files or dvd that you can enjoy today. You can have your 8mm, super 8mm and 16mm film brought back to life for viewing on your computer or television with our film to DVD or film to digital process. There are so many memories held hostage by old technology. What about grandpa’s 35mm slides from his childhood or mom’s first piano recital on 1/4? reel to reel audiotape? If you have tons of old media like film and tapes, and you’re looking to move into the digital age, we provide video transfer services. We’ll convert your videos into digital files on a USB drive, hard drive, or a DVD. Bring your business into the digital age in a shareable 21st century format. Find even more info at Video production Service NC.

Want to add some variation to your background lighting? Consider throwing a cutout in front of your spotlight at varying distances and angles to give a barely-noticeable pattern of light to the area behind your target. It may not seem like much, but it is these tiny elements that give your videos that professional feel. Finally, to give your video that extra bit of cinematography lighting it needs to really shine. Consider adding a practical light or two to the background. A warm light coming from a controlled source – such as a small lamp – can bring a bit of character and depth to the room.

Frank Cole founded Epic Media Productions because he’s a creative self starter who wanted to be his own boss. He appreciates the creative freedom he gets from working independently, choosing to work on the projects he believes in. Frank is passionate about learning exactly what you want to communicate. He’ll plan your project around how he and his Epic team can best help achieve your vision. He’s hired an expert team of video technicians who will always meet your deadlines. Read additional info on corporate video production company North Carolina.