The ascent of a media expert : Izadeli Montalvo

Iza Montalvo or the rise of a communication industry professional: With artists like Bad Bunny dominating the charts and U.S. Latinos wielding outsized influence on social media, Spanish language content is undeniably going mainstream in the U.S. This seismic shift presents major opportunities—and imperatives—for brands seeking to engage today’s consumers. I spoke with cross-cultural communications executive Izadeli ‘Iza’ Montalvo, founder of Olán Media and Cross-Culture Connect, about why developing Spanish content should be an urgent priority right now. “We’re seeing phenomenons like Bad Bunny breaking cultural barriers. Spanish used to be seen as niche, but it’s becoming universal pop culture,” said Montalvo, also an AI translation leading expert. According to Montalvo, “the vast majority of U.S. Latinos—75% according to Pew Research—have retained Spanish language proficiency. 85% say it’s important for future generations to speak it too.” This means brands creating Spanish content can connect with most Latinos in their native tongue. Yet Montalvo cautions that simply translating English copy won’t cut it. Find more information at Izadeli Montalvo

Our Latino engagement strategy helps you reach and connect with Latino consumers where they are, in a way that is authentic, effective and culturally relevant. We understand the unique needs and preferences of Latino audiences, so we are equipped to create marketing, communication and media campaigns that resonate with them and capture their hearts and minds. Recognized as one of Central Florida’s 25 Most Influential Hispanics, I have made significant contributions to some of the nation’s largest Spanish-language publications and have worked in mainstream newsrooms, reaching diverse audiences. My ability to think creatively and offer a unique perspective allows me to tackle multicultural media challenges effectively.

Entrepreneurship is the process of designing, launching, and running a new business. It is a risky but rewarding endeavor. Entrepreneurship offers many opportunities for those who are willing to take the risk and follow their dreams. In recent years, entrepreneurship has taken off in emerging markets like India and China because of their growing middle class with disposable income. The world’s entrepreneurs are also finding new ways to fund their ventures as they face difficulties obtaining bank loans or venture capital funding. AI technology will play an important role in the future of entrepreneurship by providing entrepreneurs with advanced analytics that can help them make better decisions about their business ventures.

For far too long, many brands have treated bilingual content as an optional extra – a “nice-to-have” rather than a priority. But the recent Bad Bunny Time Magazine cover marks a pivotal moment, proving once and for all that multilingual marketing is absolutely crucial for any brand with global ambitions. The time has come to flip the script on bilingual and bicultural branding. This is not just about showing customers you “value” their culture. It’s about understanding that without locally targeted multilingual content, you are essentially invisible to much of the global marketplace.

Entrepreneurs have always been at the forefront of innovation and technology, from Henry Ford who invented the assembly line to Steve Jobs who invented Apple Computers. Today, entrepreneurship continues to be an important force in business and society in emerging markets like Africa, where entrepreneurship is being promoted as a way for Africans to create jobs for themselves and improve their lives through innovation and technology. Entrepreneurship is a very broad topic. It can be about starting a new business, expanding an existing one, or even venturing into uncharted territories. Entrepreneurship is about taking risks and building something from the ground up. The future of entrepreneurship is bright because there are so many opportunities around the world for entrepreneurs to explore. One of the most exciting opportunities that have emerged in recent years are emerging markets such as India, China, and Brazil. These countries have seen a rapid growth in their economies because they are less developed than Western countries and therefore offer more opportunities for entrepreneurs to make large profits by exploiting these markets with innovative products or services that meet unmet needs.

Izadeli Montalvo or the growth of a communication industry leadership professional: Before you launch your business make sure you have some money: make savings, borrow from family and friends or approach potential investors. Make a financial back-up plan. Learn how to make a budget for your business. Do not expect that once you start your business to receive financing from a bank, because generally they are reluctant to finance start-ups. Consider using a financing program for new businesses such as the START Program. You, as an entrepreneur, are the best marketing agent for your business, so everything you do and communicate must inspire professionalism. This means that everything from clothing and attitude to business cards and behavior must be impeccable and give potential customers and collaborators confidence. Discover even more information at

The first thing to understand is that it’s not a growth equity fund — the primary goal of a family office is to invest wealth prudently and extend it beyond generations. Families in the GCC have a multi-disciplinary approach that ensures their wealth transfers across multiple generations in the most tax efficient manner possible, that their children and future generations have prudent investment programs implemented and that they have the appropriate infrastructure and fiduciaries installed to responsibly manage and maintain wealth. This gives local family offices tremendous flexibility in the types of companies and industries that they choose for investment. These offices are typically not beholden to a set of mandates forcing investment into a predetermined space and criteria.

Iza Montalvo on on leadership training : You will find that one important aspect of corporate training involves project management. If you want to improve how your business handles projects of all sizes, this training can certainly be of great assistance. The efficiency with which you complete your projects will have a huge effect on how easily you are able to grow your business, so you will need to learn all you can. Most businesses don’t realise just how much they could improve the way they handle projects. This training will provide your employees with the necessary knowledge and tools they need to help your business become even more successful.

You open a company in the British Virgin Islands (BVI) to provide services overseas. You also establish your company’s management in another country to make it not a BVI-resident for tax purposes. These will ensure no corporate tax will be paid in this jurisdiction. And since BVI has a fair reputation, you can open a corporate bank account in Singapore. This will allow your company to receive money from customers with ease. If necessary, you then need to establish your tax residency in another country where you can receive your business money without being taxed.

The rise of a media expert : Izadeli Montalvo: Personal development brings clarity. Even with an improved sense of direction, there will always be multiple tasks looking for your attention. As your personal development improves, prioritisation becomes much easier. You are clearer on your objectives and you can quickly identify which task will give you the best result with the resources available to you at that moment. Read even more information at Izadeli Montalvo.