Start-up consulting strategies

Looking for Advices for product development ? As a product designer, you need to focus on function over features. It is easy for a great product to get bogged down with too many bells and whistles. As a designer, you may be thrilled at how versatile your design is. But sometimes people don’t want a clever device — they want something that just works. The more features there are, the less intuitive and simple a product becomes. Sometimes a screwdriver is better than a swiss-army knife. Think about the purpose of your product. What is your mission statement? What is your mandate as a designer? Take inspiration from these simple products that made millions of dollars.

In theory, many things can work well, but the real challenge is to make sure it works in reality – at a price consumers can afford. You may need to sample different materials and test out several different combinations before you hit the right combination to head to market with. In the end, it’s much less time consuming and even more cost-effective to sort out your problems as early on as possible. The last thing an entrepreneur needs is to invest time and money into a product that cannot possibly work for whatever reason. Take the time to test out all of your options and conduct your market research with a fully functional prototype to get the most accurate information you need to proceed with your launch. You will almost certainly find bugs and the time to correct them is at the prototype stage, not the launch stage. See more details on Launching a product.

Typography — the fonts you choose and the way you use them say a lot about your brand. For example, just think about the difference between using a traditional serif font such as Times New Roman versus more modern, streamlined font such as Gotham — or even a custom font. Each makes a statement; be sure it’s the statement you’re seeking to make. Color Palette — individual colors, and color combinations, have the power to evoke different emotional experiences and reactions in your customers, which means understanding the psychology of color can be an especially valuable asset for entrepreneurs. Consider the ability of blue to instill confidence and calm, or yellow and orange to spark youthful energy and enthusiasm for example. For more specifics on choosing colors according to your industry sector and intended positioning, 99designs offers much more detail in a report here.

Start-Up tip of the day : Pick a good name: “Good” can be a subjective qualifier, so you should try making your decision based on what your target audience would enjoy. Serve your customer, not yourself: While you should rightfully feel ownership of your startup, remember that ultimately it’s there to serve your customer and not you—vanity projects won’t last long. Keep the customer in mind with every decision you make, and you’ll build a product or service they can get excited about. Source: