Public speaking coach

Public speaking fear can be a huge obstacle if you want to progress your career. Here are some public speaking tips and a recommendation if you are looking for a public speaking trainer. Use Your Voice and Hands Effectively. Omit Nervous Gestures. Nonverbal communication carries most of the message. Good delivery does not call attention to itself, but instead conveys the speaker’s ideas clearly and without distraction. Grab Attention at the Beginning, and Close with a Dynamic End. Do you enjoy hearing a speech start with “Today I’m going to talk to you about X”? Most people don’t. Instead, use a startling statistic, an interesting anecdote, or concise quotation. Conclude your speech with a summary and a strong statement that your audience is sure to remember.

Add some style: If you are using presentation slides, then make the most of them. More than being pretty, the slides should be functional, but adding a bit of fun and colour usually doesn’t hurt. Here are three quick tips to improve slides: Keep the words on each slide to a minimum; Ensure any words or visuals are large enough to be seen at the back of the room; Only include images, videos and animations to help clarify your points. (Don’t add them if they have the opposite effect!); You don’t want to have everything you are going to say in the slides. Just prompts to help remind you what to talk about and audio/visual media to enhance any point you are making. The best way to deal with the (sometimes unfortunate) need to speak publicly is to embrace it, realise how it will help you and your audience, and enjoy the conversation that it sparks. Read extra details Public speaking coach.

Project confidence. The more you project confidence, the more confident you are likely to feel. Get out there and own the room. Even if you are terrified. Fake it. Look people in the eye and command their attention. Don’t go over the allotted time. When in doubt, go under the allotted time. Less is sometimes more. But never, ever, go over. It’s poor speaking etiquette and shows you are not prepared. It’s also disrespectful of the agenda for the event. Again, just practice.

What people say ? You should also remain true to yourself and not try to be someone else during speaking events. There is a ridiculously silly & funny video clip link embedded in the book that illustrates this point quite well. Mike then presents seven strategies to help the reader get over the fear of speaking. He weaves in stories and anecdotes drawn from his own experience in the art of public speaking. He also adds beautiful quotes that can be extracted and used in the readers’ daily lives. My favourite ones are Strategies #4 and #7. The one strategy helps the presenter to speak to large crowds. Big crowds can appear quite intimidating. The other one takes the reader through an intense preparatory process. Mike gives an example of how he drives his teams on the latter but also how he lets go after the process & expresses gratitude for work done. The Amazon book can be acquired here: Overcome fear of speaking ebook.

Redefine your audience: Redefine your audience generally means changing how you see your audience. Instead of seeing them as lecturers who are evaluating you, maybe you can convince yourself that they are all fellow students who are in queue to present after you. They are all equally nervous so there is no reason why you should be too. Or perceive them as long lost friends that you haven’t seen for 10 years. This way you can maintain eye contact trying to figure out where you have seen him before. To the audiences, they will see a very friendly and personal presentation.

Do you want a breakthrough in your career? Have you reached a ‘lid’ in your leadership? YOU can breakthrough! You can achieve more. You can can excel. This school is designed to overcome obstacles and create new CONFIDENCE starting with a deliberate focus on your three spheres of communication. The Public Speaking School will advance your confidence and you will see real results in your relationships, wealth and even health. The School was founded by leadership consultant, communication coach, and professional speaker Mike Acker. Source: