Industrial robots sales raising in 2019

Tanker truckers are important to firefighters. However, it comes with a lot of technical difficulties. For instance, before the fire department buys one, they have to consider factors like the number of gallons it can produce per minute and distance of the vehicle from a water source. Still, Firefighters rely on tanker trucks to fight the fire. On the other hand, some use robots to fight fire. Using robots is a better option, especially when the fire is raging in places difficult for humans to access. Firefighters in Abu Dhabi have started using a robot called LUF. The robot developed in Austria can spray up to 2,300 liters of water per minute while maintaining a distance 55 meters away from the inferno. It also the ability to climb stairs, make turns and avoid obstacles.

In terms of positive results, it was found that children perceived robot dogs in the same way as living dogs – as great companions. However, the study also found a limitation. The robot dog couldn’t interact as well as the living dog. The researchers concluded that it’s not certain that robot pets can completely replace living dogs. Therefore, we need to be cautious when assigning them to the elderly in assisted living. See even more info on this article.

Keynote speakers have been selected from among the top robotics companies in the United States. The event attracts thousands of robotics enthusiasts and professionals annually from technology developers, start-up companies and government agencies. It is a diverse conference in the world of robotics. The Wearable Robotics Association Conference is one event that magnets attendees from several locations across the world. The event is set to hold from the 30th of March to the 1st of April in DoubleTree Resort, Scottsdale, U.S.A. It boasts of a history of having attendees discuss and participate in cutting-edge presentations, robotics demonstrations, networking, and innovative competitions.

Robots have our back! Worried that a robot may substitute you? Well, there are certain situations in which you wouldn’t mind a robot having your back. Just think for a moment about defusing a bomb or entering an unstable building to save someone. If you could decide, would you play safe or risk your life? There are many types of robots and they are used for a multitude of purposes. However, most of them are used to make our lives easier and safer: in dangerous environments, under extreme conditions in which humans wouldn’t survive, manufacturing processes, in STEM as a teaching aid, medicine, etc. A rapidly growing field, nowadays robotics is applied to virtually any activity domain you can think of: medicine, education, military, domestic, commercial, etc. Extra info on this post.

Aluminum is a popular choice for robot makers thanks to its distinct properties. It is lightweight, easy to machine, and rust-resistant. Those properties enable aluminum to use as a single part with complex shapes. It can also handle fragile objects and absorb impacts at the same time. However, those properties also make aluminum less affordable than steel. Technology also offers ways to process its surface that makes your robot presentable. This makes aluminum to be both used as a structural part without worrying about its looks. Aluminum can help to show off your heavy-duty robots for commercial purposes.

Alex Shikany, the Vice President of Membership and Business Intelligence for the Association of Advancing Automation, who reacted to the statistics made available, in his chat with The Robot Report, said that a conclusion cannot be reached because the data made available are yet to be established.

Small business connection – There are plenty of examples of smaller businesses not having access to the same technology as their rivals. With the Internet of Things, smaller businesses are more likely to have access to technology that they couldn’t usually afford. Time will tell just how powerful this revolution is. It could be that we’re only at the start and Industry 4.0 will change manufacturing in ways we never thought possible. What is clear is that we’re a million miles away from the steam-powered machines of the 18th century. Read more information on my publisher site.