Commercial roofing repair and replacement for flat roofs

Commercial roofing replacement firm Colorado Springs? Keep a close eye to detect any missing or damaged shingles and/or roof sealant. Simply cleaning shingles and keeping them free of dirt can also reduce the risk for algae, moss, fungal and lichen growth that can compromise your roof’s integrity. If you notice that some shingles on the roof are worn, damaged or missing, you must act fast. If you feel you can handle it, replace them yourself, but if not you can engage a professional contractor. It is critical that you check, since shingle damage is part of normal roof wear, and shingles alone are simple and cheap to replace.

1st important thing is to maintain your roof properly. As the days start to get warmer, trim back any overgrown trees or bushes that could be crowding the draining of your house. This will keep water away from your foundation. While unclogging your gutters yourself is a viable option, if you notice mold or algae during your spring roof inspection, make sure you call a professional. They have special equipment that can clean your shingles without damaging them, as well as biodegradable cleaning solutions that can help prevent mold growth.

Use a trowel to dig out leaves and organic matter from the gutters. This will help ensure water can drain cleanly through to the downspouts. Homeowners may consider installing eavestrough protectors, which are metal meshed grates that prevent buildup of debris and make cleanup easier. Ensure the down spouts are clear and flowing well so that water can drain properly from the roof and away from the home (and not leak or drip down the sides of the house). A homeowner can do this by taking notes of any leaks or drips that occur during or right after a rain storm and reporting those to his contractor during inspection time.

True Nature Roofing specializes in making the roofing process as simple as possible. In return, our customers are faced with the least amount of time, money, and heartache necessary. We are a leader in customer service and we focus on what matters most… you! With every job we commence, there is a secure feeling of knowledge, experience, and integrity that is embedded in our work. Replacing your roof is a significant investment. It becomes even more costly if it needs to be done over and over again. That is why we appreciate the fact that you landed on our website looking for a reputable local roofing company that can deliver the quality and results required to protect your property. True Nature Roofing is a full service, Colorado Springs exterior restoration contractor. Our company provides you with a one stop shop for all of your exterior repairs. Whether it is quality roof repair, gutter replacement, skilled exterior painters, or many other exterior repair services. We’ve got you covered! Along with our many services we also provide outstanding customer service and industry leading warranties. We encourage you to browse our site to get familiar with the many home repair services we provide. You can also request a free, no obligation, damage assessment at any time. We will provide you with the information you need to make an informed decision regarding the options available for your repairs. Discover additional details on Roofing services in Colorado Springs.

Before a big storm hits, you’re going to want to know you’re being protected—not during. Wind storms, ice storms, snow storms, downpours, you name it, your roof is responsible for sheltering you. In its aftermath, you should check to see if your roof is capable of standing up to the outside elements. Some repairs might be needed if the storm was particularly nasty, but if you’re seeing a lot of water damage in the attic, then it’s time to talk about a replacement. If you’re buying a home or just inspecting one that you’re just settling into, it’s important that you make sure the roof is built to breathe. Without proper ventilation, your roof rafting and sheathing will rot because the heat and moisture trapped within. The roof materials will buckle and bend and the insulation will not be as effective as it should be, introducing a number of problems for your home.

Lets talk about Replacing your roof in Colorado Springs. Clear the roof and gutters of leaves, branches and other debris. Down spouts should not discharge onto roof surfaces, but should be extended to the eaves-troughs of the lower roof. Backed up gutters can cause damage to shingles, shakes or tiles along to the edge of your roof, so be sure to keep them cleaned out. Clear out any debris that may accumulate in the valleys where two roof surfaces join. Debris holds moisture and can cause mold and moisture to being eating away at your roofing material.