Clap-Serv or the upsurge of a community service free marketplace app

The rise of a community service free marketplace : Clap-Serv? With clap-serv, start creating value of your brand through community communication, through trust. Word of mouth is still considered the best of marketing strategy. Better understanding of customers requirement: Now understand better of customers requirement and quote them accordingly. We are using videos, images, texts, docs to communicate one another.

What is that we are doing here? We are here to provide you the land of opportunities by creating a world class community of service providers, consumers and prosumers. Our mission is to re-define the way services are procured today. More customization will be possible. The price place…etc will be decided by us and most importantly, we ourselves can take part in designing our services as we like.

Our vision is of free marketplace with true competitiveness and equal opportunity ground for every talented member of the society. The Idea has been shared by millions but none has worked through it so far. Clap-Serv is committed to bring such platform where small service providers, individuals and Freelancers can make their livelihood without being trapped through the jaws of commissions or subscription fee. Where the marketplace will serv their proposals and deals will not be based upon how much they pay to the platform owners. There will not be inequality and choosen few over large others who join these platforms for free because they do not have enough to buy subscriptions. Read additional info at Clap-Serv.

Believe it or not but with the help of Clap-Serv, you can do endless customization of your service requirement. How?? Use videos, images and attachment for the customization of your service requirement. These are the tools you can use at your fingertips to communicate your service requirement better. As soon as you accept a proposal, you can view providers phone number, you can directly call and setup your terms of agreement. If on the call you found its not for you, come back to your proposals and select another provider by cancelling the order.

Can I ask for rental or property related Services? Yes, You can and find service provider per the location your looking for. Can I go source service in different Town or City? Yes, you can. While sending the request for your service choose other address and add a new one. As professional service provider, do i need to pay any subscription charge or commission? This app is free from any subscription charges or commission charges.

The benefits of Clap-Serv are clear and precise. How will the world be different, if we get the chance to bring Clap-Serv to people around the world? We see Clap-Serv as a replacement for capitalist marketplace. We believe in true decentralization of Marketplace. A decentralized marketplace which will equip the user with endless information. Which help to make their decisions on buying services. A place where true competition will prosper. A place where community will learn how to help each other with their service need. Discover more details at