Document organizer with diagram editor from

Software project organizer solution from, a new online software solution for organizing software requirements. This days software programming has become an extremly complicated thing to organize. Let’s start with the basics: The markdown feature in Docstell is really simple to use. When a text zone is inserted in to a node you can begin typing your markdown right away. When leaving the edit area the text is automatically formatted. The idea with markdown is that it will save you a lot of time when formatting your texts. Markdown allows you to write using an easy-to-read, easy-to-write plain text format, which is then converted to valid HTML. Instead of getting frustrated about how a lot of common word processors format your text in every way but the one you want, markdown is very predictable and easy to learn.

Docstell is also adding functions to upload various file types to a node. You can upload any type of file and share with you team or keep it in a private node. Just drag it from you computer and drop it on the node you want to attach it to. They added a preview zone that makes it possible to preview files adjacent to your other information. You can view for example pdf, docx, xlsx, csv, txt, png, jpeg and mpeg4 files. If you for example receive a specification in a pdf file format you keep this file here together with the rest of the documentation and will easily be able to preview it and let all your team have access to it.

Docstell uses as an integrated diagram editor. This means that you can use all the power of this popular tool. Add links to your diagrams for really smart navigation to find more information about an asset that is described somewhere in the documentation. Docstell is a realtime documentation solution that puts the collaborative work in the right place from the beginning. This means that when you need to ask a question or need feedback on your work, you put that adjacent to the source to keep a log of the discussion in the right place. This saves a lot of time both for yourself and your team mates. Read additional details on Realtime Documentation Solution.

Slack integration was recently added to Docstell. This lets you get notified in your favorite Slack channel when someone in your team is adding comments to your documentation. From the message in Slack you get a link back to the node with the comment in Docstell, this makes it convenient to answer the question in the right context and to build up the knowledge base where it should be. If you don’t use Slack or want to be notified by email we added functionality to mention a user in the comment. Use the @ sign to get a list of users that belongs to the workspace. If this user is not online an email is sent that tells the user that there is a message waiting to be answered. You can configure if emails should be sent in the new user settings dialog.

No matter what kind of project management tool you are using or what kind of team is at your disposal, often times I find one of the causes to be lack of proper documentation, be it requirements, specifications or other kind of information that you need to be able to make correct decisions for your application or system at any given moment. It is possible that the system is documented in some way, but all too often the information is spread out in different places. Some of it might be checked in in your version control system, other parts are on a wiki, some documents are on a Sharepoint site that parts of the team don’t have access to, yet others might be in Slack or in Teams. Or even worse on a teammate’s personal hard drive or inbox. Hidden information that could have been important to make correct decisions is a huge problem.

Go simple, make it efficient and start to benefit from the power of having your documentation organised and accessible for your whole team. All the time. Keeping software documentation simple and super easy to update will prevent your team to invent new ways of adding specs in new formats and put it in places where it is hard to find. Read more details at

Buy bengal Toronto

Bengal cats are fabulous. If you are searching for a companion pet we think that bengal cats are an excellent choice. It’s not a good idea to have a pet bird if you are going to own a Bengal cat. They are natural bird hunters. This includes both those which are found in the wild, and any pets which are in cages. They will pull out all of the stops when stalking their prey, and arising the victor of the hunt. They love to travel and they are very active. They are not at all like most house cats who enjoy lazing around the house. They are great explorers and are also a bit on the nosy side. Bengals will not rest until they know every nook and cranny of the house, so if you are the type of person who craves privacy, this breed may not be the most suitable choice.

If you already have a dog at home, you don’t need to worry too much about welcoming a Bengal cat. You can make sure that your dog and Bengal cat becomes best friends. You will often be able to see them running around the house. In addition to that, you can also see them cuddling up together. They prefer to keep company of each other at all times. When you leave your Bengal cat and dog at home, you will be able to see them getting into trouble as well. The Bengal cats are cute and good looking as well. This is another reason, which would tempt you to get a one as your companion at home. By nature, cats are nocturnal. They are sleeping throughout the day under sunlight and they become crazy at the night time. Hence, you will be able to see your Bengal cat bouncing around the house during the night time. You will also be able to see how your Bengal cat is jumping to the bed and snuggling during the day time. This is one of the cutest sights that you can see at home.

The Bengal is very athletic breed of cat, which tends to be very active and energetic. They do sleep just as much as any other cat will, but when they are not asleep, they are apt to be tearing around or demanding that you find them something to do. They are going to climb and or jump anywhere and everywhere they want to go, including counter tops and kitchen cabinets. They will get into EVERYTHING. This means that you might find yourself woken up in the middle of the night by your Bengal leaping on you to demand attention, or racing around the house chasing imaginary prey! Owning a Bengal can really liven up your house, so make sure that this is what you want from your new pet and that you are not biting off more than you can chew!

Bengal cats can create about 100 different sounds. For comparison – dogs are only about 10. Representatives of this breed are very active in “communication”. The sound of the voice of the representatives of the Bengal breed of cats is guttural and wild. Animals publish it in rare cases, for example, when they eat very tasty food or when they want to scare off the enemy. The humiliation of a Bengal cat is a sign of great love and devotion to the master, as well as an indicator of the proper care and maintenance of the animal. In the family, as a rule, they choose one master and are able to become attached to him for life. Discover additional info at

Bengals are not typical, lazy house cats. They’re very smart and need plenty of attention and toys to keep them occupied. We’re not just talking about stuffed mice. Toys with puzzles to solve are best for a curious Bengal. If your home is lacking in entertainment value, your Bengal will likely find his own way to combat boredom. This can include destroying your electronic equipment or getting into things it shouldn’t.

Situational depression information

Dysregulation disorder informations are a hot topic in a world overrun by stress. Sad feelings and crying bouts that follow childbirth are known as the “baby blues.” The baby blues are common and tend to decrease within a week or two. This type of sadness is often attributed to the dramatic hormonal changes that follow childbirth. Around one in seven women will experience something more extreme than the typical baby blues. However, women that give birth and struggle with sadness, anxiety or worry for several weeks or more may have postpartum depression (PPD). Signs and symptoms of PPD include: Can postpartum depression start months after giving birth? Postpartum depression does not necessarily begin immediately following the birth of a baby. Postpartum depression symptoms may start in the first few weeks following childbirth, though sometimes, symptoms of PPD do not begin until months after birth and can emerge at any time during the baby’s first year.

Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) is one of the best contrivances to cure the cerebral disorder. In today’s modern age, most of the people are suffering from different kinds of mental disorder. It has been proved the best treatment at all. Italian Neuropsychiatric Ugo Cerletti invented it in 1930. He experimented this therapy on a person first time in 1938. Earlier or before that, a chemical Metrazol treatment was used. He found that it was beneficial and alchemic. The research and development were made on ECT therapy by Ugo Cerletti in coordination with his colleague named Lucio Bini. With the invention of Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) , these two neuropsychiatric had reached the height of fame. The unique, sophisticated apparatus has been spread across the world. We can find it in overall the hospitals; especially it is available in the hospital of Neuropsychiatric and Cardiologists. See more info Mental Health Therapies.

Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) is a severe form of premenstrual syndrome (PMS). While PMS symptoms can be both physical and psychological, PMDD symptoms tend to be mostly psychological. These psychological symptoms are more severe than those associated with PMS. For example, some women might feel more emotional in the days leading up to their period. But someone with PMDD might experience a level of depression and sadness that gets in the way of day-to-day functions. Similarly to perinatal depression, PMDD is believed to be related to hormonal changes. Its symptoms often begin just after ovulation and start to ease up once you get your period. Some women dismiss PMDD as just a bad case of PMS, but PMDD can become very severe and include thoughts of suicide.

When the person goes through the patch of an intense feeling of sadness or depression due to some incidents, it is called, “Major Depression”. If anybody’s beloved one dies or meets with a more significant challenge, he or she may go to the major depression. It is called “Clinical Depression”. There are many people; they may suffer from major depression due to different incidents. Let me cite an example here of my one patient, named Hemant. (Name changed due to privacy). Major depression can make a person’s life so miserable and worse. Hence the patient should be conscientious about your health. The patient continues with the treatment properly unless and until he is cured or come to the right track of mental equilibrium. The patient has to continue with both the treatment, especially medications (anti-depressants) and psychotherapy. Read extra info Mental Health Info.

The earlier you catch schizophrenia and begin treatment with an experienced mental health professional, the better your chances of getting and staying well. So, if you suspect you or a loved one is exhibiting schizophrenia symptoms, seek help right away. Successful schizophrenia treatment depends on a combination of factors. Medication alone is not enough. It’s important to also educate yourself about the illness, communicate with your doctors and therapists, build a strong support system, take self-help measures, and stick to your treatment plan. Pursuing self-help strategies such as changing your diet, relieving stress, and seeking social support may not seem like effective tools to manage such a challenging disorder as schizophrenia, but they can have a profound effect on the frequency and severity of symptoms, improve the way you feel, and increase your self-esteem. And the more you help yourself, the less hopeless and helpless you’ll feel, and the more likely your doctor will be able to reduce your medication.

Dr Parag Mahajan is a renowned psychiatric. He did a masters degree in Medical Science. His educational qualification is MBBS, DNB, DPM, MA. He started his debut from Godawari Medical College, Sakegaon, Jalgaon. He is a philanthropist, man. His life purpose is to serve the people. He believes in one thing only that “Service to humanity is a service to God. He is a God-fearing man. He works 15 hours a day; viz. the proverb goes on “Rest is Waste.” He hardly gets time to take rest. He had opened his hospital by the name of his mother, i.e., Bharati NeuroPsychiatry Hospital at Bhusawal. It is a two-storeyed hospital which is furnished with all facilities and amenities. Visit:

Travel to Sri Lanka for a fabulous wildlife safari

Sri Lank safaris and vacation tours … an incredible destination that we will focus in this post. Udawalawe National Park: is equally amazing as Yala, with a multitude of landscapes such as marshes (wetlands), scrublands, forests, mountainous areas and open grasslands. We found grasslands to be more abundant at Udawalawe than Yala, which gave us more opportunities to spot wildlife and make our safari more enjoyable. At the centre of the park lies the Udawalawe Reservoir, a vast body of water which is the perfect backdrop for photos.

Towering up in the central highlands, Horton Plains is the highest plateau on the island. The cloud forests here are rich in endemic plants and animals that have adapted to the cooler climes (temperatures can fall below freezing at night). Birds such as the Sri Lankan whistling thrush and Sri Lankan bush warbler are best seen here. The dwarf lizard, found only in the montane zone, has evolved the ability to give birth to live young in order to avoid the problems of laying in such egg-chilling temperatures. See more details Sri Lanka safari holidays.

There are plenty of places around the world that have become viral travel hotspots overnight. A few popular Instagrammers or vloggers blow a place up and all of a sudden it becomes a must-do activity while you visit a region. The palm tree rope swing at Dalawella Beach is a prime example of a social media hotspot. Having said that it’s an awesome spot for a fun afternoon or a sunset and chill place to hang out whether you intend on getting that ‘Instagrammable’ travel shot or not. The location of the swing is on Dalawella Beach, which is in the south of Sri Lanka near the popular town of Unawatuna. It takes about two hours to get to Dalawella Beach by train from Colombo and will cost a couple of bucks for the ticket. Once you are at Dalawella Beach the exact location is actually in front of a guesthouse called Dream Cabana.

Mirissa is the ultimate Sri Lankan beach getaway. The beautiful long beach is flanked by tall overhanging palm trees and lined with modern restaurants and hotels. The restaurants have western style food at Sri Lankan prices. Just off the beach is Parrot Rock. It has a small staircase leading to the top that offers great views of the ocean and coastline. Day trips from Mirissa include whale watching, snorkeling and surfing. Weligama, just a few kilometers from Mirissa, is one of the best beaches in Sri Lanka to learn surfing. Come happy hour and into the evening, many the restaurants turn their venues into beach clubs and pump out drinks and tunes. Arugam Bay is revered by surfers. This small town on the east coast of Sri Lanka embodies the quintessential laid-back surf lifestyle. The Main Point surf break is within walking distance from the town center, but is only recommended for advanced or intermediate surfers. Otherwise, Whiskey Point or Peanut Farm are two great surf beaches for beginner and intermediate surfers; a short tuk-tuk ride will take you there. Often elephants and peacocks can be spotted beside the road, just outside of town. The main strip in Arugam Bay town is lined with restaurants and hotels where you can dine on anything from traditional Sri Lankan curry to full English breakfasts.