SEO expert Abbottabad

Responsive website designer provider in Abbottabad ? The answer is SA Web Design & Development, a leading provider of web design and SEO services. Here are some 2019 web design tips from one of the best web designers in India.

Web design trend of 2019: Micro-interactions are events with one purpose: to surprise the user and create an event that is inviting and human. Every time you take a small action on a website or app and there is a specific response to it, this is a micro-interaction. When you refresh a Twitter page and hear a beep, this is a micro-interaction. Or when you check Facebook, the red icon displaying your message count is—you guessed it— a micro-interaction. These have been the most common uses of them, but in 2019, web pages will heavily feature their more interactive incarnations. Hover and scrolling animations, chimes, and much more. All in all, this is a way to involve your audience in your website, to subtly transmit information to the users about their actions and usage, and make web pages feel a little smarter.

If your search for the keyword phrase ‘website designing company Abbottabad’ or ‘web designer in Abbottabad’ brought you to our website, confirms that you have come to the right place. We are professional website Designing Company and are based in city of pine and School; Abbottabad Pakistan. Founded in 2007 with the professed mission of creating modern mobile, web applications, Websites and database that add value to our customers and the users of their website, we already completed more than 250 projects for clients from 27 countries across the world. Right from its beginning the company has been gripped with quality, creativity, innovation, affordability, and usability. The reason why we are the best web design company is that of the effort we take to have a clear understanding of what exactly our clients want and then ensuring that their problems are solved in the most efficient manner. We firmly believe in building good-will and long-term relationships with all of our associates and partners in success. Read more details at Website designer in Abbottabad Pakistan.

There seems to be something particularly attractive about brutalism’s in-your-face aesthetic these days. Whether it’s as a natural pendulum swing away from the “clean” and minimalist style that recently dominated the web — a rejection of the cutesy friendliness of a million brand’s voice and illustrations, a middle finger in the face of the so-called “homogeneous web,” or an act of resistance to the increasingly surreal blend of fact and fiction the web exposes us to daily — there’s no denying that brutalism has moved out of design’s subculture and into the fully branded spotlight. Brutalism’s staying power suggests an interesting facet of design trends’ emergence and adoption that reminds me of the pop punk phenomenon of the late-90s (here’s to dating myself!): Whatever the trend, no matter how “rebellious” or “in your face” it might seem at first glance, it can and will be co-opted for the popular market. And that that growth from “subcultural” trend to mainstream mainstay can extend over multiple years.

We have over 12 years experience working with top rank School and our application i.e. School Management System is error free and mature . Over 100 schools and colleges already installed successfully our SMS and are happy using our services and product . Following are the main features of our School Management system. Branch creation wizard helps to create a new branch and helps to set the branch up by creating classes, setting up fee and other branch information. This allows the school to create new branches whenever required in just a few steps. See extra info on

SEO tip of the day from SA Web Design & Development : We have already seen that Google has integrated AI into their Search Engine Optimization. Using RankBrain technology they are now giving the most accurate results than ever before. But once they introduced Google Assistant to the mobile devices there is a shift of traffic toward voice searches. Maybe today Voice Search is not holding much of the traffic but in future, surely they are going to play the most important role in SEO. Voice commands have changed the phrasing of the queries quite a bit, and it has also enabled the search engines to adapt and utilize snippets even more. Often, virtual AI assistants will not only perform the search but will also read the snipped from the featured answer, which makes the need to get that coveted snipped spot on the SERPs that much more vital.

Things happening and changing in the field of Information at tremendous speed and user expectations have changed over the past few years. As a website owner, there will be a time when you will need to take a deep solid look at your website and determine if it is working as per your expectation. More often than not you will probably decide that a site redesign is in your best interest. We can help you take your current website to the next level by custom redesigning you a website and using the latest web development techniques in online marketing and search engine optimization (SEO) to generate quality visitors to your website.

Company Name: SA Web Design & Development
Company Address: Zaib Centre, Jinnahabad Road, Mandian Abbottabad KPK, Pakistan.
Website Address:
Tel:+92 315 8570057
Tel:+92 315 8570057

Meditation courses benefits

Heart centered learning advantages in 2019, a trendy topic, and we will bring this up again as a fabulous personal health course is starting in December 2019, i’m talking about Body Bedrock course.

One of the most interesting studies in the last few years, carried out at Yale University, found that mindfulness meditation decreases activity in the default mode network (DMN), the brain network responsible for mind-wandering and self-referential thoughts – a.k.a., “monkey mind.” The DMN is “on” or active when we’re not thinking about anything in particular, when our minds are just wandering from thought to thought. Since mind-wandering is typically associated with being less happy, ruminating, and worrying about the past and future, it’s the goal for many people to dial it down. Several studies have shown that meditation, through its quieting effect on the DMN, appears to do just this. And even when the mind does start to wander, because of the new connections that form, meditators are better at snapping back out of it.

Overcoming substance abuse at any age requires a lot of self-control and discipline. Meditation helps in breaking the barrier of dry dependence. Research shows that implementing meditation sessions in rehabilitation programs can help a patient with substance dependence or addiction to control impulses and reduce withdrawal symptoms. Substance abusers who regularly meditate, show less aggression and craving. Also, they have signs of heightened self-awareness and usually recuperate sooner than non-meditators. Whether or not meditation directly contributes to addiction control is still a matter of investigation, but the impact of meditation in bringing a positive mental shift in addicts is undeniable and universally accepted. See extra details on Meditation course.

Feeling the weight of the world on your shoulders? Meditation is incredibly effective at reducing stress and anxiety. One study found that mindfulness and zen type meditations significantly reduce stress when practiced over a period of three months. Another study revealed that meditation literally reduces the density of brain tissue associated with anxiety and worrying. If you want your stress levels to plummet, meditation may be the answer.

Body Bedrock distills traditional medicine into basic health habits. We use ancient wisdom and modern science to drill down into the core of what makes you healthy and we unearth the solid foundations you can always fall back on to create health. Source:

Rainwater storage management system online store

Looking for the best ground rain water management system that you can buy online? Here are some advices to pick the best rainwater storage and recycle. Taking into account the soil conditions, sizes of available crates, and the estimated water flow rate, you can start by excavating the site where you plan to install the soakaway crates. After doing this, you can then level the ground. This is necessary to ensure it is stable.

Due to the popularity of drainage systems such as the soakaway and French drain, there are now quite a few products available on the market that have taken the principals of construction of the affore mentioned drainage types and refined them. One such product is known as the Soakaway Crate (or sometimes known as Aquablocks, water blocks or soakaway drainage crates). These are very handy products in that they effectively take the place of the rubble infill in the soakaway pit. They look very similar to large milk crates but with a bit more constructive stability and are purchased in a flat pack form that you then simply clip together to form a box shape.

In the old days, a test pit was dug, and water poured into it and visually monitored to see if it drained away. The percolation test is still the best way to check the soil in your garden, but there is a calculation you can use which is more reliable than trusting your eyeballs. You should dig a 300 square millimetre hole 300mm below the lowest point of the proposed drainage pipe. This hole should be filled with water, and the time it takes for the water to drain away measured. This will provide you with a figure that can be used to calculate the required water storage volume for the soakaway.

Can be mainly used for rainwater storage and recycle, the drainage system and water storage- permeation and filtration system along side the roads, parking lot, water storage and drainage for the ecological shallow ridges, living community, factories and enterprises, municipal roads, viaducts and bridges, park and scenic sport, it shall be the necessity for construction of sponge city. Read more info at Multi Functional Water Management System.

Recreational therapy approved CEUs recommendations

CEUs for recreational therapy recommendations or making sure the professionals stay professional. The Continuing Education Unit (CEU) is a nationally recognized unit of measure for non-credit continuing education programs. It is used to document learning that differs from the traditional academic learning experience and has become vital as a means of determining the value of a learning experience in continuing education and training.

It is completely natural to feel overwhelmed with the seemingly endless information about wellness these days. Wading through the research and recommendations can leave you feeling as if you know less than before you started. When we are feeling lost on our wellness journey, it is common practice to seek out the guidance of trained health care professionals such as counselors and dieticians. But have you thought about seeking the services of a recreational therapist?

Many manufacturing jobs also have certification standards because of constantly changing technology. While some may require in person attendance for their certificate programs, some fields allow for online learning. Depending on your career choice, the benefits of CEUs can help make sure you remain qualified in your field.

Messina says that as more value is placed on staying healthy outside the hospital, respect for the field has grown. “The role that recreation can play in that recovery continuum and the overall health care continuum is beginning to be recognized a little more,” she says. While recovery or improvement may be the direct goal, the focus is also on self-confidence, self-care and quality of life. “I am drawn to anything that makes a person a better person,” Schwab says. “If you end up in a wheelchair or with a walker, you’re still able to do the things that make you, you.” See extra info at Online CE Provider For Recreational Therapists.

Improve Marketability: Even in the most uncertain economic conditions, employees who have completed continuing education credits will likely improve their marketability as a professional. Since continuing education programs provide specific career related training, employers recognize the value of CEUs and are more likely to hire candidates that been accredited over non accredited candidates.

The SMART CEUs Difference: We are not a one man or woman show! Our team consists of many parts pushing forward together to improve the online CE experience for Recreational Therapists everywhere. The majority of our team consists of Recreational Therapy Experts who we call our SMART Instructors. They are Recreational Therapists who have both a passion to teach a broad TR audience and have extensive experience in various areas of TR. We also have a top notch social media expert, an awesome RT Newsletter writer, some amazing tech dudes, and our founder Nathan Lamaster, who steers the ship. Source: