5 MIG welding machines handbook plus MIG welders shopping

Top welding tips: how to become a more skilled welder and how to choose the top welding equipment. Before you get started, conduct online research to see what the best practices are for the specific wire you have or contact a trusted filler metal manufacturer. Doing so not only tells you what the manufacturer’s recommended parameters are for your diameter wire, but also what the proper wire feed speed, amperage and voltage is, along with the most compatible shielding gas. The manufacturer will even tell you what electrode extension or contact-to-work distance (CTWD) is best suited for the particular wire. Keep in mind that if you get too long of a stickout, your weld will be cold, which will drop your amperage and with it the joint penetration. As a general rule of thumb, since less wire stickout typically results in a more stable arc and better low-voltage penetration, the best wire stickout length is generally the shortest one allowable for the application.

One of the “cardinal sins” that almost every shop commits is over-welding. This means that if the drawing calls for a 1/4″ fillet weld, most shops will put down a 5/16″ weld. The reasons? Either they don’t have a fillet gauge and are not exactly sure of the size of the weld they are producing or they put in some extra to “cover” themselves and make sure there is enough weld metal in place. But, over-welding leads to tremendous consumable waste. Let’s look again at our example. For a 1/4″ fillet weld, the typical operator will use .129 lbs. per foot of weld metal. The 5/16″ weld requires .201 lbs. per foot of weld metal – a 56 percent increase in weld volume compared to what is really needed. Plus, you must take into account the additional labor necessary to put down a larger weld. Not only is the company paying for extra, wasted consumable material, a weld with more weld metal is more likely to have warpage and distortion because of the added heat input. It is recommended that every operator be given a fillet gauge to accurately produce the weld specified – and nothing more. In addition, changes in wire diameter may be used to eliminate over-welding.

A few tips on welding equipment, MIG and TIG welders, plasma cutters. TIG welding is similar to to a MIG welder as it uses an electric arc in the same was as MIG welding does but differs in a few ways. Instead of a continuous spool of consumable wire, a TIG welder uses long tungsten welding rods that are manually slowly fed into the weld puddle to join the metal. TIG welding requires gas, usually argon, to protect and cool the weld puddle from external contamination. TIG welding is more suited to welding thinner materials such as stainless steel and aluminium as you can get the power down lower to reduce the risk of blow through and can even weld two dissimilar metals. Suitable for tricky welds such as S curves but TIG welders are still capable of welding heavier materials depending on the machine. TIG welding takes more practice that MIG welding as the process is much more manual with controlling the torch, welding rod and gas by hand (and foot for the gas) but once mastered will produce the highest quality welds making it the better choice where perfect, precise welds are required but due to the manual process is the least productive.

Flat-Position Welding Increases Welding Speed : It’s common knowledge that welding in a horizontal position will be the easiest and fastest way to weld. A flat position is not as taxing to maintain and the welding puddle will stay in place. Take some time to evaluate each project before beginning in order to make sure the majority of welds can be completed in this position. If a job calls for vertical welding, see this article about vertical welding. Core Wire Feeder Increases TIG Welding Speed: For professional welders hoping to speed up TIG welding, a core wire feeder will add filler metal through an automated process. Watch this video on how it works. This enables welders to work with both hands and to maintain a constant flow of wire into the welding puddle. Ed Craig at the Frabricator writes about the wire feeder process first developed in Europe, saying it is “suitable for all-position welding on materials of any thickness, the process addresses traditional GTAW limitations and can enhance both manual and automated TIG weld quality and productivity.” Discover extra info on MIG Welding Machines.

Use gas lens style collet bodies and cups to weld stainless steel: Use gas lens style collet bodies and cups to weld stainless steel. The screen in the gas lens allows far better gas coverage of your welds. You can use gas lenses to weld all materials is you want; they also allow you to stick your tungsten up to 1” out of the cup by increasing gas flow. Sometimes you need to extend it just to reach a tight spot. The screen diffuses gas at higher gas flow rates eliminating turbulence which is what you would get if you tried this without the gas lens. Too much gas is as bad as too little gas. (Especially for TIG welding aluminum) Typical gas flow rates are around 15 to 20 cfh. Bu it really depends on the nozzle/cup diameter. While I am on the subject, what do the numbers on TIG cups mean? I am glad you asked… A #4 means 4/16″ or 1/4″ A #7 means 7/16″. In other words the number cup means how large the inside diameter in 1/16’s. When you use a #4 cup remember to adjust the argon flow to around 10cfh. And the bigger the cup inside diameter, the more gas flow….to an extent.

Talk advantages and talk to strangers

Discussion satisfactions and anonymous chat ? How talking to other people benefits your brain and well being? We will discuss this topic, showing several examples of how social connection can be beneficial to your life.

We follow others in conceptualizing ingroup identification as a feeling of similarity and engagement with an ingroup and its other members. Identification reflects, and is expressed by, the inclusion of the ingroup in the self-concept (Tropp & Wright, 2001). Thus, forum identification refers to the extent to which users include the forum in the self-concept. Joining the forum is not synonymous with becoming a high identifier; active members of the forum may vary in their identification. Because a given user may be strongly identified with one forum but only weakly identified with another, identification is not a stable personality trait. To measure individual differences, we need to specify the target (in this case, the specific forum).

Overall, 72% of teens ages 13 to 17 play video games on a computer, game console or portable device. Fully 84% of boys play video games, significantly higher than the 59% of girls who play games. Playing video games is not necessarily a solitary activity; teens frequently play video games with others. Teen gamers play games with others in person (83%) and online (75%), and they play games with friends they know in person (89%) and friends they know only online (54%). They also play online with others who are not friends (52%). With so much game-playing with other people, video gameplay, particularly over online networks, is an important activity through which boys form and maintain friendships with others. Do you want to lak with someone ? See more info at stranger chat.

To what extent is the internet associated with a transformation of American society from groups to networks? Myth has it that in the old days (a la Pleasantville), the average American had two parents, a single boss, and lived in a friendly village or neighborhood where everyone knew their names. Yet a variety of evidence suggests that many North Americans no longer are bound up in a single neighborhood, friendship, or kinship group. Rather, they maneuver in social networks. The difference is that a person’s network often consists of multiple and separate clusters.

Do you want a reason to talk to someone you don’t know ? Talking to strangers also provides you with an opportunity to meet the love of your life. Think about your current romantic partner or someone you ever dated before. For most of you, this person was once a stranger who later turned into a lover. I am living proof of this. There is this one time I went to a restaurant, and since it was quite full, I had to share a table with a pretty lady. I said hi to her and we engaged in some small talk as we waited for our meals. The conversation went on as we ate our food, and once we were done with our meals, we exchanged phone numbers. This led to more conversations and more lunches together. Eventually, the stranger I decided to talk to at the restaurant ended up becoming my wonderful wife. Just like in my case, talking to strangers provides you with an opportunity to meet a potential mate. That man or lady sitting next to you on the train or standing on the queue with you at the supermarket could be your soul mate. However, you will never know if you don’t talk to them. The best part is that you don’t need to use any cheesy pickup lines or any other such stuff. Simply be friendly, strike up a casual conversation and see where it leads.

Another benefit of chat communication is that it helps in expanding your network and enhancing future communication. It provides a feel of friendliness which, in turn, boosts the success of your relationships, whether they are personal or business relationships. Using emails or phones wouldn’t give you the opportunity to build camaraderie. chat communication is great form of persuasion, engagement, and leadership. Even if you don’t have time to actually meet in person, using platforms for enterprise video conferencing and web conferencing such as ezTalks Meetings, would provide you with the benefits of chat communication by energizing a positive climate and a bond between you and the other people. Read more info on online chat.

Data append services via virtual assistant

Virtual assistants for web scraping services or how to finish the work with minimal workforce costs. Workers hours costs cutting your profits, to the point when you are almost out of business? Time to explore the world of virtual assistance. You will be surprised with the reduced costs and the top quality of the work.

There are endless possible benefits to using a virtual assistant. The nn greater question is, what impact can a VA have on your business which will benefit you the most? When hiring a virtual assistant, first and foremost you should be looking for immediate relief of some kind. You benefit by not only from having something taken off of your plate but also a weight being lifted. Whether it is finally being able to get your bookkeeping done, your social media posts scheduled, a timeline to begin your online course offerings, a website optimized, newsletters sent, workbook created, etc. the impact is two-fold. Virtual assistants not only perform the work but allow you to keep your momentum up. A body in motion stays in motion. This means you can stop just spinning the ideas around in your mind and, instead, you can put the wheels in motion to move forward. So before hiring a VA, decide on the benefit you want to have first and hire the right virtual assistant who will provide the outcomes needed.

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Small business owners are (understandably) used to doing everything themselves, though this strategy wears thin when you’re putting in 100-hour work weeks. Working with a VA lets you exercise your delegating muscles, a talent that will serve you well as your business grows. Start by developing a thorough job description. The clearer you can state your needs, the more successful the experience will be for both of you. Like anything else, you get out what you put in, so it will require an initial investment of time, thought and training to hand work over. However, this up-front investment will provide more freedom to do the things that only you can do.

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Pet Reiki specialist

Looking for Dog psychic specialist in Colorado? Meet Gillian, a certified Canine Therapeutic Massage Therapist (CTMT) Advanced Canine Massage Therapist (ACMT) and a member of International Association of Animal Massage & Body Works (IAAMB). She also serves as a dog care and enrichment volunteer for Freedom Service Dogs, helping ease kennel stress by providing energy healing and massage, along with play time, puzzles and grooming.

Getting a feel of your dog’s body is beneficial when it comes to early detection. You’ll be able to feel wounds that you can’t see through your dog’s coat, or any lumps and bumps that might be developing inside your dog’s body. These things can be felt before seen, so taking notes when you massage your pooch and noting what’s abnormal will help your veterinarian determine the issue. Early detection is critically important in treating many illnesses and massage will certainly help.

While most adult humans communicate verbally, animals communicate in a silent language. This type of communication is called telepathy, which means mentally sending and receiving messages with no use of sensory channels or physical interaction. It involves the direct transmission of feelings, emotions, intentions, thoughts, mental images, impressions, sensations and more. In this kind of communication you do not read body language or make guesses based on behavior. Animals are masters of telepathic communication. They speak to each other in this manner, and also attempt to speak to humans in the same way. Read more info at Animal Psychic Communication.

When I invite my dogs to join in my morning Reiki sessions, they immediately come romping into the room. After lighting incense and flipping on the music, I lay back on the couch as my dogs take their normal positions.

Chakras exist throughout the body and are sometimes referred to as the main energy centers in the body. Chakra is a Sanskrit word which means “wheel of light”. Humans have seven main chakras. Dogs have the same seven chakras plus one additional chakra known as the brachial chakra. The brachial chakra in a dog is the beginning point for clearing chakras in dogs. Each of the chakras regulates a specific area or areas of the body. However, all of the chakras work together to keep the body’s energy aligned and flowing smoothly. When there is a physical or emotional problem within the body, the chakras will become blocked and energy will not flow properly. Which chakras are blocked will depend on the area(s) of the body affected. Until the chakra is cleared of its blockage, the issue will remain. During a Reiki healing session, the dog may become very relaxed and sometimes will fall asleep. Other times, the dog will become invigorated and energized after the session has concluded. Each dog will react in a way that the Reiki energy best suits them. A Reiki energy session can be as short as five or ten minutes in length or as long as an hour or more. The length of the session depends on how much healing the dog feels it needs.

Massage Works Wonders for Wilma: Former street dog Wilma had trouble calming down and relaxing when meeting new people, greeting guests and when experiencing new situations. “In January, 2017 Wilma was found with her two surviving puppies, living on the streets in Amarillo, Texas. All were brought to CO, and I adopted her in early February. We’ve been working on building confidence in new situations and building social skills with new people. While Wilma is benefiting from canine massage in that she’s learning to relax and be calm, Gillian’s work helped in other ways as well. Wilma has become much more confident, able to spend time with Gillian alone, without me and the other dogs present. Regular sessions have also helped Wilma be more confident in other situations where people are present in my home. On Thanksgiving, she actually jumped into someone’s lap. And she is engaged and excited to see new people, no treats necessary! Dog massage therapy has been a fabulous experience for me and Wilma.” Source: https://fourpawsholistictherapy.com/.