Avoiding wine fraud by Jason Murray Arnold

How to avoid wine fraud by Jason Murray Arnold? Jason Murray Arnold is a wine connoisseur, who has strong knowledge on the subject of wine. His knowledge goes beyond knowing how to drink wine or simply having a deep appreciation. For example, he has the ability to assess a young wine and know its aging potential. Jason Murray Arnold is available to assist collectors with the purchase of quality selections and vintages.

When you need a true expert in the wine business, look no further. Jason Arnold has made numerous five figure acquisitions of wine and is quite knowledgeable about all aspects of the wine business. He is what you would traditionally call a sommelier. Here we will discuss about how to avoid wine fraud.

If anyone thinks that fake fine wine stopped with the conviction and jailing of arch-counterfeiter Rudy Kurniawan, they’re fooling themselves, according to expert Maureen Downey. Hundreds of wines concocted by Kurniawan, AKA ‘Dr Conti’, were destroyed at a US landfill site last year, but others were never found. Added to that, wine fraud investigations remain a frequent occurrence. Downey, who has spent more than a decade attempting to shine a light on the issue, this month launched the Chai Wine Vault system in an effort to guarantee a wine’s provenance and authenticity.

First, consider the reputation of the retailer. Have other collectors purchased bottles from them, and if so, how satisfied were they with the authenticity? Next, ask whether the retailer has a return policy or purchase guarantee. If you buy a fake bottle from a retailer, you want the option to take the bottle back for a full refund. Finally, ask whether the retailer inspects bottles for fraud using wine experts. Never buy wine from a retailer who answers “I don’t know” or “No” to these three questions. Even if you choose the best retailer, there’s no guarantee that they can catch every instance of wine fraud. That’s because counterfeit wine sellers are constantly changing the way they commit wine fraud, forcing the industry to use new fraud detection techniques every year. In the event your retailer makes a mistake, you need to know how to catch fake wines yourself. The first thing you should inspect is the wine label, as it’s relatively easy to spot fake labels. Find additional info at Jason Murray Arnold Fraud in the wine industry.

Wine fraud isn’t anything new. In fact, counterfeit wine has been around for years. Decades ago con artists would take cheap bottles of wine, add fake high-end wine labels, and then sell them to some unsuspecting person. Unfortunately, there are still a lot of wine scams out there to be aware of today. As the fine wine market continues to grow, scam artists have taken the opportunity to sell fake products. One of the reasons that it’s easier for people to pull off a wine scam or other fraudulent activity is because the wine market isn’t regulated like those of other industries.