VLG Studios and the fine wildlife artwork

Let’s start with the best locations where a wildlife photographer can get the maximum inspiration. Well, if you want to discover some of the best secrets of Brazil then head out to Pantanal where you can discover the best wildlife. Placed at the heart of South America, Pantanal is the world’s largest wetland which covers an area of 210,000 sq km. Well to add more live to your picture you have the great Amazon rain forest with a variety of jaguars and alligators. All you should do is to just find that perfect spot for your perfect shot. What’s more, add some more essence as you breathe in the tropical air that carries a raw scent of nature. Also, pause the flight of some birds like flocks of egrets, storks, and spoonbills in your lenses.

Antarctica: Trips aboard expedition vessels typically depart from Patagonia with some departures accompanied by TV cameramen or ‘celebrity’ photographers such as Chris Packham and Mark Carwardine. It’s worth researching who will be joining your trip to make your decision. Zodiac boats take you on snowshoeing excursions, while evenings might see you attending fascinating onboard lectures. Every ship offers viewpoints on deck from where you might see whales, penguins and huge seal colonies.

On the 13th of July 2019, me and my partner (who is a wildlife photographer and also a fellow Wildlife Conservation student) will be travelling to Kenya to work at the Mara Naboisho Conservancy, which borders the Maasai Mara National Reserve and is one of only a few areas in Africa remaining as a refuge for large mammals. We will be taking part in a project that’s aimed at monitoring and conserving big cats and other wildlife in the area by conducting and contributing to research of the endangered predators such as lions, leopards, and cheetahs. This is research that will contribute to park and animal management plans and so is vital to providing long-term protection for all of the endangered species in the Maasai region. See more information at Wildlife Mugs.

I believe transparency is super important with my customers, and so I will soon be setting up a new page on my website illustrating the causes that we will be supporting including the total amount of donations that have been made through product purchases by customers! Between now and the 10th of January, all profits from sales made on my website will be donated to the emergency fund at WIRES (NSW Wildlife Information, Rescue and Education Service Inc.) which is being used to help rescue sick, injured, or orphaned wildlife affected by the ongoing bushfires.

?In my artwork, I try to focus on capturing the expressions or emotions of an individual. My new course is both fascinating and enlightening, as it has enabled me to develop a deeper understanding of the animals I love to paint and draw. Giraffes are highly sociable and very interested in what we are up to, especially when it involves food! Over the past seven years, I have exhibited my work and entered into recognised competitions within the UK. Read even more details on vlgstudios.com.