The growth of a tech entrepreneur professional : Michaela Jamelska

Michaela Jamelska or the growth of a tech entrepreneur expert: NOVA’s founding team is Jean Arnaud, Michaela Jamelska, and Patricia Jamelska—serial entrepreneurs and industry professionals who are building the educational platform of the future. According to NOVA’s founders, many EdTech startups’ pitfalls lay in their lack of both real-life understanding of the educational industry and teaching expertise. While they may have top-notch engineers, industry expertise is what makes a difference. The NOVA team is developing a product that targets the real problems in education. Discover extra details on

The reality of limited technology access for women is a big issue in 2023 says Michaela Jamelska: It is a well-known fact that technology has the capability to enhance women’s availability to healthcare, education, and economic prospects. For instance, mobile health initiatives have the capacity to furnish women in remote regions with healthcare services that may not be readily available to them. Looking at example of some nations, such as Argentina and South Africa, the government uses funds from universal service funds to support ICT access for women and girls; Canada included a new Affordable Access program in its 2017 budget that works with service providers to provide affordable home Internet packages to low-income families who are interested (OECD, 2018b).

Michaela Jamelska regarding Ai and Gender Equality: According to the EU, in order to be considered ethical, any AI technology must ensure respect for the fundamental rights of EU citizens. The EU wants to avoid the potential harm the misuse of AI can cause its citizens and find solutions to the major ethical concerns (bias, discrimination, algorithmic opacity, lack of transparency, privacy issues, technological determinism, etc.). Many could say that automation is likely to affect both female-dominated and male-dominated occupations, which is true. However, women are more likely to work in occupations that involve a high degree of routine and repetitive tasks (e.g., clerical support work or retail jobs) (Lawrence, 2018; Schmidpeter and Winter-Ebmer, 2018; Brussevich et al., 2019).

Michaela Jamelska on the innovative 5G trial to boost business : A project led by the West of England Combined Authority (WECA). 5G products and services will be developed to support operations at Bristol Port, demonstrating a smart and dynamic smart port environment. The initiative will focus on security, traceability, and tracking of goods within and across extendable virtual boundaries. Mission is concentrated on the development of two different use cases: 1) The deployment of 5G enabled autonomous drones for security and surveillance; 2) Drone-based traceability and real-time tracking of goods combining both public and private networks, in close cooperation with the University of Bristol. Moreover, 5G LOGISTICS project will demonstrate how 5G private network capabilities can improve the efficiency and productivity of the logistics sector. By testing the potential of 5G in a port scenario, the West of England Combined Authority is driving innovations that could bring economic benefits to the region and beyond. The outcome would bring an innovative way to support businesses and communities creating a connected and sustainable future for the region.

I read an opinion recently where someone said that being in a virtual world is just an illusion of identity, and our freedom is limited to what the corporation decides to do. Simply put, they are saying that our entire existence is cancellable, or in the hands of others, which conflicts with basic human rights ideology. While their opinion has some truth, we face risks in the real world, too—we are even ‘cancellable’ in a way if someone decides to attack and kill us in the street. While this may be an extreme and drastic comparison, it illustrates the idea that we can’t make assumptions about the limits of our freedoms in the virtual world. Certainly, our freedom in the online world has limits drawn from commercial interests, but our freedom has limitations in the real world as well, stemming from political interests, commercial interests, and so on. We don’t have full freedom in the real world; neither will we have it in the virtual world.

How 5G is crucial for autonomous multi-robots fleets and connected smart cities. Our CEO has set the vision for AI, Autonomy and 5G and will share this with an audience of more than 7000 participants from different countries in Asia. As he points out “We see growing demand for SG private / campus networks enabled autonomous services for smart manufacturing, factories, retail, logistics and supply-chain as well as 5G public network enabled rapid emergency response, comprehensive surveillance and inspections and robust live content streaming from mega public events.

Michaela Jamelska about the future of Air Mobility in Europe: Building on the key learnings and results of the SESAR JU Gulf of Finland (GOF) U-space project, which successfully demonstrated the safe airspace integration of unmanned aerial vehicles in summer 2019, GOF 2.0 intends to safely, securely, and sustainably demonstrate operational validity of serving combined unmanned aerial systems (UAS), electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL), and manned operations in a unified, dense urban airspace using existing ATM and U-space services and systems.

So maybe Metaverse is not just the beginning of Web 3.0. Maybe it’s about doing better this time, starting with a tabula rasa, and proving that we are not subjects of our pre-determined human nature—that we as a society can learn from our current world’s faults and create a better one. Maybe Metaverse will be an existential and philosophical revival of who we are as humans, and the mistakes of today will vanish in the world of tomorrow if we only realize them and are willing to progress.