Comment system for any of website

JointComments is a Disqus replacement, a free comment solution for WordPress. Adding a comment widget to your website has many benefits, and we will talk about them in this article.

Blogging is often a one-way street. You talk a lot about a topic, but without the comments, it’s like shouting into an empty room. If you want to give your site a little life, add comments. Turn a static article into a real conversation. It’s not all glitter and gold, though. There are a few occasions when comments can backfire. Here are some of the top ones. When having comments doesn’t really help: Do comments work 100% of the time for every blog? Not necessarily. Several high profile bloggers don’t have comment sections and still survive. Seth Godin doesn’t allow comments on his blog. Never has and never will. Zen Habits is another popular blog without a comment section. So there’s no clear consensus that blog comments are always helpful. In some cases, it may be more of an effort than it’s worth.

However, to figure out how much additional traffic he was receiving from those rankings, Neil took a look at the actual number of impressions and clicks that those rankings received. Overall, he found that the comments section brought in 16% of all search traffic. Neil concludes, “Comments didn’t drive as many visitors as I wanted, but considering that it’s user-generated content, it’s not that bad. It could be that Google may not be placing as much value on text created through comments or words appearing lower on a page (since comments are located below each blog post) as it does on the post itself.” I should note that Neil only analyzed 560 blog posts–so far less data than the 100,000+ blog posts from the HubSpot study–but it is interesting information nonetheless.

It makes commenting great for the lazy. I have to admit something. Today everyone is lazy. We want to do things in less clicks. We want to type without picking up our fingers (Swype). So today’s websites/blogs can not afford to have a long tedious process for commenting. Its our job to make it as simple as possible for anyone to put their thoughts down. Almost everyone is logged into JointComments as soon as they power on their computers. So with JointComments comments, they dont have to do anything more. Works just great!

Embeddable Comment Widget: Get more engagement with our easy to use commenting system. The setup takes just a few clicks. How It Works? 1. Fill our simple registration form to access the dashboard. 2. Copy & Paste the widget code into your website. 3. Engage with your community & moderate comments. 4. Earn JOINT tokens based on your traffic & engagement. JOINT Token Rewards: JOINT is a tradable cryptocurrency which works on Ethereum blockchain. JOINT also the fuel of Joint Comments platform. – Acquire traffic from other publishers – Reward your team members & writers – Hold it to get future profit from Joint Comments. Discover additional details on