eBay selling advices and established eBay accounts

Here are a few Amazon marketing recommendations to improve your income while selling on this online platforms. We will also talk how established eBay accounts create more revenues by simply using the trust factor that comes with account age and account good reviews.

Have Large Product Images: Images are crucial for selling products to online buyers. A description is incomplete without a good picture. Amazon has strict rules for images like every image should be at least 1006 pixels in size. Also, the main images should have a plain white background of the image. A genuine and large size product image create trust and help buyers to zoom in the details efficiently. Your product can be sold only if its image matches the details mentioned in the information given in the product description.

Google Shopping: You sure have some plans for your business to include Google shopping in it. But are you really utilizing its potential to the fullest? Studies by Forrester have revealed that retailers spend 6% on Google Product Listing Ads (PLA’s), and the number of PLA’s listed has increased by 71%. This is due to the boom in visual commerce. Sites like Pinterest have a huge user-base and are growing in popularity. Similarly, Google shopping uses the concept of visual commerce as well attracting visually motivates shoppers.

It is best to establish yourself as a seller first before trying to sell any of these items. Also, if you sell a designer item on eBay and it is a fake (such as a handbag or other designer clothing item) you can be suspended on the first instance. Don’t let greed drive your eBay selling motivation. Slow and steady wins the race. Learn more ways to protect yourself from eBay scams here. Get the Right Supplies: You do not need a lot of expensive equipment to sell on eBay, although the internet will have you believe otherwise. Veteran sellers have done just fine since 1996 with just the basics — before the “after eBay market” appeared with a plethora of listing tools, photography equipment, photo editing apps, and research tools.

Craft Your Title Carefully. Once you’ve decided what keywords to use, don’t just string them all together at random. You need to include keywords so that search algorithms can find your listing, but you also need to create a title that human beings will want to click on. To do that, put your keywords together in a way that flows naturally. “New Xbox 360 Video Game Console System Controllers” sounds much better than “Xbox 360 Controllers Console System Video Game New.”

If you are looking for Amazon accounts for sale, you have come to the right place. We have Ungated Amazon Accounts available. All our accounts are aged and with no brand restrictions and open to all categories. Amazon account suspended? you should consider a stealth account as a second identity. When you buy Amazon account, you don’t have to worry about your account getting suspended or restricted in some way. As you may know, such platform has strict regulations if you go against their Terms of Services. Even if you don’t mean to do something wrong, your account can still get suspended. If you would like more information please get in touch. Find more details on eBay Amazon Accounts.