Canine massage services

Searching for Pet psychic animal communicator Denver? Meet Gillian, a certified Canine Therapeutic Massage Therapist (CTMT) Advanced Canine Massage Therapist (ACMT) and a member of International Association of Animal Massage & Body Works (IAAMB). In addition, Gillian continues to keep up with the latest research, learning as much as she can to bring a holistic cooperative approach to animal well-care, sharing tips with animal owners to help care for their animal companions

Getting a feel of your dog’s body is beneficial when it comes to early detection. You’ll be able to feel wounds that you can’t see through your dog’s coat, or any lumps and bumps that might be developing inside your dog’s body. These things can be felt before seen, so taking notes when you massage your pooch and noting what’s abnormal will help your veterinarian determine the issue. Early detection is critically important in treating many illnesses and massage will certainly help.

Animals don’t always tell us what we want to hear but they do tell us what we need to hear. As an experienced animal communicator, Gillian possesses a unique ability to talk with animals — hearing, seeing and understanding an animal’s thoughts and feelings, and can deeply tune in to what an animal is trying to express. While animal communication is not a substitute for traditional veterinary care, it can be used to enrich relationships and bonds between animals and their owners. It can be used as a form of distance or in-person healing and can be applied to many situations including health problems, general check-ins, improving pet-owner bonds, behavioral issues, aging, end-of-life decisions and much more. Read extra info on Best Animal Communicator.

Reiki’s an ancient Japanese healing practice. It involves the channeling of a natural healing energy from its divine source into a subject. The divine energy is believed to enter the Reiki practitioner through the crown chakra on the top of the head. It then flows through the practitioner and out through the palms of the hands.

Chakras exist throughout the body and are sometimes referred to as the main energy centers in the body. Chakra is a Sanskrit word which means “wheel of light”. Humans have seven main chakras. Dogs have the same seven chakras plus one additional chakra known as the brachial chakra. The brachial chakra in a dog is the beginning point for clearing chakras in dogs. Each of the chakras regulates a specific area or areas of the body. However, all of the chakras work together to keep the body’s energy aligned and flowing smoothly. When there is a physical or emotional problem within the body, the chakras will become blocked and energy will not flow properly. Which chakras are blocked will depend on the area(s) of the body affected. Until the chakra is cleared of its blockage, the issue will remain. During a Reiki healing session, the dog may become very relaxed and sometimes will fall asleep. Other times, the dog will become invigorated and energized after the session has concluded. Each dog will react in a way that the Reiki energy best suits them. A Reiki energy session can be as short as five or ten minutes in length or as long as an hour or more. The length of the session depends on how much healing the dog feels it needs.

Canine Massage Helps Calm Coco: Many of us know how stressful it is to have work done on our homes. Sometimes, it can be even worse for our pets. Already a bit cautious, Coco was quite anxious after living through a recent home remodel. “Gillian has been amazing with our dog Coco. He is very cautious around people and it takes him a while to warm up to them. Also, Coco has been disturbed by a recent home remodel. Even under these circumstances, Gillian managed to get through to Coco, gaining his trust. At the first appointment, Coco would not let Gillian touch his paws or back half, but through communication and sensitivity, she made great progress and is now able to fully massage Coco. Thanks to Gillian, we see positive changes in Coco’s disposition. She also gave us some tips on how to continue to calm Coco.” Source: