The ascent of a technology thought leader : Nick Ayton

Who is Nick Ayton and some of his technology leader thoughts… Nick Ayton about the bitcoin generation: As a sixties child, I was aware of this loud revolution, the music, the fashion and the different way of thinking, and yes, I hated the Beatles’ and Elvis’ music and still do. But they played their part. It was The Time in the 20th Century to be alive, to be involved, to make your mark as the London scene demonstrated. Even the FBI and MI5 perceived this as an infection as something they had to deal with. A new liberalism, a new permissiveness was sweeping the western world as society broke with post-war years and the young started to shape the world we have today.

An all around the world recognised tech business leader, Nick works with boards to help them understand the complex nature of new technologies that include Quantum Computing, Artificial Intelligence, QuantumAI, Nano Materials, VR and Blockchain, as opportunities and threats for business operating model improvement, customers and the top line growth. Nick Ayton has spent more than 4 decades in tech fields, trasforming businesses and implementing the latest tech for competitive advantage. He has the knack of making the complex feel familiar and gets to the issue quickly. He gets you thinking and helps you take action, to have the right plans in place for what is to come. Nick Ayton has worked in technology for 35 years with a background in Computer Science, Product Development, Sales and Restructuring. He was involved in 8 tech starts and used to be a corporate citizen holding senior roles in some of the largest IT Services, BPO and Tech companies over a career spanning more than 30 years.

“Nick has a way of getting through to audiences by scaring them a little, then making them laugh. A thought leader and futurist I very much enjoy listening to him” Chainstarter Ventures has a broad International contact base of Investors, Funds, UHNW and Families where we match project opportunities with capital. Nick Ayton has published several White Papers discussing how Blockchain will disrupt Global Custody, Asset Management, Legal Services, Accounting & Audit, Banking and several other sectors. His book – how to design and implement Blockchain Operating Models will be available in the second half of 2017. Discover even more info at Nick Ayton.

But it gets better. You have to take part in the community, and peer reviews using machine learning that select from the community, which ensure fair play and the integrity of the ecosystem is maintained. This is how an App Token has to work: you have to earn it, do something and make your contribution. Earning tokens delivers community, strength in numbers and a support infrastructure to create a movement, a shift that anchors new behaviours.

Nick Ayton on crypto app tokes : It all happens very quickly… We remember Blockbuster but forget what really happened. A bricks and mortar business selling (renting) video cassettes and later DVDs was replaced by online consumption of video content (streamlining) as the Web became more efficient, faster, and as bandwidth increased as technology advanced time and again. It was technological advancement. And now Netflix is 30% of all Internet traffic. The sight of the Nokia CEO with his head in his hands where he said ‘but we did nothing wrong’ was astounding. Yet he single handedly failed to see a storm coming and Nokia went from market leader to gone in just a few years, as they failed to see the smart phone revolution being cooked up by Mr Jobs over at Apple. Shareholder value never recovered and investors lost billions. All because management failed to have a plan for what was coming – that was then and Blockchain is now not only coming, it is already here…