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Searching for a Excel solution for a work issue? Here are some Excel informations: Pivot Tables offer several significant benefits, which is why they’re so popular. But they also have significant limitations, which is why I seldom have used them in the past. The benefits are obvious. Pivot Tables offer a powerful ability for Excel users to explore relational data in Excel and to return sorted, summarized, and filtered slices of the data to spreadsheets. I don’t know of any other product that offers such power. On the other hand, from my perspective, Pivot Tables have always seemed to be merely a report generator bolted to Excel. They offer many reporting capabilities, but only one spreadsheet function—GETPIVOTDATA—to allow worksheet functions to use PivotTable data. Therefore, Excel users—again in my opinion—have always had to work much harder than we should to use data from one or more Pivot Tables in standard Excel reports. But finally, in Excel 2010, Microsoft added most of the features Excel users need to use Pivot Tables as a truly useful source of data for standard reporting and analysis. Because we can work around the missing features, we finally can use a collection of Pivot Tables as a powerful and massive spreadsheet database.

Spreadsheets are composed of columns and rows that create a grid of cells. Typically, each cell holds a single item of data. Here’s an explanation of the three types of data most commonly used in spreadsheet programs: Text data, also called labels, is used for worksheet headings and names that identify columns of data. Text data can contain letters, numbers, and special characters such as ! or &. By default, text data is left aligned in a cell.

There are several ways to change text data into numerical data, but using the VALUE function is usually the easiest solution. See Use Excel’s VALUE Function to Convert Text to Numbers. Conversely, if you want Excel to read numerical characters or a formula as text, just add an apostrophe (‘) at the beginning of the entry.

LUZ is a Brazilian company that produces and sells ready-to-use spreadsheets in Excel since 2013. Now, we are translating for English! See more details about Excel spreadsheet templates

Excel file formats: The XML-based and macro-enabled file format for Excel 2016, Excel 2013, Excel 2010, and Excel 2007. Stores VBA macro code or Excel 4.0 macro sheets (.xlm). .xlam The XML-based and macro-enabled Add-In format for Excel 2010 and Excel 2007. An Add-In is a supplemental program that is designed to run additional code. Supports the use of VBA projects and Excel 4.0 macro sheets (.xlm).

Text file formats: .txt Saves a workbook as a tab-delimited text file for use on another Microsoft Windows operating system, and ensures that tab characters, line breaks, and other characters are interpreted correctly. Saves only the active sheet. .csv Saves a workbook as a comma-delimited text file for use on another Windows operating system, and ensures that tab characters, line breaks, and other characters are interpreted correctly. Saves only the active sheet.

Excel Tips and Tricks!

Generally there are three shortcuts in the top menu, which are Save, Undo Typing and Repeat Typing. However, if you want to use more shortcuts, like Copy and Cut, you can set them up as follows: File->Options->Quick Access Toolbar, add Cut and Copy from the left column to the right, save it. You will see two more shortcuts added in the top menu.

You may know how to activate the speedy search by using the shortcut Ctrl + F, but there are two main wild cards—Question Mark and Asterisk—used in Excel spreadsheets to activate a vague search. This is used when you are not sure about the target result. Question Mark stands for one character and Asterisk represents one or more characters. What if you need to search Question Mark and Asterisk as a target result? Don’t forget add a Wave Line in front.

Tallest Mountains in the World and other funny top 10’s

Top 10’s for any product area, good when searching for info. One of the Most Famous Streets in the U.S. ? Wall Street in New York City has become synonymous with the financial marketplace of the United States. Notably, Wall Street is home to the New York Stock Exchange – which is the largest of its kind in the world. The actual area Wall Street is known for stretches .7 miles from Broadway to South Street and is also home to the American Stock Exchange, the NASDAQ Stock Market and the New York Mercantile Exchange. For many Americans, Wall Street represents wealth, power, corruption and greed. A large number of people blame Wall Street leaders for the financial collapse and list it as a major cause of the current “Great Recession.”

One of the Highest Grossing Movies of All Time ? The Ten Commandments, Ten Commandments is a retelling of the story of Moses (played by Charlton Heston) based on the Bible. This film was directed by Cecil B. DeMille and was released in 1956. In total, when adjusted for inflation, the movie would have made $2,098,600,000. The movie is over 3.5 hours long and was the most expensive film made up to that time ($13.27 million). The film was nominated for 7 Academy Awards but only won one for Best Special Effects – perhaps due to the scene where Moses parts the Red Sea. In 1999 The Ten Commandments was picked to be preserved in the United States National Film Registry through the Library of Congress because of its historical, cultural and aesthetic significance.

One of the Longest Living Animals ? The hydra is a tiny freshwater polyp that is related to coral, sea anemones and the jellyfish. Similar to the Turritpsis nutricula jellyfish, the hydra has regenerative powers. Every time you cut one of these tiny creatures apart, each piece quickly develops into a new hydra. Hydras do not appear to age at all. Their bodies are tubular in shape and have a mouth on one end that has poisonous tentacles. The hydra uses its tentacles to paralyze insects and crustaceans after which it consumes them. They only grow to be a little less than an inch long; however, they can consume prey that is up to twice their size. These strange creatures move around by utilizing a cup-like foot or pulling themselves along with their tentacles and then “somersaulting.” More top 10’s at UtopTens.

One of the Tallest Mountains in the World ? Makalu is the fifth highest mountain in the world and is located about 14 miles east of Everest. It is located on the boarder of Nepal and China. It is an isolated peak that has the unique shape of a four-sided pyramid. There is another subsidiary peak that doesn’t quite meet up to the “eight-thousander” reputation called Kangchungtse, or Makalu II. It lies northeast of the main summit and is connected to it by a arrow saddle called Chomo Lonzo.

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Top qualified dental specialists for white teeths

Teeth whitening guide. Not only is it bad for your health, smoking is one of the worst offenders when it comes to staining teeth. Tobacco causes brown stains that penetrate the grooves and pits of tooth enamel. Tobacco stains can be hard to remove by brushing alone. The longer you smoke, the more entrenched the stains become. Smoking also causes bad breath and gingivitis (gum disease), and increases the risk of most types of cancer.

Eat More Foods That Contain Malic Acid: Fruits like apples, pears and strawberries are malic acid rich and can actually help with whitening teeth. Eating more of these foods will help naturally whiten teeth. Those are just but a few tips that you can hack when it comes to whitening your teeth at home. However, the best way to whiten your teeth naturally, though it may not be the most convenient, is to simply brush your teeth with an appropriate toothpaste after eating or drinking something. As long as you’re consistent, you will see vast improvements.

The results you get from teeth whitening depend on what your teeth were like when you started. Some people think whitening erases all the damage they’ve done to their teeth over their lifetimes, but the opposite is true: The better you’ve cared for your teeth, the greater the results. The more you’ve maintained regular dental appointments, brushed and flossed regularly, and avoided damage and discoloration, the whiter your teeth will appear after a teeth whitening service.

The practice philosophy focuses on each individual team member providing an exceptional standard of patient care to ensure our patients expectations are exceeded. This team philosophy is supported by superior technical skills using advanced equipment and materials in a caring, clean and welcoming environment. Our aim is to make your visit to the practice as comfortable as possible while ensuring that we are at the forefront of the latest dental techniques. At 75 Harley Street we provide a wide range of dental services including dental implants to patients of all ages from across the UK and abroad. Our dental team comprises of American (USA) and British qualified dentists, specialists and Hygienists, who are highly qualified, patient focused and commited to offering a first class service in a relaxed enviroment.

We will never compromise or sacrifice the quality of care and set our fees to reflect this. This allow us to provide the very best skills, equipment, materials and environment which allows us to provide excellent care for our patients in Harley Street. We are very open and transparent with our dental charges for treatments and all possibilities are discussed and accounted for so there are never any surprises once our patients start their journey with us. We believe for a specialist dental practice with the calibre of our team in Harley Street, London and the facilities and service we provide, our fees are very competitive and ensure long lasting treatment success every time. This is confirmed by our patients returning and the reviews they very kindly provide us. Read more info at Harley Street dental.