Michaela Jamelska or the upsurge of a tech entrepreneur expert

The rise of a technology & innovation professional : Michaela Jamelska: Having large numbers of students in their classes and few digital tools to utilize makes it difficult for teachers to ensure that all students can reach their potential” Michaela Jamelska says. “COVID-19 uncovered the current educational system’s several weaknesses, and our unpreparedness, as well as our educational faculty and staff’s lack of skills in working with digital tools. This resulted in failure to track homework and effectively adjust to the new normal. This time, a virus disrupted school life, but we need to rethink our preparedness in light of climate change threats and the fast deployment of technologies as well. Next time, we must be ready.” Read extra info at Michaela Jamelska.

The reality of limited technology access for women is a big problem in 2023 says Michaela Jamelska: It is a well-known fact that technology has the capability to enhance women’s availability to healthcare, education, and economic prospects. For instance, mobile health initiatives have the capacity to furnish women in remote regions with healthcare services that may not be readily available to them. Looking at example of some nations, such as Argentina and South Africa, the government uses funds from universal service funds to support ICT access for women and girls; Canada included a new Affordable Access program in its 2017 budget that works with service providers to provide affordable home Internet packages to low-income families who are interested (OECD, 2018b).

Michaela Jamelska regarding Ai and Gender Equality: So, while more women tend to enter computer science roles, their numbers radically drop over time because female workers lack support, face discrimination, or the glass ceiling phenomenon, which essentially makes them transfer into another field. To claim, we have concluded that the number of women entering the technology field is just not enough. While this is not to say that women who enter the engineering field must stay in it for 20 years, to optimize the numbers, we need to empower women who decide to change their careers later in life and grow their skills to receive new training in data science or computing to enter those fields in later years. Unfortunately, many fields act as some sort of elitist and exclusive human capital, refusing to bring in and train people, so that we can create a more polyvalent society. Therefore, efforts to improve current education should come from all sides: individuals, stakeholders, government, and the private sector as well. Finally, there is no doubt that there are AI algorithms that reinforce gender biases, but also ones that uncover them. However, AI itself is not one to blame. It is only mirroring issues of our society, and the fundamental work and improvements are still to be done among us, humans.

Michaela Jamelska on the innovative 5G trial to boost business : WECA obtained £3million of government funding to test how the region can handle with all the benefits of 5G technology. Its ultra-reliability and low latency is expected to increase the connectivity level and impact on the public sector to try new ways of delivering services and explore new commercial opportunities. Ports are fundamental to the global economy, transporting up to 90% of the world’s goods. Drones-based technology is quickly becoming a regular tool in the ports and logistics industry. Unmanned Life, with its software for autonomous robotics, is unlocking the full potential of drones in Ports and will improve safety, reduce costs, and enhance process efficiency, making UK ports a reference in the world. The West of England Combined Authority (WECA) has secured over £3m from the Government to test how the country can seize the full benefits of 5G and help businesses harness the power of modern technology. WECA’s 5G Logistics project programme will develop 5G products and services to support operations at Bristol Port and Gravity Smart Campus and demonstrate a smart and dynamic port environment. The project will focus on security, traceability, and real-time tracking of goods within and across extendable virtual boundaries – and between public and private networks.

In the real world, our human rights include the right to life and liberty, freedom from slavery and torture, freedom of opinion and expression, the right to work and education, and many more. Everyone is entitled to these rights, without discrimination. (Source UN) One of the differences, however, one may argue, is that when you are tortured in real life, it is not quite the same as your avatar being tortured in virtual reality. Therefore, what would be a responsibility for such an action in the virtual world? Right now, the punishments for abuses in the virtual world are still limited. But if avatars are extensions of our own identity in the virtual world as they are meant to be, it would mean that our avatars should be protected from tortures of other avatars, they must not be discriminated, they should be allowed to express their opinions among other rights. Similarly, abusers should be held accountable for their actions. There is not, yet, a full framework developed to grant us all rights and impose punishments for such actions. Large corporations are often criticized for caring mainly about engagement rates and users spending the time on their platform. However, even those large corporations are created by humans who have human rights and hopefully together with the public they push forward for the need to create a framework which will safeguard our avatar – human rights. Finally, a metaverse is just a tool, and we are all equally responsible for building a human rights centric future.

This past week our team has been everywhere at once from Down Under to Europe. We have been asked to attend high-profile events to showcase our technology, and this speaks to the value of our software, innovation and capacity to execute globally. We enable industries to be fully autonomous through our one of a kind AI for Autonomy-as-a-Service software Platform. It is the uniqueness of our technology that interests companies like Telefonica, Deutsche Telekom, Sprint, Accenture and Governments in the USA, EU, Singapore and South Korea amongst others to look to us for help with important sectors like 4G / 5G Telco-enabled services, Supply Chain / Logistics, Public Safety, Transport and Infrastructure. We are also focused on expanding in Asia, which is why in the past seven days we’ve had numerous business missions with strategic partners and customers and very high-level meetings in Singapore, Australia and with the South Korean Government, which are all vital to our continuing traction.

Michaela Jamelska regarding the future of Air Mobility in Europe: “GOF 2.0 Integrated Urban Airspace Validation” European project with a consortium of 13 scientific and commercial partners from the drone and aviation industry under the umbrella of SESAR Joint Undertaking. After the first successful phase one in 2019, SESAR GOF U-space has proven that combining expertise and technology can ensure safe flight operations in all types of airspace. Consequently, GOF 2.0 mission is a promising step further for an integrated European urban airspace. Providing the power of its Autonomy-as-a-Service platform, that acts as a system of systems, enabling the decision-making and collaboration of digital information in an accurate, qualitative, relevant and time-precise way.

Virtuality could offer us a world with fewer major social issues such as inequality and discrimination, among others. One might argue that this is a naive idea since in the simple online world we currently inhabit, we have so much hate speech, cyberbullying, and fraud. Indeed, even in Hobbes’s philosophy, humans are like machines that pursue their own self-interests mechanically. Confucius and Mencius thought that human nature is essentially good, while Hsün Tzu considered it essentially evil. John Locke, on the other hand, described the human mind as a ‘tabula rasa’ (blank slate). While no universal truth exists about what our human nature is and how it will be replicated into new worlds which are about to be created, I bet most people would like to live in a world of less pain and more possibilities to realize their potential. If society rejects changing what is currently slowing us, we will experience no growth or progress.